Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 22/2000


Alica Hindáková & František Hindák:
Cyanobaktérie a riasy štrkoviskového jazera Kuchajda v Bratislave

Cyanobacteria and algae of the gravel-pit lake Kuchajda in Bratislava

Phytoplankton assemblages of the gravel-pit lake Kuchajda in Bratislava, W Slovakia, were studied from spring to autumn in 1999. Altogether 13 taxa of Cyanobacteria and 186 taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were determined. One species of Cyanobacteria (Microcystis botrys Teiling) and six taxa of Bacillariophyceae [Cyclotella praetermissa Lund, C. stelligeroides Hust., Melosira nummuloides (Dillwyn) C. Agardh, Amphipleura rutilans (Trentepohl) Cleve, Fragilaria construens f. subsalina (Hust.) Hust., Nitzschia angustatula (Lange-Bert) Hust.] are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic. Planktic cyanobacterial water bloom occurring from July to September was formed mainly by species of the genus Microcystis (M. aeruginosa, M. botrys, M. wesenbergii).

Miroslav Kapusta & Ľubomír Kováčik
Epilitická fykoflóra vybraných antropogénnych objektov mesta Bratislavy

Epilithic phycoflora on the selected antropogenic objects in Bratislava (Slovakia)

First data about epilithic cyanophytes/cyanobacteria and algae growing on altogether 46 antropogenic objects (sandstone, limestone, marble, travertine and vulcanic monuments and the building plaster) in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, are given. The algae were studied by means of cultures. A total of 43 taxa were identified, comprising 16 Cyanophyta, 5 Chromophyta and 22 Chlorophyta. Out of them, 14 taxa (marked in the list with an asterisk) are newly recorded from the territory of Slovakia.

Alexandra Šimonovičová & Silvia Benková
Výskyt druhu Beauveria bassiana (Bals. - Criv.) Vuill. (Deuteromycota) v pôdach lužných lesov v okolí Gabčíkova

Occurrence of a species Beauveria bassiana (Bals. - Criv.) Vuill. (Deuteromycota) in floodplain forest soils in the vinicity of Gabčíkovo

A species Beauveria bassiana (Bals. - Criv.) Vuill. (Deuteromycota) is not listed in the latest checklist of Slovak fungi, although it was isolated in 1971. Report on its occurrence in floodplain forest soils nearby Gabčíkovo (S Slovakia) is given, synonyms, macro- and micromorphological features of the species are presented.

Miroslava Gódyová
Merimbla ingelheimensis (T. H. Beyma) Pitt a Penicillium arenicola Chalab. (Deuteromycota) - nové druhy pôdnych mikromycét pre Slovensko

Merimbla ingelheimensis (T. H. Beyma) Pitt and Penicillium arenicola Chalab. (Deuteromycota) - new species of soil microfungi for Slovakia

Two species of soil microfungi new for Slovakia are presented. Merimbla ingelheimensis (T. H. Beyma) Pitt was isolated from an altar canvas in gothic church in Okoličné (N Slovakia) and Penicillium arenicola Chalab. was isolated from the stone monuments in Chatam Sofer Mausoleum in Bratislava. Both species systematicaly belong to Deuteromycota (Hyphomycetes, Moniliales). Macro- and micromorphological features of both the species are given.

Katarína Zlochová & Kamila Bacigálová
Mikromycéty čeľade Erysiphaceae v dolnej časti alúvia rieky Moravy

Micromycetes of the family Erysiphaceae in the low part of Morava Floodplain Area

Powdery mildews (Erysiphales) and their host plants were studied for the first time in the lower part of Morava river floodplain area southward from Vysoká pri Morave to the confluence of the Morava and Danube rivers from 1996 to 1998. This territory along the Slovak-Austrian border strictly protected for half a century was included among those under Ramsar Convention. It is a part of the Protected Landscape Area Záhorie and of Protected Area-to-be Devín alluvium of the river Morava. Despite extensive floods during two vegetation periods in June 1996 and July 1997 we found 10 species of the family Erysiphaceae belonging to 4 genera (Sphaerotheca, Erysiphe, Blumeria, Sawadaia) on 12 species of host plants, belonging to 12 genera and 9 families. There are the first datas from this area. Erysiphe orontii parasitising on Echinocystis lobata were recorded in Slovakia for the first time.

