Bulletin SBS, ročník 21/1999
Species composition of the phytoplankton and phytobenthos of the gravel-pit lake Štrkovec in Bratislava, W Slovakia, was studied in 1998. Altogether 23 species and infraspecific taxa of prokaryotic Cyanobacteria and 281 taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were determined. 7 species (marked with an asterisk in the list) are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic – Johanesbabtistia pellucida, Asterocystis smaragdina, Navicula pseudanglica, Navicula pseudolanceolata, Nitzschia gessneri, Nitzschia incognita, Coccomonas eberi. Planktic cyanobacterial water blooms were formed mainly by Snowella litoralis and by species of the genus Microcystis (M. aeruginosa, M. flos-aquae, M. viridis), benthic water bloom (Oscillatorietum) mainly by Oscillatoria limosa and O. princeps.
During investigations of species composition of phytoplankton of the Hron river (Slovakia), from 1992 to 1998, 138 genera, 424 species, 1 subspecies, 22 non-type varieties and 3 forms belonging to Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria and different groups of microscopic algae were determined. First records for the algal flora of the Slovak Republic are (marked with an asterisk in the list): Anabaenopsis milleri (Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria), Chantransia chalybaea (Rhodophyta), Cyclotella fottii, Achnanthes rosenstockii, Navicula porifera var. opportuna, Pinnularia borealis var. rectangularis, (Bacillariophyceae), Ceratium furcoides (Dinophyceae), Menoidium curvatum (Euglenophyceae), Pteromonas limnetica (Volvocales) and Schroederia indica (Chlorococcales). During the investigation period the abundance of the phytoplankton in the confluence of the Hron river decreased rapidly. The abundance varied in the range of 40–70 000 cells per 1 ml. In 1990–1998 the chlorophyll-a concentrations oscillated from 0.5 mg.m to 129.0 mg.m. Time series show decreasing trend in the period of 1990–1996, while concentration of chlorophyll-a increased in the last two years.
In 1996–1997 occurrence of microscopic soil fungi in the depositories of sculptures and paintings (canvases and frames) at the Slovak National Museum (SNM), Martin, was studied. For the cultivation of the fungi the following media were used: Czapek-Dox, Sabouraud, malt-extract and DG 18. Microscopic fungi of the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Cephalosporium, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Paecilomyces, Trichoderma, Cephalosporium, Verticillium and Scopulariopsis were isolated by sediment plate method and wipping off from the surface with steril cotton plugs. The representants of the genus Aspergillus were the most frequent on the wooden sculptures, those of the genera Penicillium, Cladosporium, Aureobasidium and Trichoderma were less abundant. The species of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Chaetomium and Aureobasidium dominated on the paintings.
New localities of rare or overlooked Peltigera species – P. degenii, P. elisabethae, P. kristinssonii, P. membranacea, P. monticola, P. neckeri and P. neopolydactyla are recorded for Tatra National Park (the Západné Tatry Mts, the Vysoké Tatry Mts and the Belianske Tatry Mts). P. kristinssonii is new for Slovakia, P. monticola and P. neckeri are new for Tatra National Park. Secondary lichen products of P. elisabethae and P. neopolydactyla, identified by thin-layer chromatography (carried out by O. Vitikainen & R. Dětinský), are presented.
Cladonia rei, not very common lichen species in Slovakia, was found in the vicinity of copper smelters at Krompachy, growing on bare acid soil, amongst the moss Ceratodon purpureus, in habitats strongly affected by airborne heavy metals and SO2. All vascular plants, except for a few hardly surviving species of severely damaged shrubs and trees, have disappeared from these habitats. The lichen was very abundant, showing apparently a high tolerance towards the pollution.
The moss Schistostega pennata belongs to the endangered species of Slovak bryoflora. The paper presents its occurrence in Slovakia, notes on ecology, cenology and threat.
Information on the occurrence of Agrimonia procera Wallr. in SW Slovakia (the Hronská pahorkatina Hills) is given. Second locality on the territory of Slovakia is presented.
Data on the occurrence of Mimulus guttatus DC. in Slovakia are given. There is some uncertainty about the oldest place of occurrence of the species in Slovakia, as the two oldest records, namely from 1881 from the vicinity of the town of Kremnica (the Kremnické vrchy Mts) and that of 1884 from nearby the town of Hnilec are unclear. The first reliable record dates back to 1885 when the species was collected nearby Kremnica. The presented data complete the account of localities of the species published in a recent volume of the Flora of Slovakia (“Flóra Slovenska V/2”).
A new locality of Scandix pecten-veneris was found. This species was thought to be probably extinct in Slovakia since 1992. The locality is situated in W Slovakia, near Bošáca in the Biele Karpaty Mts.
Critical evaluation of chorological data of the endangered species Erysimum crepidifolium in Slovakia is presented. The actual distribution in the neighbouring European countries is summarized. The uncertain records of the species in the West Carpathian and Pannonian territory are specified. The map of distribution in Slovakia is given.
Reports on the 44 taxa of vascular plants from the phytogeographic district Devínska Kobyla (SW Slovakia) were updated, amended or supplemented. The occurrence of Aira caryophyllea, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Koeleria glauca and Ventenata dubia was confirmed in 1998 after a lapse of several decades.
New localities and older data of some interesting taxa of the flora (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta) of Slovakia in Bratislava-Lamač are presented e. g. Allium carinatum, Dianthus collinus supbsp. collinus, Dichodon viscidum, Herniaria hirsuta, Jasione montana, Myosurus minimus, Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. bohemica. The studied area belongs to the territory of Malé Karpaty Mts and represents an important source of diversity of the flora of Bratislava.
