Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 32, č. 1/2010


Mereďa, P., ml.
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2009 pdf
Annual report of the Slovak Botanical Society for 2009
s. 3–10

Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Diverzita cyanobaktérií a rias štrkoviskového jazera vo Vajnoroch v Bratislave pdf
Diversity of cyanobacteria and algae of the gravel-pit lake at Vajnory in Bratislava (W Slovakia)
s. 11–18

Abstract: Cyanobacteria/Cyanophytes and algae of the gravel-pit lake Vajnory in Bratislava, W Slovakia, were studied in summer 2000 and from spring to autumn in 2008. We have identified 13 genera with 22 species of Cyanobacteria, and 77 genera with 223 infrageneric taxa of different groups of microscopic algae. One species of Bacillariophyceae, Navicula trophicatrix Lange-Bertalot, and one species of coccoid Eustigmatophyceae, Pseudotetraedriella kamillae Hegewald, Padisák et Friedl, are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic. No planktic cyanobacterial water bloom has been developed, although several species of the genus Microcystis able to produce water blooms (M. aeruginosa, M. botrys, M. ichtyoblabe) were present.

Keywords: cyanobacteria, algae, gravel-pit lakes, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Guttová, A. & Lackovičová, A.
Výskyt diskovky dubovej (Parmelina quercina) na Slovensku pdf
Occurrence of Parmelina quercina in Slovakia
s. 19–23

Abstract: We comment on the recent occurrences of the epiphytic macrolichen Parmelina quercina in Slovakia, being a result of a study on epiphytic lichen flora of oak woods, which was carried out from 2004 to 2008. Up till now the species has been recorded in 22 orographical units in Slovakia, after 2000 it was recorded in 6 of them. We present and comment the persisting occurrences of the species in Malé Karpaty Mts., we summarize already published data after 2000 as well as all other known findings. The data confirm, that also currently the species occurs rarely in the country and the red-list category “critically endangered” (CR) is relevant and remains unchanged. Key words: epiphytic lichens, red-listed species, Western Carpathians.

Kĺč, V. & Kunštárová, V.
Nová lokalita ohrozeného druhu Crataegus lindmanii na Slovensku pdf
New lokality of threatened species Crataegus lindmanii in Slovakia
s. 25–28

Abstract: The new locality of Crataegus lindmanii in the Slovak part of the Pieniny Mts. is presented. This shurbby species of shrub was not known from the region till now. We also found some hybridogenous species e.g. Crataegus dunensis Cinovskis, C. plagiosepala Pojark., which we discuss here. On Polish side of the Pieniny Mts one well-known locality of C. lindmanii is reported too.

Keywords: Crataegus, hawthorn, threatened species, Pieniny Mts.

Eliáš, P., ml., Fehér, A., Dítě, D. & Šuvada, R.
Recentný výskyt smldníka lekárskeho (Peucedanum officinale) na Slovensku pdf
Current occurrence of Hog's Fennel (Peucedanum officinale) in Slovakia
s. 29–35

Abstract: The occurrence of missing species Peucedanum officinale (Apiaceae) was discovered in the Kamenínske slanisko Nature Reserve near the village of Kamenín (the Danube Lowland) in 2008. The species was growing in subsaline association Peucedano officinalis-Asteretum sedifolii. This community was not confirmed from Slovakia to this time. The phytosociological relevé contains 8 vascular plant species. Origin of Peucedanum officinale on locality as well as species composition of the association are discussed.

Keywords: Apiaceae, endangered species, the Danube Lowland, Slovakia.

Jarčuška, B.
Prvonález Ulmus laevis v Levočských vrchoch pdf
The first finding o f Ulmus laevis in Levočské vrchy Mts
s. 37–39

Abstract: I describe the first finding of European white elm (Ulmus laevis) in the eastern part of the Levočské vrchy Mts., near Brezovica village (Sabinov district). I have recorded here more than 100 infertile individuals. This is the northernmost occurrence of the species in Slovakia.

Keywords: European white elm, range boundary, Slovakia.

Bernátová, D. & Kučera, P.
Turie c: neuvádzané alebo veľmi zriedkavé populácie vyšších rastlín pdf
New or very rare populations of vascular plants in the Turiec region
s. 41–51

Abstract: We give first information from the Turčianska Kotlina Basin or transitional zone to surrounding mountain ranges on the occurrence of the taxa Orchis tridentata, Pseudolysimachion orchideum, Muscari comosum, Carex pendula, Euphorbia stricta L., Ranunculus sardous subsp. subdichotomicus Gerbault, Plantago uliginosa. Specified is recent distribution of the rare species Carex hartmanii, Typha angustifolia, Carex michelii, Euphorbia palustris L., Carex elata.

