Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 20/1998


František Hindák & Alica Hindáková:
Druhové zloženie fytoplanktónu dvoch vodných nádrží pri Mochovciach pdf
Species composition of the phytoplankton of two water reservoirs near Mochovce

Species composition of the phytoplankton of 2 water reservoirs near Mochovce, W Slovakia, is reported. The one between the villages Čifáry and Mochovce is a fertilized fishpond, the second one in the suburb of Vráble is a water reservoir. From 1995-1997, 107 genera with 285 species and infraspecific taxa were determined from the fishpond, 264 species with infraspecific taxa from the water reservoir. 19 taxa, marked with asterisk (2 Xanthophyceae, 9 Bacillariophyceae, 1 Cryptophyceae, 7 Chlorophyceae) are new to the Slovak Republic.

František Hindák, Alica Hindáková, Jarmila Makovinská & Lívia Tóthová
Druhové zloženie a biomasa fytoplanktónu vieky Váh pdf
Phytoplankton species composition and biomass of the Váh river

Analyses of the chlorophyll-a content of the phytoplankton of the Váh river, started in 1989. Species composition and phytoplankton biomass were studied three years later in 1992. 139 genera with 383 species and 36 varieties and formas were identified, 18 taxa (2 Cyanophyceae, 2 Chrysophyceae, 11 Bacillariophyceae, 3 Euglenophyceae) are new for the algal flora of the Slovak Republic. The phytoplankton density values at the tributary at Komárno ranged from 50 to 97,000 cells per mL in 1992-1997. At the same sampling point the chlorophyll-a content varied between 1.5 to130 mg.m-3 during the period of 1989-1997.

Erika Bučková
Mikroskopické huby v pôdach vŕbového lužného lesa v okolí Gabčíkova pdf
Microfungi in a willow-floodplain forest soil in the vicinity of Gabčíkovo

Occurrence of soil micromycetes was investigated at four localities in Salicetum floodplain forests in the vicinity of Gabčíkovo. Twenty-three genera of fungi were determined from Eutric Fluvisol Je (FAO). The most freqent genera are: Penicillium, Trichoderma and Aspergillus. The distribution of Zygorhynchus, Mortierella, Cunninghamella, Scopulariopsis and Fusarium is scattered.

Peter Paulech
Rod Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales na Slovensku pdf
The genus Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales) in Slovakia)

This contribution gives the review of obtained results of mycofloristic research of phytopathogenous micromycetes of the genus Anthracoidea Brefeld occurring in Slovakia. Occurrence of 19 species of the genus parasitising on 22 species of the genus Carex L. was detected in investigated territory. Description of the genus and comparison of obtained species spectrum in Slovakia with that known in Carpathian territory is given. This contribution obtains also the short review of results of mentioned genus research in Slovakia, as well as results of taxonomical and nomenclaturical revision of older datas and herbarium items coming from our territory, up to now.

Kamila Bacigálová
Fytopatogénne mikromycéty radov Protomycetales a Taphrinales v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Rozsutec a blízkom okolí pdf
Phytopathogenous fungi Protomycetales and Taphrinales in the National Nature Reserve Rozsutec and its vicinity

The actual diversity of rare species phytopathogenous fungi Protomycetales and Taphrinales of Slovak mycoflora has been studied in the National Nature Reserve Rozsutec and its vicinity.

Ivona Kautmanová
Microstoma protracta, Urnula craterium a Helvella spadicea, tri zriedkavé druhy diskomycét (Discomycetes, Pezizales) na Devínskej Kobyle pdf
Microstoma protracta, Urnula craterium and Helvella spadicea, three rare species of Discomycetes (Discomycetes, Pezizales) in Devínska Kobyla.

Three rare species of Discomycetes were found in Devínska Kobyla at Bratislava. Microstoma protracta and Urnula crateriun were found first time in 1995 and have been found every next year on the same site. The most valuable is the discovery of Helvella spadicea, critically endangered species, included in the red list of Slovak mycoflora. This species was found in Devínska Kobyla only in 1997 and 1998. Further investigation of its distribution is recommended.