Katarína Janovicová & Katarína Kresáňová
Nové nálezy zriedkavých a  prehliadaných agrikolných machorastov (Bryophyta) na Slovensku

New findings of rare and overlooked agricolous bryophytes (Bryophyta) in Slovakia

Bryophytes occurring on arable fields and similar habitats, belongs to poorly known and overlooked species in Slovakia. During the field research realised in 1997-1999, several rare, threatened and under-recorded taxa were found, e. g. Anthoceros agrestis (V), Ephemerum serratum var. minutissimum (V), Enthostodon fascicularis (V), Fissidens exilis (V), Acaulon muticum (V), Ditrichum pusillum (R), Dicranella staphylina, Riccia cavernosa (V) and species of the Bryum erythrocarpum complex.

Silvia Kubalová
K aktuálnemu výskytu pečeňovky Riccia fluitans L. emend. Lorb. na Podunajskej nížine

On recent occurrence of a hepatic Riccia fluitans L. emend. Lorb. in Podunajská nížina Lowland

A new locality of Riccia fluitans in Podunajská nížina Lowland is presented. The species was found in an oxbow on monitoring plot near Čunovo reservoir where groundwater level increased and a major part of it was flooded since 1996.

Dana Bernátová & Ján Kliment
Carex approximata Bell. ex All. na Slovensku
pdf (Carex approximata Bell. ex All. in Slovakia

Morphology and ecology of closely related taxa Carex approximata Bell. ex All. and C. ericetorum Poll. Are compared. The distribution of the former in the territory of Slovakia is described in detail.

Jozef Somogyi
Rozšírenie druhov Allium cirrhosum Vand. a A. strictum Schrad. na Slovensku

Distribution of Allium cirrhosum Vand. and A. strictum Schrad. in Slovakia

Allium cirrhosum Vand. is documented for the territory of Slovakia by a single herbarium specimen from the vicinity of the settlement Podturec in the Veľká Fatra Mts, dating back to 1913. Recently its occurrence in Slovakia has not been confirmed. A. strictum Schrad. is known from a single locality near the village Primovce, not far from the town Poprad. This is the only locality in the whole Carpathians.

Eleonóra Michalková
Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br. (Brassicaceae) - pravdepodobne vyhynutý alebo prehliadaný druh flóry Slovenska?

Euclidium syriacum (L.) R. Br. (Brassicaceae) - probably extinct or overlooked species of the flora of Slovakia?

Study of chorological data of Euclidium syriacum confirmed that the species is overlooked and probably not extinct taxon in Slovakia. The oldest herbarium specimen was collected by Bolla in the vicinity of Svätý Jur in 1843, the most recent one in 1987 by Grulich in the vicinity of Tvrdoovce. Knowledge on actual distribution of this ruderal taxon in the West Carpathian and Pannonian region is necessary. The map of distribution in Slovakia is given.

Katarína Hegedüšová - Kučerová
Nová lokalita Carex pulicaris na Slovensku
pdf New locality of Carex pulicaris in Slovakia

Carex pulicaris, endangered and rare element of Slovak flora, was known from only a few localities scattered in Záhorská níina lowland (W Slovakia) and a remote site in E Slovakia. Its new locality, situated on the boundary of the Nízke Tatry Mts and Liptovská kotlina basin, in the village Partizánska źupča (Central Slovakia), is presented.

Anton Petrík
Draba ´sturii Strobel v Belianskych Tatrách

Draba ´sturii Strobel in the Belianske Tatry Mts

Draba ´sturii Strobel (D. fladnizensis ´ D. tomentosa) was found in the Belianske Tatry Mts. The hybrid of high mountain Draba species is reported from Slovakia for the first time.

Kornélia Goliašová
Vzácny a ohrozený druh Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. (Brassicaceae) na Slovensku

Rare and threatened species Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. (Brassicaceae) in Slovakia

The distribution of two rare and threatened subspecies Alyssum tortuosum Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd. subsp. tortuosum and A. tortuosum subsp. heterophyllum Nyár. in Slovakia is presented. The map of their occurrence is given.

Ondrej Ťavoda
Príspevok k rozšíreniu Bunias orientalis L. (roripovník východný) na Slovensku

Contribution to the occurrence of Bunias orientalis L. in Slovakia

Data on occurrence of the invasive taxon Bunias orientalis L. in Slovakia summarized. The map of the distribution is given.