Keywords: Carex pendula, Euphorbia stricta L., Muscari comosum, Orchis tridentata, Pseudolysimachion orchideum, , NW Slovakia, Turiec region, Typha angustifolia.

Kaplan, Z.
Nové druhy vodních rostlin pro flóru Slovenska pdf
New species of aquatic plants for Slovakia
s. 53–58

Abstract: Four species of aquatic plants are recorded as new for Slovakia here. All were discovered in revised herbarium material. Potamogeton compressus was collected only once in central Slovakia in 1860 and it is extinct now. Potamogeton obtusifolius is known from three sites in the Eastern-Slovakia lowland; it was last collected in 1975 and is presumably extinct. Although Callitriche hamulata is only known from two collections so far, it is expected to be more frequent but not correctly distinguished from other Callitriche species. An American species Najas guadalupensis was found at two sites escaped from aquarium cultivations or rather intentionally planted in the wild.

Keywords: Callitriche, distribution, herbarium, macrophyte, Najas, new records, Potamogeton.

Slezák, M., Hrivnák, R., Belanová, E. & Jarčuška, B.
Komentovaný prehľad zaujímavých nálezov cievnatých rastlín z územia stredného Slovenska pdf
Annotated survey of interesting findings of vascular plants in central Slovakia
s. 59–71

Abstract: The paper brings new and interesting data about occurrence of selected vascular plants in central Slovakia. The commented overview includes altogether 44 taxa that were found during the vegetation period in 2003–2009. Out of them nine species belong to endangered, twenty-three to vulnerable and five to lower risk species in Slovakia. The most interesting findings are those of Dactylorhiza lapponica, Listera ovata (first record from Cerová vrchovina Mts), Sarcoca esculenta and Senecio sarracenicus.

Keywords: distribution, endangered species, flora, Western Carpathians.

Dúbrav ková, D., Hrivnák, R. & Oťaheľová, H.
Makrofytná vegetácia Košských mokradí (stredné Slovensko) pdf
Macrophyte vegetation of the Košské mokrade wetlands (Central Slovakia)
s. 73–88

Abstract: The paper brings new phytosociological data on macrophyte vegetation of the Košské mokrade wetlands (district of Previdza, Central Slovakia). These wetlands are water filled terrain depressions, which have been created due to underground mining since 1985. We investigated 13 reservoirs in July 2008 and recorded 12 associations and 3 plant communities of the Potametea, Lemnetea, Bidentetea tripartitae and Phragmito-Magnocaricetea classes. We also measured water temperature, pH, water conductivity and salinity at the study sites. The diversity of plant commun-ities and presence of some interesting and threatened plant species is being discussed.

Keywords: Bidentetea tripartitae, classification, ecology, aquatic and marsh plant communities, Lemnetea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, phytosociology, Potametea.

Kliment, J.
K variabilite porastov s Deschampsia cespitosa na slienitých vápencoch v centrálnych pohoriach Západných Karpát pdf
O n the variability of the Deschampsia cespitosa stands at marly limestones in the central mountains of the Western Carpathians
s. 89–103

Abstract: The paper brings synmorphological, synecological and synchorological characteristics of the association Anemono narcissiflorae-Deschampsietum cespitosae (alliance Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis), occurring on marly limestone bedrock in the Veľká Fatra, Krivánska Malá Fatra and Nízke Tatry Mts. The author's relevés (48) are published for the first time here. They are shortly compared with other relevant relevés published from the Western Carpathians’ (marly) limestones.

Keywords: central Slovakia, high montane belt, marly limestones, syntaxonomy, tall grass communities.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.)
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 105–111

Mereďa, P., ml.
Nositelia Holubyho pamätnej medaily udelenej v roku 2009
s. 112–115

Jarolímek, I., Kliment, J. & Šibík, J.
Zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy
s. 116–117

Životné jubileá: pdf

s. 118–119: Luxová, M – Životné jubileum RNDr. Otílie Gašparíkovej, CSc.

s. 119–125: Guttová, A. – Ivan Pišút – 75

Nekrológy a spomienky:

pdf s. 120: Guttová, A. – Vierka Slezáková (rod. Orthová), 1973–2009

s. 120–121: Juhásová, G. – Spomienka na doc. Ing. Františka Benčaťa, DrSc., Dr. h. c.

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 123–124