Eva Lisická
Nové lichenizované a lichenikolné huby Tatranského národného parku pdf
New lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Tatra National Park

12 lichen-forming and 4 lichenicolous fungi are reported from Tatra National (northern Slovakia) for the first time. 8 of them (marked with an asterisk) - Anzina carneonivea var. tetraspora, Carbonea atronivea, Catapyrenium pilosellum, Opegrapha pulvinata, Peltigera elisabethae, Phaesporobolus alpinus, Rinodina castanomelodes and Thelocarpon lichenicola are new to Slovakia.

Ivan Pišút & Anna Guttová
Lichenoflóra Národnej prírodnej rezervácie Rozsutec (Malá Fatra) po dvadsiatich piatich pdf
Lichen flora of the National Nature Reserve Rozsutec (the Malá Fatra Mts) twenty five years later

In the years of 1996-1997 the investigation of lichen flora in the National Nature Reserve Rozsutec (the Malá Fatra Mts) was carried out, 25 years later. Data from neighbouring villages Štefanová and Zázrivá are also included. The taxa recorded in the territory for the first time are marked with an asterisk.

Anna Guttová, Viera Orthová
Lichenologické zaujímavosti zo Slovenského raja pdf
Lichenological rarities from the Slovenský raj Mts

The National Park the Slovenský raj (NE Slovakia) shelters several significant lichenized fungi. New localities of 8 of them are reported here: Parmeliella triptophylla, Evernia mesomorpha, Gyalecta ulmi, Lecanora albella, Lobaria pulmonaria, Menegazzia terebrata, Nephroma bellum, Thelotrema lepadinum. P. triptophylla having been considered, was revealed again.

Vladimír Migra & Rudolf Šoltés
Glaciálny relikt Meesia triquetra (Bryophyta) na Kubínskej holi (Oravská Magura) pdf
Glacial relic Meesia triquetra (Bryophyta) on the Mt. Kubínska hoľa (Oravská Magura Mts)

During the bryological trip up to Kubínska hoľa Mt. on June 17, 1997 the authors found moss Meesia triquetra, the glacial relic species. Distribution of the species in Slovakia is discussed.

Katarína Janovicová
Machorasty (Bryophyta) Borinského krasu (Malé Karpaty) pdf
Bryophytes (Bryophyta) of the Borinský kras Karst (Malé Karpaty Mts)

Data on distribution of bryophytes in the Borinský kras Karst (Malé Karpaty Mts) are presented. Bryogeografical notes on some rare and threatened species are included. The most interesting taxa for the region are: Cololejeunea rossetiana (R), Scapania aequiloba, Anomodon rugelii (I), Anomodon rostratus (I), Buxbaumia aphylla (I), Eucladium verticillatum (I), Eurhynchium flotowianum (R), Isothecium striatulum (I), Leptobryum pyriforme, Neckera pennata (V), Orthotrichum lyellii (V), Tortula papillosa (V).

Katarína Janovicová
Bryoflóra cintorína pri Kozej bráne v Bratislave (Slovensko) pdf
Bryoflora of the cemetary „Kozia brána“ in Bratislava (Slovakia)

The contribution presents the results of the bryofloristic, bryogeografical and preliminary ecological study of one of the oldest cemeteries in Bratislava. The 34 taxa of bryophytes where found. Fissidens gracilifolius was recorded for the first time in the territory of Bratislava. Notes on the threat of some rare species are included.

Pavol Mártonfi
Tabuľkový kľúč, taxonomické a nomenklatorické poznámky k rodu Thymus L. v karpatsko-panónskej oblasti. pdf
Table key, taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genus Thymus L. in the Carpathians and Pannonia.

Table key with taxonomic and nomenclatoric notes for the genus Thymus in the Carpathians and Pannonia are presented.

