Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 36, č. 2/2014


Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Mikroflóra siníc a rias pieskoviskových jazier Mlákypri Sekuliach na Záhorí pdf
Microflora of cyanobacteria and algae of sand-pit lakes Mláky at Sekule in Záhorie (Western Slovakia)
s. 135–143

Abstract: Microflora of cyanobacteria and algae of sand-pit lakes Mláky situated near Sekule (W Slovakia), carried out in 2009–2013 is presented. Altogether 24 genera of cyanobacteria with 35 species and 137 genera with 292 species and 6 infraspecific taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were identified in plankton and benthos of these artificial water bodies. Five taxa, i.e. one diatom [Craticula minusculoides (Hust.) Lange-Bert.], one xanthophycean species (Centritractus brunneus Fott), two green species [Chlorangiopsis elliptica Korshikov, Sorastrum americanum (Bohlin) Schmidle] and one desmid (Cosmarium regnesii Reinsch) are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Keywords: artificial lakes, Borská nížina, phytobenthos, phytoplankton, W Slovakia.

Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Sinice a riasy malého štrkoviskového jazera v lesoparku v Rusovciach (západné Slovensko) pdf
Cyanobacteria and algae of a small gravel–pit pool in the park of Rusovce, Bratislava (Western Slovakia)
s. 145–153

Abstract: Diversity of cyanobacteria and algae of a small forest park pool at Rusovce, Bratislava, recornded in 2011–2014, is presented. Altogether 28 genera of cyanobacteria/cyanophytes with 32 species and 103 genera with 204 species and 5 infraspecific taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were identified. Four species of chrysophytes: Chrysosphaerella brevispina Korshikov, Ch. coronacircumspina Wujek & Kristiansen, Synura curtispina (Petersen & Hansen) Asmund, Stichogloea globosa Starmach and one dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense Nygaard, as well as two diatoms Achnanthidium neomicrocephalum Lange-Bertalot & Staab, and Cymbella subhelvetica Krammer are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Keywords: artificial pools, phototrophic microflora, W Slovakia.

Galvánek, D. & Žák, Ľ.
Prvý nález druhu Phyteuma nigrum F.W. Schmidt na Slovensku pdf
First record of the species Phyteuma nigrum F.W. Schmidt in Slovakia
s. 155–157

Abstract: The species Phyteuma nigrum – typical for wester part of Europe, was found on the mesic grassland nearby the village Čierny Balog in central Slovakia (Veporské vrchy Mts). The population counts several hundreds of individuals and grows in the grassland of Arrhenatherion alliance, association Poo-Trisetetum flavescentis. It is a first record of the species from Slovakia. The population is very probably allochtonous, established due to a seed, hay or plant transfer from western part of the Czech Republic.

Keywords: allochtonous species, Čierny Balog, Veporské vrchy Mts.

Kolbek, J.
Několik starších floristických dat ze Slovenska pdf
Several older floristic data from Slovakia
s. 159–166

Abstract: From 1967 to 1975, several floristic records were occasionally sampled in the Belianske Tatry Mts, Pohronský Inovec Mts, Záhorská nížina lowland, Liptovská and Hornádska kotlina basins, Vihorlat Mts, Východoslovenská nížina plain, and Slovenský kras Karst. The most interesting findints are those of e.g. Astragalus austriacus, Chimaphila umbellata, Crocus heuffelianus, Dianthus serotinus, Drosera rotundifolia, Erysimum pallidiflorum, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Helleborus purpurascens, Limodorum abortivum, Liparis loeselii, Lycopodiella inundata, Oenanthe banatica, Ornithogalum brevistylum, Pinguicula alpina, Platanthera chlorantha, Primula halleri, Pulsatilla slavica, Salix retusa, Saxifraga caesia, S. wahlenbergii, Stipa dasyphylla, S. pulcherrima, S. tirsa, and Tephroseris aurantiaca.

Keywords: alpine vegetation, floristic composition, forest-, grassland-, nonforest vegetation.

Bacsa, K. & Melečková, Z.
Nové poznatky o flóre cievnatých rastlín Prírodnej pamiatky Tomášikovský presyp pdf
New knowledge on the flora of vascular plants of the Tomášikovský presyp Natural Monument.
s. 167–179

Abstract: The paper brings new data on the flora of the Natural monument Tomášikovský presyp. The sand dune is located in the Podunajská nížina lowland on intensively used agricultural land. The dune was damaged in the past by sand mining and recently it is strongly ruderalized. During floristic investigation in 2012 we recorded 133 species of vascular plants here. The dune provides refuge for several rare and protected species such as Gypsophila paniculata, Phelipanche arenaria, Silene conica, Veronica triloba.

Keywords: floristic inventory, psammophytes, ruderalization, sand dune.

Figura, T.
Nové zaujímavé floristické nálezy z okolia Myjavy III (západné Slovensko) pdf
New interesting floristical findings from Myjava surroundings III (Western Slovakia).
s. 181–185

Abstract: The article summarizes floristic findings of threatened and endangered vascular plants from wider surroundings of the town of Myjava. The data were collected during the years 2013 and 2014 and new localities of 28 plant taxa are presented. The most interesting findings include: Erophila spathulata, Limodorum abortivum, Neottinea tridentata, Ophrys holoserica subsp. holubyana, Pulsatilla grandis

Keywords: Carpathians, distribution, threatened and endargened plants.

