Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 30, č. 1/2008


Mereďa ml., P.
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2007
Annual report of the Slovak Botanical Society for 2007
s. 3-9

Hindák, F. & Hindáková, A.
Diverzita cyanobaktérií a rias Národnej prírodnej rezervácie Číčovské mŕtve rameno (južné Slovensko) pdf
Diversity of cyanobacteria and algae of the National Nature Reserve Číčovské mŕtve rameno oxbow (Southern Slovakia)
s. 11–19

Abstract: Diversity of cyanobacteria and algae of the National Nature Reserve Číčovské mŕtve rameno (an oxbow of the Danube, Southern Slovakia) was studied in autumn 2007. Altogether 31 genera with 57 species of cyanobacteria and 148 genera with 330 species (incl. infrageneric taxa) of algae were recognized. These data are considerable higher in comparison with our data from this dead arm in summer 1998, when 16 genera with 20 species of cyanobacteria, and 109 genera with 120 species of algae were determined. Several taxa were recorded for the first time in the territory of Slovakia. From Cyanobacteria they are 5 species, i. e. Chroococcus aphanocapsoides Skuja ex Joosten, Cyanocatena imperfecta (Cronberg et Weibull) Joosten, Woronichinia obtusa Joosten, Anabaena echinospora Skuja and Gloeotrichia intermedia (Lemmerm.) Geitler. From algae they are 13 taxa, i. e. one chrysophyte species Stichogloea globosa Starmach, 4 diatoms (Cyclotella balatonis Pantocsek, Encyonopsis subminuta Krammer et Reichardt, Navicula subrotundata Hustedt, Surirella linearis var. constricta Grunow), one xanthophycean species Tetraplektron laevis (Bourrelly) H. Ettl, four taxa of chlorophytes [Pediastrum duplex Meyen var. rugulosum Raciborski, Scenedesmus polyglobulus Hortob., Apatococcus lobatus (Chodat) J. B. Petersen, Microthamnion strictissimum Rabenhorst], and three species of desmids [Cosmarium tumidum Lund., Onychonema filiforme (Ehrenb.) Roy et Biss., Spondylosium planum (Wolle) W. et G. S. West].

Keywords: cyanobacteria, algae, oxbows of large rivers, S Slovakia.

Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Cyanobaktérie a riasy štrkoviskového jazera Zlaté piesky v Bratislave pdf
Cyanobacteria and algae of the gravel pit lake Zlaté Piesky in Bratislava
s. 21–27

Abstract: Diversity of cyanobacteria and algae of the gravel pit lake Zlaté Piesky in Bratislava (Western Slovakia) is presented. Altogether 16 genera with 28 species of cyanobacteria and 92 gen-era with 241 species and infraspecific algal taxa were identified in 2007. Phototrophic microorganisms characteristic for other gravel pit lakes in Bratislava, such as cyanobacteria Cyanocatena planctonica, Cyanogranis ferruginea, C. libera, Radiocystis aphanothecoidea, Anabaena minderi, diatoms Cyclotella distinguenda, C. ocellata, C. quadrijuncta, Fragilaria brevistriata, F. construens, Navicula cryptotenella, N. oblonga, N. trivialis, Nitzschia dissipata, N. microcephala, N. recta, N. sigmoidea, or green algae Coelastrum polychordum, Oocystella rhomboidea, Tetrastrum komarekii were confirmed.

Keywords: cyanobacteria, algae, gravel pit lakes, W Slovakia.