The first record of Juncus dudleyi Wieg. in Slovakia is presented. The species was found at one locality in Slovakia so far, in the region of Podunajská nížina lowlands. This paper refers to the notice about the diferences from similar J. tenuis Wild. Karyological analysis of the studied individuals of J. dudleyi showed the chromosome number 2n=ca 80.
New locality was found near Kysak village and with regard to unsure reference of Hrabětová-Uhrová (1953) it is confirmation of the old Šmarda´s information. The species grows on dolomitic hills with xerotermous forest-steppe coenoses and Festuca - Brometea communities. The plants were found in 9 groups (8 of them were sociologically analysed), in number ca. 35 plants, however, probably only ca. 20 genets. The species is very threatened here due to possible extinction caused by environmental fluctuations and inbreeding depression in population.
During revision of the distribution of Genistella sagittalis in the West and East Carpathians interesting data about its occurrence in broader vicinity of Bratislava were found. The first locality is situated on the right bank of the Danube river near Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary), only 30 km from the center of Bratislava. The herbarium specimens collected in 1924 by J. Černý from the village Kuchyňa (SW Slovakia) give the first concrete data about its occurrence in Slovakia. The author of the contribution considers about mention species as allochtoneous for Slovak flora.
Allium paniculatum L. belongs among the rare and critically endangered species of the flora of Slovakia. The northern boundary of the distribution area of the species passes through Slovakia. Up to now it was known only from the Podunajská nížina lowland. Present study enabled to extend and update the knowledge of the distribution. It was found at five localities in the Podunajská nížina lowland, at one locality in the Burda Mts and at one locality near the village Hostišovce. Recently the occurrence of A. paniculatum in Slovakia was confirmed only at two localities: the first one in the Podunajská nížina lowland on the hill Kurta near the village Svätý Peter and the second one on the hill Veľká Lysá near the village Hostišovce; this is the northernmost known locality of the species in Slovakia.
Oak woods in Slovakia were drastically reduced during past years. Martinský les is a unique area in SW Slovakia with numerous oak species. Many synanthropic species have infiltrated here from surrounding fields and changed its original floristic composition. Thus occurrence of 41 archeophytes, 9 hemerophytes, 9 neophytes as well as of further 21 alien taxa of questionable categorisation, were recorded here. Mainly Ailanthus altissima, Amaranthus retroflexus, Conyza canadensis, Datura stramonium, Robinia pseudoacacia, Stenactis annua subsp. septentrionalis, Convolvulus arvensis, Descurainia sophia, Echinochloa crus-galli and Equisetum arvense are potentially dangerous.
Identification key to the 17 species of the genus Epipactis published from Slovakia is presented. Some species from the neighbouring countries which can be found in the territory of Slovakia (E. gracilis, E. nordeniorum and E. voethii) are also included in the key.
Important records of 41 vascular plants, 6 bryophytes and a lichen (Parmeliella triptophylla) from the area of the Bukovské vrchy and the Laborecká vrchovina Mts (NE Slovakia; Protected Landscape Area Východné Karpaty and National Park Poloniny, Magura and Dukla units of the Carpathian flysh range) are reported. Two species-rich phytosociological relevés of Anthoxantho-Agrostietum association are added. The species Carex chabertii, C. otrubae, Glyceria nemoralis, Calliergon giganteum and Philonotis calcarea are published from the area of the Bukovské vrchy Mts (National Park Poloniny) for the first time.
The article briefly characterizes and compares two communities of the alder groves – Alnetum incanae Lü di 1921 and Cardamino amarae-Alnetum incanae Šomšák 1961 from Ľubochnianska dolina Valley. Both the communities are sufficiently differentiated there.
A new association Festuco tatrae-Pinetum ass. nova of the alliance Pulsatillo slavicae-Pinion Fajmonová 1978 from the Western Carpathians – Nízke Tatry Mts, Chočské vrchy Mts, Malá Fatra Mts and Západné Tatry Mts, is described and its synmorphology, synecology, synchorology, syntaxonomy is given. In the framework of the variability of the association, a new subassociations – Festuco tatrae-Pinetum teucrietosum montani subass. nova from dolomites and Festuco tatrae-Pinetum laricetosum subass. nova from limestone, both with two thermovariants, are presented too.
Numerical classification of 25 relevés over Slovakia was the basis for separation of Helianthus tuberosus s. l. dominated stands into two communities: community with Heliathus tuberosus (Onopordetalia) and community with Helianthus tuberosus (Senecionion fluviatilis). Different floristic composition of the communities is a result of both habitat and ecological differences.
Running and standing water, river arms, oxbows and wet meadows along the Morava river represent a unique system of wetland habitats. The ecological conditions and frequency of plants were characterised within 25 representative wetland localities from the mouth (Devín) to the 80 rkm (Brodské). The area is included in the Ramsar list. A great number of endangered and rare plants are found here, such as Leucojum aestivum, Lindernia procumbens, Stratiotes aloides, Wolffia arrhiza.
21 phytosociological samples (relevés) of wet meadows (Calthion alliance; Cirsietum rivularis and Angelico-Cirsietum palustris associations), spring fens (Valeriano simplicifoliae-Caricetum flavae association) and peaty meadows (Caricion fuscae alliance; Caricetum goodenowii association and Carex rostrata community) from the flysh mountains of NE Slovakia (Protected Landscape Area Východné Karpaty and National Park Poloniny) are presented. These relevés and the relevés published by E. Hadač were subjected to PCA ordination. Some problems concerning syntaxonomical classification and succesion of these communities are discussed.
The report deals with the equivalents of the expressions “pattern” and “cell file” in the slovak scientific terminology.