Bulletin SBS, ročník 31, č. 1/2009
Abstract: Data on occurrence of aquatic plants in artificial flows of Danube lowland are presented in the paper. Research was performed in the years 2002–2006 in eight canals in the surroundings of the towns Komárno and Hurbanovo. During the research were found 31 hydrophytes including 13 rare and threatened plant species. The most interesting finding are Myriophyllum verticillatum, Najas marina, Nymphaea alba, Potamogeton perfoliatus, Riccia flui-tans, Salvinia natans, Utricularia vulgaris and Batrachium rionii, Ceratophyllum submersum, Hottonia palustris, Najas minor, Nitellopsis obtusa from both regional and national point of view, respectively.
Keywords: Danube lowland, canals, hydrophytes, distribution, rare and threatened species.
Abstract: V. speciosum occurs mostly in western part of the territory of Slovakia, which is separated from its habitats in Hungary by the rivers Dunaj and Ipeľ. Th
e species could cross them in extention to Slovakia probably only with support of man. On the basis of information on the sites of V. speciosum,
of the study of distribution data and historical context it can be supposed, that this species was brought t
o Slovakia (perhaps to eastern Austria and southern Moravia) by Croatian colonists as medicinal plant in the 16th century. Some localities of this species in so
uthern Slovakia, as well as in Lower Austria and southern Moravia have origin in the monastic and castle gardens. Rest of the localities in southern Slovakia is rela
ted with road and railway connections to Hungary.
Keywords: Verbascum speciosum, Scrophulariaceae, adventive, medicinal plant, ornamental plant, threatened species, Slovakia.
Abstract: Several interesting data were sampled during the field research conducted in 2005–2007 on the selected gras
sland habitats, situated in the north-east part of the Veľká Fatra Mts (Western Carpathians, central Slovakia). Non-forest plant commu
nities (both natural and semi-natural vegetation) were studied. More than 40 phytosociological relevés of the meadow and pastu
re vegetation (alliances Arrhenatherion elatioris, Bromion erecti, Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati, Cynosurion, Polygono-Trisetion and Trifolion medii)
and 9 relevés of wetland vegetation (alliances Calthion, Caricion davallianae, and Potentillion anserinae) were gathered.
More than 320 taxa of flowering plants and ferns, and 34 taxa of bryophytes were found. The highest species diversity, as well as the most
frequent occurrence of rare and endangered species was observed in the extensively managed meadows and pastures including wetland habit
ats. New localities of some rare or insufficiently documented taxa in the Veľká Fatra Mts are documented.
Keywords: Carpathians, chorology, non-forest vegetation, grasslands, wetlands, phytosociology, Veľká Fatra Mts.
Abstract: The contribution is focused on phytocoenological characteristic of the Borská nížina Lowland floodplain f
orest along streams and small rivers as there is a lack of relevant information. The study is based on 42 phytocoenological releves sampled during 2000–20
07. We distinguished two types – hygrophilous Stellario-Alnetum Oberd. 1953 and more mesophilous Ficario-Ulmetum campestris Medwecka-Kornaś 1952 associations.
Keywords: floodplain forests, Ficario-Ulmetum campestris, Stellario-Alnetum, Borská nížina Lowland, phytocoenology.
Abstract: During the research of the lower Hron river alluvium 29 wetland plant communities were found: 12 aquatic communities, 12 marshland communities and 5 co
mmunities of denuded bottom. The associations of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea are the most distributed stands in the Hron river oxbow lakes because of water d
ecrease after river channel modification. The most valuable locality of wetland vegetation is the Nature Reserve Vozokanský luh where 14 communities were found (s
ome of them belong to rare ones or very rare species grown in them). In some localities, the species composition of stands was influenced by high content of salts.
Keywords: Hron river, oxbow lakes, aquatic vegetation, marshland vegetation
Abstract:In this paper problems of syntaxonomy within Berula erecta communities are analyzed. Reasons of stand variability are di
scussed within acceptance of large ecological plasticity of species and adaptability on changed habitats. Several new relevés from Slovaki
a are presented, and classification within the Cardamino-Beruletum erecti is proposed. Short notes on synecology, synmorphology and syndynamics of this plant community are depicted.
Keywords: Berula erecta, phytosociology, Cardamino-Beruletum erecti, synecology.
Abstract: This paper is focused on phytocoenological characteristics of foothill alluvial forests a
long three streams near the Kálnica village in the Považský Inovec Mountains. It is based on 12 relevés which were sampled in year 2
007 are presented. Studied vegetation is classified within the association Stellario-Alnetum glutinosae Lohmeyer 1957 of the suballiance Alnenion glutinoso-incanae Oberd. 195
3. The occurrence of invasive taxa Impatiens parviflora and Fallopia japonica was confirmed.
Keywords: foothill floodplain forests, Alnenion glutinoso-incanae, Kálnica, Považský Inovec.