Tibor Králik
Zaujímavá nová lokalita divozela úhľadného (Verbascum speciosum Schrad.) v Malých Karpatoch pdf
(An interesting new lokality of Verbascum speciosum Schrad. in the Malé Karpaty Mts)

A new locality of secondary character of Verbascum speciosum, endangered species of the flora of Slovakia, was found in beech forests of the main ridge of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Two new hybrids of the genus Verbascum - Verbascum ´ duernsteinense Teyber (Verbascum speciosus ´ V. thapsus) and Verbascum ´ schottianum Schrad. (Verbascum austriacum ´ V. speciosum) for the flora of Slovakia are reported from the same locality.

Judita Kochjarová
Poznámky k rozšíreniu, cenológii a ohrozenosti populácií zástupcov rodu Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb. na Slovensku II. T. longifolia subsp. moravica v Západných Karpatoch. pdf
Notes on the distribution, cenology and threat of the populations of the taxa from the genus Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb. in Slovakia II. T. longifolia subsp. moravica in the West Carpathians.

New or additional data to the recent distribution, abundance, cenology and threat of the populations of Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica Holub in the West Carpathians are presented. The proposals of population management are given.

Pavol Mereďa jun.
Poznámky k rozšíreniu druhu Epipactis komoricensis Mereďa (E. leptochila agg.) na Slovensku pdf
Notes on distribution of the species Epipactis komoricensis Mereďa (E. leptochila agg.) in Slovakia

Topical knowledge of the distribution of Epipactis komoricensis Mereďa (E. leptochila agg.) in Slovakia is presented. The recently described species, was found during the years 1991-1997 in 5 phytogeographical districts and subdistricts of Slovakia, in cca 25 localities, the list of which is given. Morphological characters of the species are also illustrated.

Ondrej Ťavoda & Patrik Mráz
Lunaria rediviva L. (mesačnica trváca) na Slovensku pdf
Lunaria rediviva L. in Slovakia

The list of localities and distribution map of Lunaria rediviva L. in Slovakia is given. L. rediviva is very widespread in the Western and Slovakian Eastern Carpathians. Its occurrence is centred to the montane belt of the moutain ranges (maximum altitude of occurrence - 1500 m a.s.l., minimum - 200 m a.s.l.). The taxon is very rare in the region of Pannonian flora.

Viera Feráková & Vlasta Onderíková
Lemna minuta Kunth, nový adventívny hydrofyt vo flóre Slovenska pdf
Lemna minuta Kunth, a new adventive hydrophyte in the flora of Slovakia

The first record for of the adventive hydrophyte of American origin Lemna minuta Kunth for Slovakia, having been already reported from several European countries, is published and shortly commented.

Ján Ripka
K výskytu Catabrosa aquatica Beauv. a Cyperus fuscus L. v okrese Topoľčany pdf
On the occurence of Catabrosa aquatica Beauv. and Cyperus fuscus L. in the district of Topoľčany

The article discusses on occurence of Catabrosa aquatica Beauv. and Cyperus fuscus L. in the district of Topoľčany found by reservoirs near villages Horné Štitáre and Bodok.

Zuzana Ohrádková
Nová lokalita druhu Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. na Slovensku pdf
New locality of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. in Slovakia

Apium repens belongs to infrequent and endangered higher plants of Europe. Its new locality is situated not far from the village Dobrohošť in the Danube region.

Zuzana Ohrádková
Poznámky k rozšíreniu a ekológii druhu Elodea nuttallii (Planchon) St. John v ramennej sústave Dunaja pdf
Notes on the distribution and ecology of Elodea nuttallii (Planchon) St. John in the branch system of the river Danube

The neophyte Elodea nuttallii was registered in Slovakia in 1992 for the first time. The article points at its rapid increase in the river Danube and presents the new localities.