Dana Bernátová, Ján Kliment & Ján Topercer ml.
Nové a overované nálezy niektorých vzácnych a miznúcich druhov cievnatých rastlín v Krivánskej a Lúčanskej Malej Fatre
pdf New and confirmed findings of some rare and vanishing vascular plant species in the Krivánska and Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts

The flora and vegetation of the Krivánska and Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts have been receiving continuous attention of researchers since the beginning of 19th century. We contribute this remarkable body of botanical evidence either by some new findings (viz Carex capillaris, C. atrata, Salix retusa, Blechnum spicant, Sorbus margittaiana, Tozzia carpathica and Epilobium nutans) or by attempt to confirm some earlier records. We have succeeded in case of Diphasiastrum alpinum, Vaccinium uliginosum and Empetrum nigrum, but failed in case of earlier data on Carex capillaris (probably misidentifications), Saxifraga androsacea, S. carpatica, S. oppositifolia and Oxycoccus palustris (the site probably destroyed during construction of telecommunication infrastructure).

Marián Perný & Pavol Mereďa
Príspevok k poznaniu vstavačovitých (Orchidaceae) Bielych Karpát (západné Slovensko)

Contribution to orchid flora (Orchidaceae) of the Biele Karpaty Mts (W Slovakia)

New or updated records of 30 species and 2 hybrids of Orchidaceae are reported from the Biele Karpaty Mts (W Slovakia) and the Bílé Karpaty Mts (E Czech republic). The species Epipactis placentina and the hybrids E. ×reinekei Bayer and E. helleborine × E. neglecta are published from the area of the Biele and Bílé Karpaty Mts for the first time. E. pseudopurpurata is published from the Biele Karpaty Mts for the first time. Three phytosociological relevés with presence of Orchidaceae are added.

Magdaléna Peniašteková
Druhy rodu Draba L. zo sekcie Aizopsis L. (D. aizoides L. a D. lasiocarpa Rochel) na Slovensku

The species of the genus Draba L. sect. Aizopsis L. (D. aizoides L. and D. lasiocarpa Rochel) in Slovakia

Detail comparison of two often confused species of Draba sect. Aizopsis L. viz D. aizoides L. and D. lasiocarpa Rochel in Slovakia is presented. Morphological differences, geographical circumscription and current distribution of these species in Slovakia (including infraspecific units within D. lasiocarpa) are given. Dealpine localities, where D. aizoides and D. lasiocarpa co-occur are discussed.

Judita Kochjarová
Niekoľko floristických údajov z juhozápadného okraja Veľkej Fatry

Some floristical data from the south-western part of the Veľká Fatra Mts

Some floristical data from the meadows in the vincinity of the village Čremošné (south-western part of the Vežká Fatra Mts) are given. During the investigations from 1995 to 1999 were registrated e. g.: Allium carinatum, Alyssum montanum s. str., Anemone sylvestris, Anthericum ramosum, Aster amelloides, Astrantia major, Betonica officinalis, Bromus monocladus, Buphtalmum salicifolium, Campanula glomerata agg., C. serrata, Carex humilis, Cirsium pannonicum, Crepis praemorsa, Galium glaucum, Geranium palustre, Gladiolus imbricatus, Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. montana, Inula ensifolia, Laserpitium latifolium, Lilium martagon, Linum tenuifolium, Listera ovata, Orchis mascula subsp. signifera, Orchis pallens, Pilosella cymosa, Polygala major, Primula acaulis, P. elatior, P. veris, P. ×brevistyla, P. ×digenea, Prunella laciniata, Pyrethrum clusii, P. corymbosum, Stachys recta, Tephroseris aurantiaca, Teucrium chamaedrys, Thesium linophyllon, Tithymalus tommasinianus, Traunsteinera globosa, Trifolium alpestre, Trollius altissimus, Trommsdorfia maculata, Veronica teucrium.

Stanislav Katina
Inventarizačný prieskum flóry Národnej prírodnej pamiatky Starohutský vodopád (Pohronský Inovec)

Inventory research of flora of the National monument Starohutský vodopád (Pohronský Inovec Mts)

Records of 185 vascular plants and 12 bryophytes from the National Nature Monument Starohutský vodopád (Pohronský Inovec Mts) are presented. The contribution reports also on results of pedological research.

Ivan Ondrášek & Vlk Valenta
Doplnky ku kvetene Devínskej Kobyly II
pdf Supplements to the flora of Devínska Kobyla II

Recent occurrence in the phytogeographic district Devínska Kobyla and adjacent territory (SW Slovakia) of 25 taxa of vascular plants is reported. New records for this area are Dichostylis micheliana, Lindernia procumbens, Veronica catenata and Vitis sylvestris. The finding of Colutea arborescens, Oenothera parviflora, Ophrys apifera, Papaver dubium subsp. confine and Trifolium retusum on new localities or after a lapse of several decades has to be pointed out.

