Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 30, č. 2/2008


Bacigálová, K., Macová, E., Záletová, E. & Wołczańska, A.
Príspevok k poznaniu druhovej diverzity rodu Ramularia na Slovensku pdf
Contribution to the diversity of Ramularia species in Slovakia
s. 153–167

Abstract: The Ramularia species represent a large group among pathogenic Hyphomycetes. Anamorphic stages parasite on host plants and fungi and the known teleomorphs belong to Mycosphaerella genus, occurring on died plant leaves. In Slovakia 75 species of the genus Ramularia have been collected; one species on rust fungus, one on Pteridophyta and the remaining ones on angiosperms (on 168 species belonging to 26 families). A large number of parasitic species are noted on the representatives of Asteraceae (12 species), Ranunculaceae (6), Boraginaceae (5), Rosaceae (5). The most common are R. geranii var. geranii, R. aplospora, R. grevilleana var. grevilleana, R. inaequale. Most of the known species occur very rarely. The best studied regions in Slovakia are biospheric reserve Tatra National Park (Vysoké Tatry Mts) and in the central part (Štiavnické vrchy Mts).

Keywords: anamorphic fungi, Hyphomycetes, Ramularia, distribution, Slovakia.

Petrášová, A. & Šuvada, R.
Bryofloristicko-ekologická štúdia Národného parku Slovenský kras pdf
Bryofloristic and ecological study of the National park Slovak Karst
s. 169–177

Abstract: The article brings the results of the bryofloristic and ecological study in the National Park Slovak Karst. Altogether 91 species were recorded. Out of rare taxa Dicranum bonjeanii, Grimmia anodon, Pleurochaete squarrosa and Rhodobryum ontariense were found. The presence of twelve bryophyte taxa from Slovak Karst is probably reported here for the first time. The ecology of bryophytes in the study area was investigated as well.

Keywords: bryophytes, threat, Slovakia.

Bernátová, D.
Carex buxbaumii na Slovensku v aluviálnej nive Turca pdf
Carex buxbaumii from Slovakia in the Turiec River aluvium
s. 179–186

Abstract: The contribution brings summarized characteristics on actual vegetation state of one of the most precious wetland ecosystem of the Turiec Basin – the Kláštorské lúky. Besides, the most interesting result of the flora analysis was a discovery of Carex buxbaumii, the only one recent occurence from Slovakia.

Keywords: Carex buxbaumii, Kláštorské lúky, Turiec Basin.

Michalková, E.
Rozšírenie ohrozeného druhu Cerastium sylv aticum (Caryophyllaceae) na Slovensku pdf
Distribution of threatened species Cerastium sylvaticum Waldst. et Kit. (Caryophyllaceae) in Slovakia
s. 187–194

Abstract: The complete list of verified localities, distribution map and notes on chorology of the endangered species Cerastium sylvaticum in Slovakia is presented.

Keywords: distribution, chorology, Cerastium sylvaticum, Caryophyllaceae, Slovakia.

Eliáš, P., st.
Prvé správy o výskyte Reynoutria ×bohemica na Slovensku pdf
First reports of Reynoutria ×bohemica occurrence in Slovakia
s. 195–205

Abstract: Knotweed Reynoutria ×bohemica Chrtek et Chrtková 1983 (1985) was described as a hybrid taxon between two aliens of East-Asiatic origin, R. japonica var. japonica and R . sacha-linensis. In past the hybrid was not recognized by botanists and mixed with first or second parent species, but mainly with R. japonica. In present days, the R. ×bohemica is most distributed plant species of the genus Reynoutria in Slovakia. Hovewer, the hybrid plant is not in the checklist o f the flowering plants of the Flora of Slovakia. In the paper first reports of the taxon in Slovakia since early 90’s but e specially in the period between 1997–2001 are shortly reviewed and shown by a grid map.

Keywords: first records, occurrence, Fallopia ×bohemica, Reynoutria ×bohemica, invasive alien plant, Slovakia.

Manica, M.
Pôvodný výskyt smreka obyčajného (Picea abies) v Kremnických vrchoch pdf
Indigenous occurrence of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the Kremnické vrchy Mts
s. 207–211

Abstract: According to some older papers from the first half of the last century, Norway spruce (Picea abies) is not indigenous species in the Kremnické vrchy Mts and montane species are present here only sporadically. Later in sixties and seventies 20th century, occurrence of some sub- and montane species (e. g. Hordelymus europaeus, Prenanthes purpurea, Polygonatum verti-cillatum, Senecio ovatus, Calamagrostis villosa, Doronicum austriacum , Homogyne alpina, Luzula sylvatica, Poa chaixii, Veronica montana) were detected in the area of Schoo l forest enterprise (part of the Kremnické vrchy Mts) during the typological and floristical research. In addition to the mentioned montane species, Picea abies occurs in th e mire community in locality Zadný Mláčik in altitude 825–875 m, which I consider to be an indigenous occurrence of this species persisting here from postglacial period.

Keywords: distribution, Norway spruce, Picea abies, Slovakia.

Kučera, P.
Buk na severovýchode Popradskej kotliny pdf
Beech in the northeastern part of the Popradská kotlina Basin
s. 213–226

Abstract: The literature sources concerned with the vegetation of the Popradská kotlina Basin consider the absence of Fagus sylvatica as a result forced by natural conditions. But the present state is not allways in accordance with older opinions: the author gives an information of a large number of beech localities and stands found in the northeastern part of the Popradská kotlina Basin.

Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, beechless area, Popradská kotlina Basin.

Janišová, M. & Uhliarová, E.
Brachypodio pinnati-Molinietum arundinaceae Klika 1939 v Starohorských vrchoch pdf
Brachypodio pinnati-Molinietum arundinaceae Klika 1939 in the Sta rohorské vrchy Mts
s. 227–238

Abstract: Semi-dry grassland communities of the Brachypodio pinnati-Molinietum arundinaceae are described from several localities in the Starohorské vrchy Mts . They belong to the species richest grasslands hosting numerous rare and endangered species. The diagnostic, constant and dominant species are evaluated for the studied region and the stands from Starohorské vrchy Mts are compared with the similar ones from the Biele Karpaty Mts. The need of prompt management intervention (removing shrubs, mowing) is stressed in order to preserve the high natural value and diversity of the studied grassland communities.

Keywords: diagnostic species, formal definition, management, semi-dry grasslands, species diversity.

Jarolímek, I. & Kliment, J.
Daphno mezerei-Dryopteridetum filicis-maris v Krivánskej Malej Fatre pdf
Daphno mezerei-Dryopteridetum filicis-maris in the Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts
s. 239–246

Abstract: Authors present recent knowledge on the association Daphno mezerei-Dryopteridetum filicis-maris in Slovakia and its syntaxonomical position within the suballiance Delphinenion (the class Mulgedio-Aconitetea). Nine relevés from Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts they have with original description of the association. Based on numerical classification and phytocoeno-logical table the pe culiarities of Fatra data set are discussed in the text.

Keywords: plant communities, tall ferns, avalanche trajectory, Delphinenion elati.

Ujházyová, M., Ujházy, K., Hrivnák, R. & Vlčko, J.
Charakteristika vegetácie s výskytom Orchis spitzelii na Slovensku pdf
Vegetation characteristics with the occurrence of Orchis spitzelii in Slovakia
s. 247–259

Abstract: Research on coenology and interspecific affinity of rare and endangered species Orchis spitzelii was carried out during the vegetation period of 2005 and 2006 on the single Slovak locality in the Malá Fatra Mts. Orchis spitzelii belongs to the species with typical disjunctive distribution in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia with a broad coenology affinity (from alpine meadows to open Mediterranean woodlands). In Slovakia, this species grows in beech forests, classified to three assotiations: Clematido alpinae-Fagetum, Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum and Seslerio-Fagetum. The most of ind ividuals was found in the young, closed stands of Clematido alpinae-Fagetum community with a canopy cover between 75–95 %. Co-occ urring species and selected geomorphology characteristics were sampled from the circular plots (0, 5 m2), which were established per the each fifth Orchis spitzelii individu al (altogether 96 plots). Population of Orchis spitzelii grows on limestone slopes with following characteristics: altitude 690–1000 m a. s. l., aspect SS E to NW (mainly SW), slope 10–38 ° (average 21 °) and cover of predominantly beech litter 94 %. The most frequently co-occuring species of the herb l ayer (in more than 30 % plots) are Mercurialis perennis, Acer pseudoplatanus, Asarum europaeum, Carex alba, Viola reichenba-chiana.

Keywords: plant communities, beech forests, Fagion, Orchidaceae.

Hrivnák, R. & Kochjarová, J.
Rastlinné spoločenstvá vôd a močiarov Veľkej Fatry a priľahlej časti Turčianskej kotliny pdf
Aquatic and marsh plant communities of the Veľká Fatra Mts and adjacent part of the Turčianska kotlina basin
s. 261–278

Abstract: Research on aquatic and marsh vegetation in the Veľká Fatra Mts and adjacent northwestern part of the Turčianska kotlina basin was realized in 2006–2007 by traditional Zürich- -Montpellier approach. Altogether 29 plant communities were detected. The most of them belong to marsh vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, three to stonewort vegetation of the class Charetea fragilis, two and six to aquatic vegetation of the cla sses Lemnetea and Potametea, respectively. Only one plant community was classified into the class Bidentetea tripartiti and four plant communities sh owed transition position between several syntaxonomical units. Up to now, most of the detected plant communities were not mentioned from this area. Several records are important from phytogeographical or geographical point of view (e. g. Elodeetum canadensis, My-riophyllum spicatum-Myriophyllum verticillatum, Leersio-Bidentetum). Occurrence of Charetum contrariae in the Žarnovická dolina valley in southern part of the Veľká Fatra Mts is the second phytosociological record from Slovakia.

Keywords: aquatic and marsh vegetation, wetlands, Slovakia, Western Carpathians.

Malovcová-Staníková, M.
Spoločenstvo Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926 na B orskej nížine pdf
Community Molinietum caeruleae Koch 1926 in the Borská nížina Lowland
s. 279–287

Abstract: Relevés of the association Molinietum caeruleae were recorded in 1999 and 2000. The community occu rs on alluviums of brooks and in deeper terrain depressions of wet meadows in the studied area. At present the lasting stands of the community are endangered especially by draining of localities.

Keywords: West Slovakia, wet meadows, endangered community.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 289–291

Mereďa, P., ml. pdf
Cena Pavla Sillingera a jej nositelia za roky 1998–2008
s. 292–293

Uhlířová, J. pdf
Rok Andreja Kmeťa
s. 294–296

Životné jubileá: pdf
Zaliberová, M. – Životné jubileum RNDr. Terézie Schwarzovej, CSc.
s. 297–298

Pokyny pre autorov:
s. 299–300