Guttová, A.
K rozmanitosti lichenoflóry Národného parku Slovenský kras (južné Slovensko) pdf
Diversity of lichens in the National park Slovak karst (south Slovakia)
s. 29–39

Abstract: Current lichen-species composition of the National Nature Reserves Turniansky hradný vrch, Kečovské škrapy, Domické škrapy, Zádielska tiesňava (with adjacent parts of the plateau Zádielská planina and the cliffs Krkavčie skaly), cadaster of the villages Silická Brezová and Silica and National Nature Monument Silická ľadnica (National park Slovenský kras) was investigated in 2007. Alltogether, 118 species were identified, out of which 31 species were not registered in the Slovenský kras so far (e.g. Anema notarisii, A. tumidulum, Colema parvum, Lepraria lesdainii, Leptogium plicatile, Opegrapha vermicellifera or Psorotichia schaereri). Out of the rare taxa known from the other parts of the NP Slovenský kras the following species were not registered in the studied areas in 2007: critically endangered Cladonia magyarica, the occurrence of which is subjected to the level of abandonement of xerotherm biotopes, epiphytes Hyperphyscia adglutinata and Tuckneraria laureri, the species of light forests Anaptychia ciliaris, Ochrolechia pallescens and Parmelina quercina.

Keywords: lichenized fungi, diversity, Western Carpathians.

Šoltés, R. & Školek, J.
Helodium blandowii ( Bryophyta) na vyťaženom rašelinisku pri Poprade (Popradská kotlina) pdf
Helodium blandowii (Bryophyta) in the extracted fen near Poprad (Popradská kotlina Basin)
s. 41–44

Abstract: The paper describes the new locatity of the moss Helodium blandowii in the extracted mire near the town of Poprad. The species belongs to the group of glacial relic moss species. The Poprad basin is probably the distribution center of the moss in Slovakia. The phytocoenological relevé is enclosed.

Keywords: Helodium blandowii, bryophytes, phytocoenology, Popradská kotlina Basin, Slovakia.

Dítě, D., Staroň, M. & Kubandová, M.
Poznámky k recentnému výskytu všivca žezlovitého (Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum) na Slovensku pdf
Recently occurrence of Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum in Slovakia
s. 45–56

Abstract: The results of current distribution of Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L. in Slovakia are presented. Eight localities were confirmed during the years 2000–2007 but vital and abundant populations were found only at three of them. Main occurrence was centred to the stand of alliance Caricion davallianae, namely in Caricetum davallianae association. Low abundance was found in the communities of the alliance Sphagno warnstorfiani-Tomenthypnion. Historical distribution as well as ecological requirements of the species is given too.

Keywords: fen vegetation, ecological requirements, historical and current distribution, Slovakia.

Eliáš ml., P., Király, G. & Sádovský, M.
Potočnica lekárs ka (Nasturtium officinale) na Podunajskej nížine pdf
Water cress (Nasturtium officinale) at the Danube Lowland
s. 57–60

Abstract: Water cress (Nasturtium officinale) was found at the Danube Lowland in Slovakia for the first time. The species occurs in the village of Bodza on banks of the Holiare – Lipové canal. The population occupy ca 2 km of the canal length from the village of Holiare to confluence with the Lipovský canal. The vegetation belongs to plant communities from alliances Phragmition and Hydrocharition. The occurrence of water cress in Slovakia and neighbouring countries is discussed.

Keywords: Danube Lowland, Nasturtium officinale, Slovakia.

Kliment, J. & Bernátová, D.
Fytocenologické spektrum Poa carpatica subsp. supramontana pdf
Phytocoenological evaluation of Poa carpatica subsp. supramontana
s. 61–67

Abstract: The article brings phytocoenological evaluation of stands with recently described subspecies Poa carpatica subsp. supramontana. This taxon occupies exposed habitats (outcrops of marl limestone, steep choppy rocky walls) in supramontane to subalpine belt of the Western Carpathian Mountains (Veľká Fatra, Krivánska Malá Fatra, and Nízke Tatry). According to current knowledge this endemic subspecies occurs in plant communities on carbonate rocks and fissures (Asplenietea trichomanis: Potentillion caulescentis, Cystopteridion fragilis), in open communities dominated by Festuca versicolor (Elyno-Seslerietea: Astero alpini-Seslerienion calcariae , Caricion firmae), and in ecotone phytocoenoses dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus, closely connected to the alliance Vaccinion myrtilli (Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea).

Keywords: coenological amplitude, endemic, Poa supramontana, the Western Carpathians.