Juraj Hajdúk & Ľuboš Halada
Zmeny denzity rastlín Jurinea mollis Rchb., Adonis vernalis L. a niektorých iných druhov na trvalej výskumnej ploche v PR Lupka v rokoch 1981-1999

Density changes of Jurinea mollis Rchb., Adonis vernalis L. and some other species in the permanent plot in the Nature Reserve Lupka in years 1981-1999

Changes in abundance of species Jurinea mollis, Adonis vernalis, Onosma visiannii, Orobanche gracilis, Eryngium campestre, Fraxinus ornus, Crataegus monogyna, and Rosa sp. were recorded in the Nature Reserve Lupka (Nitra, SW Slovakia) in the permanent plot 4´ 4 m during years 1981-85, 1989-90, 1997-99. Number of individuals of Jurinea mollis had decreased significantly in years 1981-84 and now oscillate around 18% of number in year 1981. The highest number of individuals of Adonis vernalis was recorded in 1983, than deep decrease followed and now it varies between 15 and 37% of the maximum from year 1983. Onosma visianii was rare and not recorded every year. Possible reasons of considerable decrease of Jurinea mollis and Adonis vernalis during monitoring period, e. g. ecosystem processes as succession reflecting in changes of community structure and competition ability of species or antropogenous factors (perhaps air pollution), are discussed. Climatic factors could be excluded.

Danica Černušáková
Lužné lesy v okolí Moravského Svätého Jána (juhozápadné Slovensko)

Floodplain forests in the vicinity of Moravský Svätý Ján (SW Slovakia)

Floodplain forests on lowland along the river Morava belonging to ass. Fraxino pannoniceae - Ulmetum Soó 1963 are discussed. Phytocoenological relevés from the 2-3 km wide area covering both sides of the road connecting Moravský Svätý Ján and the state border with Austria as well as species ?-diversity indices are presented. Further monitoring and total protection of the area is suggested.

Milan Valachovič & Michal Hájek
Poznámky k výskytu a cenológii dvoch druhov rodu Montia na Slovensku

Notes to the occurrence and coenology of two species of the genus Montia in Slovakia

The Montia species represent some of the most subatlantic elements in Slovak flora. In Central Europe they are very rare and only M. fontana agg. and M. arvensis were provable found in western part of Slovakia. The paper presents first published phytosociological relevés in Slovakia for both taxa and thus documents new information on ecology and coenology of the species on the edge of their areas in Europe.

Marica Zaliberová, Ivan Jarolímek, Viera Banásová, Helena Oťaheľová & Richard Hrivnák
Fytocenologická variabilita druhu Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. na Slovensku

Phytocoenological variability of Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. in Slovakia

Phytocoenological connections of the non-frequent species of Slovak flora Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. were analysed at 35 relevés from all Slovakia. Two coenological optima were distinguished: 1. Bidenti-Leersietum oryzoides Poli et J. Tx. 1960 (alliance Bidention tripartiti) and 2. Leersietum oryzoidis Eggler 1933 (alliance Glycerio-Sparganion). L. oryzoides has reached the highest constancy and dominance just in these associations. It occurs with lower abundance also in various communities of classes Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Isoëto-Nanojuncetea and Bidentetea tripartiti. Syntaxonomical position of ass. Leersietum oryzoidis Eggler 1933 is discussed. Ass. Bidenti-Leersietum Poli et J. Tx. 1960 is neotypified.

Lucia Chomová & Andrej Choma
Fragmenty Carici albae-Fagetum Moor 1952 vo Veporských vrchoch - Čiera (Slovenské rudohorie)

Fragments of the Carici albae-Fagetum Moor 1952 in the Veporské vrchy Mts - Čiera (Slovenské rudohorie Mts.)

Information on Carici albae-Fagetum Moor 1952 from the Veporské vrchy Mts is given. The association was not mentioned from the territory so far. Soil analysis were carried out and the results are presented. Rare taxa, Ophrys insectifera, Epipactis atrorubens, Cephalanthera rubra, C. damasonium, Listera ovata, Neottia nidus-avis, Pyrola chlorantha found at the reléves, are commented.

Miroslava Malovcová - Staníková
Mokraďová vegetácia Jasenáckeho a Husárskeho rybníka (Záhorska nížina)

Wetland vegetation of Jasenácky and Husársky ponds (Záhorská nížina lowland)

Phytosociological study of 2 ponds Jasenácky and Husársky rybník (Záhorská nížina lowland, SW Slovakia) was carried out in 1997. Following associations were found: Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris Soó 1947, Hottonietum palustris R. Tx. 1937, Phragmitetum vulgaris von Soó 1927, Caricetum acutiformis Eggler 1933. Degradation tendencies are apparent mainly on Husársky rybník pond.

