Bulletin SBS, ročník 32, č. 2/2010
Abstract: Diversity of cyanobacteria/cyanophytes and algae in a small eutrophic water reservoir at Modra (W Slovakia) was studied in 2008–2009. During this period, 25 genera with 44 species of Cyanobacteria/Cyanophytes, and 67 genera with 102 species and infraspecific taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were identified in the phytoplankton and phytobenthos samples. Five taxa are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic, viz. two species of cyanobacteria: Synechococcus mucicola Joosten, Synechocystis endophytica (G.M.Smith) Joosten, and three species of green algae: Nautococcus mamillatus Korshikov, Bicuspidella incus Pascher, Desma-tractum indutum Pascher. Phytoplankton of the water basin was mostly strongly dominated by green colonial alga Golenkiniopsis longispina that caused intensive green colouration of the water namely in summer. However, in some months in 2009 other microorganisms prevailed, e.g. in March and April diatoms, from October to December of the cyanophyte species Aphanocapsa delicatissima having cell of picoplanktic size.
Keywords: Central Europe, diversity, man-made water reservoir, phototrophic microorganisms.
Abstract: With increase of urbanisation grows the importance of urban green
spaces – parks, cemeteries, gardens, for biodiversity conservation. To obtain information on a poorly-studied group – bryophytes, we observed the species composition on 5 historical cemeteries, located in Vienna, Bratislava and Dolný Kubín (Central Europe). Altogether, a total of 67 bryophyte species was recorded (4 species of Marchantiophyta, 63 species of Bryophyta); epigeic substrates supported the highest species richness (46 bryopyhtes); 41 species were found on rocky substrates, just 18 bryophytes grow on living trees and 5 were found on dead wood.
Keywords: Bryophyte diversity, Central Europe, green space, urban environment.
Abstract: Distribution map and list of localities of the species Cerastium lucorum in Slovakia is presented. This species is overlooked and often misidentified not only in Slovakia, but across its whole distribution area. The most important diagnostic morphological characters and comparison with related taxa are given as well.
Keywords: Cerastium fontanum agg., Cerastium lucorum, chorology, morphology, Slovakia.
Abstract: The paper offers new and additional information about distribution of some rare plant species at the end of Rybô valley in Veľká Fatra Mts. The distribution and abundance of the three alpine representatives of the genus Astragalus L. has been studied in the field in July 2008. The most abundant one, A. penduliflorus, occupies convex crests with relatively homogenic surface. The presence of the species which is found more rarely – A. australis is tied to rocks and stony places formed by the snow and water erosion. A. alpinus occurs very infrequently in the moist erosive trenches. Discoveries of the species Crepis sibirica and Phelipanche purpurea emphasize floristic importance of the studied site. While the endangered species of Slovak flora Crepis sibirica has again been discovered in Krížna massif after 85 years, Phelipanche purpurea has only been noticed in the border parts of Veľká Fatra Mts more than 100 years ago.
Keywords: Crepis sibirica, distribution, Phelipanche purpurea.
Abstract: Data on the occurrence of xerotermophilous vascular plants in the canyon valley of the Slatina river near the village of Zvolenská Slatina were summarized. 142 taxa were found on 12 localities, including several endangered species of the Slovak flora (e.g. Fumana procumbens, Orchis morio).
Keywords: central Slovakia, distribution, vascular plants.
Abstract: The article brings detailed characteristics of the population of endangered Orchis tridentata and its locality near Brieštie village in Žiar Mountains and deals with the factors causing its threat. It is the first locality in the phytogeographical district 21a – Lúčanská Malá Fatra within the Turiec region. Key words: northern Slovakia, Orchids, secondary succession, Turiec region.
Abstract: The author describes autochtonous original variability of the flower colour of
natural populations of Pinguicula vulgaris L. from the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians. On the basis of wider living material she diferentiated 5 colour types of group variability of the flower: (1) white corolla, (2) bicolour corolla with all lobes white, (3) bicolour corolla with bottom lobes white, (4) bicolour corolla with all lobes blue-violet, (5) blue-violet corolla.