Helena Oťaheľová
K aktuálnemu výskytu Groenlandia densa (L.) Fourr. na Slovensku pdf
Remarks on the recent occurrence of Groenlandia densa (L.) Fourr. in Slovakia

New locality of Groenlandia densa: infiltration canal of the Hrušov water reservoir (Hydroelectric power structure on the Danube) is presented. The species was in danger of extinction in Slovakia, because the habitat on its last locality near Gabčíkovo village was drained.

Richard Hrivnák
Poznámky k výskytu niektorých vodných makrofytov na strednom Slovensku pdf
Notes on the occurence of selected aquatic plants in Central Slovakia

Data on the occurrence of 29 aquatic plants from Central Slovakia are presented. 14 taxa belong to different degrees of threat in Slovakia. Notes on 2 fytocenological releves (communities Ceratophylletum submersi and Ricciocarpetum natantis) are also given.

Patrik Mráz
Epilobium alsinifolium Lam. vo Volovských vrchoch pdf
Epilobium alsinifolium Lam. in the Volovské vrchy Mts

Epilobium alsinifolium is reported as a new species for the Volovské vrchy Mts. It occurs in the group of Mt. Hekerová (1260 m a.s.l.) on two closely related localities in very low altitude (1100 - 1200 m a.s.l.) in the community Brachythecio rivularis - Cardaminetum opicii. The most isolated localities in the West Carpathians represent also the southern and eastern boundary of its occurence in the West Carpathians. The origin of the localities is discussed. The presence of other interesting taxa is emphasized. Protection of the region of Mt. Hekerová as a natural reserve is proposed.

Dano Dítě
Ophrys apifera Huds. na severnom Slovensku pdf
Ophrys apifera Huds. in Northern Slovakia

A new locality of Ophrys apifera Huds. was found, which is the northern limit of its distribution in Slovakia. The steps for conservation of the locality were undertaken.

Juraj Hajdúk
Nová lokalita druhu Waldsteinia ternata subsp. magicii Májovský v Slovenskom rudohorí pdf
New locality of Waldsteinia ternata subsp. magicii Májovský in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts

New locality of rare and endangered taxon Waldsteinia ternata subsp. magicii Májovský was recorded in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts near the village Henckovce. It grows on the foot of the slope near the border of planted spruce-grove (alt. 350 m) with several mountain species. The danger for this rare terciary relict is emmission source in Nižná Slaná, only 2 km from the locality.

Vlastimil Mikoláš
Výskyt druhu Geum aleppicum Jacq. (Rosaceae) v Košicích na východním Slovensku pdf
The occurrence of the species Geum aleppicum Jacq. (Rosaceae) in the city of Košice (E Slovakia)

The paper deals with finding of Geum aleppicum in Košice (E Slovakia). The species was found on the Hlinkova Street in 1990 - 1994 in a number of microlocalities. In 1995 the species was found also on the Obrancov mieru Street that is parallel with the previous one. In all microlocalities 37 tufts of the species were found. Localities represent the lowest ground elevation in Slovakia (ca 210 m a.s.). At all the localities the species occures together with G. urbanum L. Hybrids between them were not discovered. Other recent localities from the adjacent territory is disscussed.

Vlk Valenta
Je smyrnium prerastenolisté (Smyrnium perfoliatum L.) na južných výbežkoch Malých Karpát ohrozeným druhom? pdf
Is Smyrnium perfoliatum L. an endangered species on the southern spurs of the Malé Karpaty Mts?

Smyrnium perfoliatum L. has been spreading in the past 50 years from the centre of its distribution area at the top of Mt Devínska Kobyla mainly eastwards to new sites in woods, but also to previously unrecorded habitats, e. g. abandoned orchards.