Šibíková, I., Šibík, J. & Jarolímek, I.
Asociácia Aconito firmi-Adenostyletum alliariae Domin 1930 v Krivánskej Fatre pdf
The Aconito firmi-Adenostyletum alliariae Domin 1930 in the Krivánska Fatra Mts
s. 69–88

Abstract: This contribution refers the results of phytocoenological research held in the Krivánska Fatra Mts in the years 2002–2005, focused on the Aconito firmi-Adenostyletum alliariae . For the first time, the phytocoenological relevés of this association are being published from the studied area. The short synmorphological, synecological and synchorological characteristics are given, respecting the regional traits. The literary review is discussed, as well.

Keywords: Krivánska Fatra Mts, subalpine belt, syntaxonomy, tall-forb communities.

Kliment, J., Feráková, V., Hodálová, I., Kochjarová, J., Marhold, K., Mártonfi, P. & Mereďa, P.
Slovenské odborné menoslovie cievnatých rastlín a jeho vzťah k vedeckej nomenklatúre (návrh zásad, pravidiel a odporúčaní pre revíziu a tvorbu slovenského botanického názvoslovia) pdf
Slovak national botanical nomenclature of vascular plants in relation to scientific nomenclature (proposal of principles, rules and recommendations for revision and creation of Slovak botanical nomenclature)
s. 89–116

Abstract: The article brings well argued suggestion of rules (principles and recommendations) for Slovak nomenclature of (vascular) plants supplemented by numerous examples. It methodically follows knowledge and experience of several generations of Slovak and Czech botanists and zoo-logists from Presl and Reuss, Bayer with colleagues, up to contemporary authors of nomenclature rules. Opinions of scientists, university teachers and nature conservationists on strong and weak spots of botanical nomenclature were also included by form of partial recommendations.

Keywords: vascular plants, botanical nomenclature, Slovak names of plants.

Dítě, D. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy

s. 117–124

Hrabovec, I. pdf
Výročia osobností v r. 2008, ktoré sa zaslúžili o poznanie flóry Slovenska
s. 125–126

P. Mereďa pdf
Nositelia Holubyho pamätnej medaily udelenej v roku 2007

s. 127–129

P. Štrba: pdf
Výskum biodiverzity rastlín a húb v diplomových a v záverečných prácach študentov Katedry botaniky a genetiky FPV Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre za obdobie rokov 2003–2007


Správy z konferencií: pdf

s. 132–133: Hindák, F. – Medzinárodné algologické sympózium: Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, 25.–29. 6. 2007

s. 133–135: Eliáš, P., st. – IX. konferencia populačnej biológie rastlín v Nitre pdf

s. 136–137: Eliáš, P., st. – Zborník o ohrozených burinách – Eliáš, P. (ed.). Threatened Weedy Plant Species. Book of Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference, Nitra, September 20-21, 2005. GENOTYP, Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra, 2007. 87 p. ISBN 978-80-8069-949-9.

Životné jubileá: pdf

s. 138–138: Lisická, E. & Dúbravcová, Z. – K životnému jubileu RNDr. Libuši Paclovej

Nekrológy a spomienky:

s. 140: Kozinka, V. – Spomienka na RNDr. Oľgu Leškovú-Štullerovú


s. 141-144: Navždy odišiel pán profesor ĽUDOVÍT PASTÝRIK (18. 8. 1911–20. 11. 2007)
s. 144-145: Prof. Dr. ROMANA CZAPIK (1929–2008) nás opustila
s. 145-146: Ruže ANDREJA KMEŤA pdf

Recenzie: pdf

s. 10 a 20: Mereďa, P., ml. – Urbanová, V. Botanika. Rastliny v zbierkach Považského múzea v Žiline. Žilina: Považské múzeum v Žiline, 2007. 306 p. ISBN 978-80-88877-46-2.

Recenzie: pdf

s. 28 a 40: Štrba, P. – David, S., Kalivoda, H., Kalivodová, E., Šteffek, J. et al. Xerotermné biotopy Slovenska. Biosféra: Bratislava, 2007. 74 p. ISBN 978-80-968030-8-8.

Pokyny pre autorov
s. 147–148