Keywords: Pinguicula vulgaris, variability, Western Carpathians.
Abstract: This contribution brings a confirmation of the occurrence of endangered and rare species Crepis sibirica in the Mt. Kľak (Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts), where it was been missing for dozens of years. In this locality, the species grows in the tall-herb plant communities of the alliances Calamagrostion variae Sillinger 1932 and Adenostylion alliariae Br.-Bl. 1926, as well as in the montane scree woodlands of the suballiance Acerenion Oberd. 1957 em. Husová in Moravec et al. 1982.
Keywords: distribution, rare species, red list, vegetation, Western Carpathians.
Abstract: New localities of threatened and rare vascular plants in the Malé Karpaty Mts are presented. Some population data are attached too.
Keywords: Malé Karpaty Mts, new findings, threatened and rare species.
Abstract: The paper reports the results of a short phytosociological research in the acidophilous forest communities Luzulo albidae-Quercetum petraeae from the Štiavnické vrchy
Mts. In addition to the species composition, special attention was given to synmorphological and synecological characteristics. The community is floristically relatively poor
with regular occurrence of oligotrophic and acidophilous species. The stands are situated mainly in ridge parts on shallow soils with minimum water retention capacity. T
he diagnostic species (Avenella flexuosa, Genista pilosa, Quercus petraea agg.) have been defined based on the results of the analysis of forest vegetation
data obtained exclusively from the studied region.
Keywords: acidophilous oak forests, Genisto germanicae-Quercion, Luzula luzuloides, phyto-sociology, species composition, Western Carphathians.
Abstract: Pioneer vegetation of the shaded rocks in the Veľká Fatra Mts, and Muránska planina Mts (Central Slovakia) was studied using phytosociological methods of the zürich-montpellier approach. Four plant communities were found and documented by relevés: Cystopteridetum fragilis, and Bellidiastro michelii-Campanuletum cochleariifoliae (all. Cystopteridion), both occurring on limestone bedrock, while the rare community Woodsio ilvensis-Asplenietum septentrionalis (all. Asplenion septentrionalis) growing only on the andesites and andesite tuffs and the association Asplenio-Polypodietum (all. Hypno-Polypodion vulgaris) preferring mostly granite bedrock. Our analysis shows, that there are not any significant differences between species composition of the communities in both studied areas, although a moderate geographical vicarisation of two variants of the most variable association Cystopteridetum fragilis is remarkable.
Keywords: andesite, Asplenietea trichomanis, granite, limestone, pioneer communities, rocky walls and cliffs.
Abstract: This contribution refers to the results of the phytocoenological research held in the hardwood floodplain forests in the southeastern part of Bratislava. The study is based on
20 phytocoenological relevés sampled during 2008. We distinguished two communities of hardwood floodplain forests - the Fraxino-Populetum and the Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum. The
syntaxonomy, the results of numerical classification and the Ellenberg’s ecological values for moisture and nutrients are discussed.
Keywords: Fraxino-Populetum, Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum, hardwood floodplain forests,, numerical classification, syntaxonomy.
Abstract: This work focuses on evaluation of the landscape potential in the area of the Devínska Kobyla Mountain. It is important to understand the topoclimatic differences of thermal and hygric characteristics with regard to this relationship. We use methods of quantitative planar estimations of the topoclimatic characteristics, calculations of insolation dynamics from a digital terrain model. The final evaluation includes geomorphometric fields – elevation and the derived characteristics. Area is outstanding by its morphodynamics and also sufficient amount of data required for natural hazards assessment. Gully erosion is a complex phenomenon associated with extreme rainfall events and anthropic land use changes. This modelling can be considered a definitive product of the research ready to be employed in the management of this valuable site.
Keywords: Devínska Kobyla Mt., digital terrain model, GIS, gully erosion, landscape potential, solar radiation.