Libuše Paclová & Eva Lisická
Flóra a vegetácia Vežičky v Sedle nad Červeným žľabom vo Vysokých Tatrách pdf
Flora and vegetation of the locality "Vežička v Sedle nad Červeným žľabom" (Vysoké Tatry Mts)

40 species of higher plants, 48 species (55 taxa) of lichens and the associations Silenetum noricae and Oxyrio digynae – Saxifragetum carpaticae are reported from a small mylonite tower, alt. 2324- -2329 m a. s. l.

Roman Letz
Poznámky k výskytu niektorých zriedkavých druhov flóry Bratislavy II pdf
Notes on occurence of several rare species in the flora of Bratislava II

New or confirmed localities of nine rare or threatened species in Bratislava - Luzula pilosa, Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Thesium dollineri, Tithymalus lucidus, T. palustris, Valeriana dioica, Veronica montana, V. triloba - are reported. Contemporary and degree of threat in Bratislava are considered. Several rare species occurring at the localities are mentioned as well.

Anna Dobošová
Príspevok k rozšíreniu niektorých zaujímavých a ohrozených druhov flóry Kysúc a Javorníkov pdf
Contribution to the distribution of selected endangered and interesting species of Kysuce region and the Javorníky Mts (NW Slovakia)

The floristic reseach was carried out in the territory of the Landscape Protected Area Kysuce in 1994. Distribution of 25 rare and endangered species is presented.

Silvia Vačková
Floristické pomery hornej časti povodia potoka Pružinka (Strážovské vrchy) pdf
Floristic situation of he upper part of the Pružinka brook basin (Strážovské vrchy Mts)

The results of the floristic investigation of the upper part of the Pružinka brook basin in the vicinity of Priedhorie and Tŕstie villages (Strážovské vrchy Mountains) in 1995-1996 are presented. 414 taxa of vascular plants were recorded, 30 of them are threatened.

Ján Kliment
Niekoľko zaujímavejších floristických nálezov v Drienčanskom krase pdf
Interesting floristic findings in the Drienčanský kras karst

Both new and recently confirmed earlier findings of selected rare and threatened vascular plants from Drienčanský kras karst (Revúcka vrchovina Mts, southern Slovakia) are reported.

Ján Kliment
Porasty asociácie Senecioni fuchsii-Calamagrostietum arundinaceae (Sillinger 1933) Hadač in Mucina et Maglocký 1985 vo Veľkej Fatre pdf
Phytocoenoses of the association Senecioni fuchsii-Calamagrostietum arundinaceae (Sillinger 1933) Hadač in Mucina et Maglocký 1985 in the Veľká Fatra Mts

This author contributes to the knowledge of variability within the association Senecioni fuchsii-Calamagrostietum arundinaceae in Veľká Fatra Mts. From the territory of Slovakia only 2 relevés (Sillinger, 1933; Bernátová, 1986) have been published so far.

Viera Banásová, Anna Danáková & Ivan Križáni
Zvláštnosti vegetácie nad rudnou žilou Terézia v Banskej Štiavnici pdf
Specifity of vegetation on the ore body Terézia in the Banská Štiavnica region

Excessive concentrations of heavy metals in soils due to the presence of undisturbed ore bodies near the surface were the results of natural mineralization in some places in the Banská Štiavnica region. Islets of low and open stand occure in Arrhenatheretum elatioris-grassland. The vegetation near the ore body is characterized by prevalence of Deschampsia flexuosa, or Festuca rubra, or Rumex acetosella. Populations of Arrhentherum elatius declined.

Anna Kubinská & Ivan Pišút
Nové slovenské mená lišajníkov a machorastov pdf
New Slovak vernacular names of lichens and mosses

New Slovak vernacular names of 49 lichens, 28 liverworts and 111 mosses are presented.

Ivan Pišút
Zabudnutý štiavnický rodák, prírodovedec Andrej Wolny (1759 - 1827) pdf
Andrej Wolny (1759 - 1827) - forgotten naturalist from Banská Štiavnica

A short information on forgotten naturalist and botanist Andrej Wolny (whose herbaria are deposited in Hungarian National Museum at Budapest ) is given.