Beata Šimurdová & Ladislav Šomšák
Asociácia Gladiolo imbricati - Agrostietum tenuis (Br.-Bl. 1930) Pawl . et Walas 1949 v Slovenskom rudohorí

Association Gladiolo imbricati - Agrostietum tenuis (Br.-Bl. 1930) Pawl . et Walas 1949 in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts

In the watershed of the river Hnilec in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts was recorded vegetation typ of the level of association of Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum tenuis. It is considered as a part of alliance Cynosurion.

Helena Ružičková
Vlhké lúky na hornom toku Čierneho Váhu

Wet meadows in the upper part of the river Čierny Váh

In the upper part of the river Čierny Váh in the National Park Nízke Tatry wet meadows belonging to the association Carici nigrae-Cirsietum rivularis pániková 1983 can be found. They are uncut for a longer time (15-20 years) thus the species Bistorta major have been increasing its dominancy. When these meadows were cut regularly these stands were not mentioned in adequate literature from this area.

Ivan Jarolímek
Asparago-Chondrilletum Passarge 1978 na Slovensku

Asparago-Chondrilletum Passarge 1978 in Slovakia

Rare thermophillous plant community Asparago-Chondrilletum is characterized from the aspect of its floristic composition, ecology, and distribution in Slovakia. Syntaxonomical problems reflecting in how to recognize it from similar community Diplotaxi-Agropyretum are discussed.

Richard Hrivnák
Caricetum melanostachyae Balázs 1943 a Caricetum buekii Hejný et Kopecký 1965 na strednom Slovensku

Caricetum melanostachyae Balázs 1943 and Caricetum buekii Hejný et Kopecký 1965 in Central Slovakia

Syntaxonomic and synecological characteristics of two plant communities of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea - Caricetum melanostachyae and Caricetum buekii are presented. Synchorology in Slovakia and neighbouring countries, syndynamics and threat of the above mentioned plant communities are discussed. Caricetum melanostachyae, rare marsh plant community in Slovakia, was recorded in the Východoslovenská níina lowland up to now. It is documented by seven phytosociological relevés from the Ipežská and Lučenská kotlina basins. Caricetum buekii was mentioned from the catchment of the Ipež river and the northern part of the Orava region. We investigated this community in six orographical regions in the southern part of Central Slovakia in 1997-1999. Caricetum buekii is documented by forty-two phytosociological relevés. Relatively small species diversity of the studied community is also demonstrated. Results of analyses of selected environmental factors are presented for Caricetum buekii at a single locality near Lieskovec village.

Ivan Pišút
Zabudnutý mikulášsky florista Dr. Ján Kristián Flittner
pdf Forgotten florist Ján Kristián Flittner from Liptovský Mikuláš

A head physician of the county Liptovská stolica in 1812-1846 Dr. J. K. Flittner was interested also in floristics. This is confirmed by his marginals (additions to distribution of 28 vascular plants in Northern Slovakia, among them the first finding of Andromeda polifolia) in his own item of Wahlenberg´s Flora Carpatorum.... These remarks, copied by V. Greschik, are deposited in the Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Dominik Roman Letz, OP
Flóra Bratislavy po dvoch storočiach od výjdenia Lumnitzerovho diela Flora Posoniensis

The flora of Bratislava two centuries after publication of Lumnitzer´s work Flora Posoniensis

Lumnitzer´s Flora Posoniensis (1791) was the first published complex flora of Bratislava containing up to 80% of recently known taxa of higher plants. In 544 cases Lumnitzer stated also concrete localities. This enabled comparison of the state of the flora of Bratislava in 18th century with the present one. A special attention was laid on taxa rare and endangered in Bratislava nowadays and data demonstrating different state of related localities in the past. A reconstruction of the historical state of biotopes was attempted in two localities on the southern spurs of the Malé Karpaty (Small Carpathians) Mts at the outskirts of the central part of the city: Mt. Kalvária (Calvary) and under Púčkove domy. Several interesting Lumnitzer´s data were nomenclatorically and topographically actualized and commented. Some taxa should be included in the red list of the flora of Bratislava.

Kamila Zahradníková, Oľga Erdelská, Kamila Bacigálová, František Hindák, Ivan Hrabovec, Peter Paulech, Ivan Pišút & Helena Šípošová
Slovensko-poľská spolupráca v botanike - spätný pohľad na prelome storočí

Slovak-Polish cooperation in botany- a retrospective look at past at the turn of centuries

The article gives a survey of Slovak-Polish contacts and cooperation in botany of the 20 th century.