Hroudová, Z., Hrivnák, R., Zákravský, P. & Marhold, K.
Klíč k určování druhů rodu Bolboschoenus (Cyperaceae) a jejich výskyt na Slovensku pdf
Identification key of Bolboschoenus species (Cyperaceae) and their occurrence in Slovakia

Abstract: Four Bolboschoenus species have been found in Slovakia: B. maritimus, B. laticarpus, B. planiculmis and B. yagara. Identification key of the genus is presented. Lists of localities in Slovakia based on revision of herbarium specimens are given. B. maritimus is halophyte species and its distribution is concentrated to Podunajská nížina Lowlands, while B. planiculmis occurs more frequently in Záhorská nížina, Ipeľsko-rimavská brázda and Východoslovenská nížina Lowlands. B. laticarpus occurs frequently in lowlands along rivers, and B. yagara has been found only in one locality in Západné Beskydy region, on the emerged shore of Oravská priehrada water reservoir. The occurrence of Bolboschoenus species outside of Pannonicum is rare. Morphologically intermediate plants may be found in some populations, mostly as putative spontaneous hybrids B. maritimus × B. planiculmis.

Keywords: Cyperaceae, flora of Slovakia, halophytes, hybrids, wetlands.

Vadel, Ľ. & Kamenská, Z.
Nová lokalita nátržníka drobnokvetého (Potentilla micrantha Ramond ex DC.) na Slovensku pdf
New locality of Potentilla micrantha Ramond ex DC. in Slovakia.
s. 205-208

Abstract: A new locality of Potentilla micrantha Ramond ex DC. (Rosaceae),vulnerable species, was recorded southeast from the village Dolná Strehová in 2014. The plant abundantly occurs on the site Dedinská hora in the cadaster of municipality Muľa. Typical biotope for this species was turkey oak forests of alliance Quercion confertae cerris. With the new locality,only 4 localities are known in Slovakia. We also present a phytosociological relevé with Potentilla micrantha recorded during spring phenophase, because the species flowers from March till April.

Keywords: endangered species, Dedinská hora, turkey oak forests.

Kučera, P.
Upozornenie na používanie termínov „prírodný“ a „prirodzený“ v slovenskej lesníckej literatúre: prehľad prác pdf
A notice on the use of the terms "prírodný" and "prirodzený" in the Slovak forestry literature: a review
s. 209–222

Abstract: In Slovak forestry terminology, separate terms "prírodný" (natural) and "prirodzený" (native) are applied to describe two different although adjacent stages within the scale of forest naturalness. As shown, such approach originated by adoption of a special nomenclature published by Alois Zlatník. This paper is a review on usage of these two terms in classifications of the forest naturalness in Slovakia as published by various forestry authors.

Keywords: Alois Zlatník, forestry, natural forest, naturalness, primeval forest, terminology.

Zaliberová, M. & Májeková, J.
Poznámky k prvému nálezu Geranium purpureum Vill. na Slovensku a rozšírenie druhu na železničných staniciach Záhoria (západné Slovensko) pdf
Notes on the first finding of Geranium purpureum Vill. in Slovakia, and the species distribution in the railway stations of the Záhorie Region (Western Slovakia).
s. 223–232

Abstract: The article brings information on the first finding of the alien species Geranium purpureum Vill. in Slovakia, which was collected in June 2000 in the railway station of Beluša (Považské podolie) situated on the railway track Bratislava – Žilina. Subsequently, the occurence of the species was studied in detail in railway stations in the Záhorie Region (Western Slovakia). In total, 29 railway stations on the railway tracks Bratislava – Brodské (track No. 110), Zohor – Záhorská Ves (113), Kúty – Skalica (114) and Kúty – Jablonica (116) were surveyed. G. purpureum occurred in 17 of them. Based on collected phytosociological relevés, we consider the syntaxonomical status of vegetation with Geranium purpureum.

Keywords: alien species, distribution, ecology, railway, phytosociology.

Kliment, J.
Lieskové porasty severozápadnej časti Kremnických vrchov pdf
European hazel stands of the north-western part of the Kremnické vrchy Mts.
s. 233–243

Abstract: European hazel scrubs from the north-western part of the Kremnické vrchy Mts (Central Slovakia) are evaluated in the article. Despite the same geological bedrock (andesite), they form two well differentiated local variants, which reflect the influence of elevation and size/compactness of vegetation. Variant with Padus avium comprises line stands and small scrub patches in agricultural landscape in relatively lower elevation (852–964, on average 903 m). Variant with Poa chaixii groups large continuous European hazel stands adjacent to the forests in higher elevation (934–1 007 m, on average 969 m). They represent European hazel stands documented from the highest elevation in Slovakia.

Keywords: Corylus avellana, mesophilous scrub vegetation, Corylo-Populion tremulae, phytosociology, Central Slovakia.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 244–263
Hašler, P. pdf
Ocenění Prof. RNDr. Františka Hindáka, DrSc. bronzovou pamětní medailí Univerzity Palackého s dvojportrétem Josefa Dobrovského a Františka Palackého
s. 264–265.
Jubileá: pdf
s. 266: Erdelská, O.: Okrúhle jubileum Antónie Šrobárovej.

s. 267: Burkovský, J. & Hrivnák, R.: Naša jubilantka RNDr. Alžbeta Cvachová

s. 269: Kochjarová, J.: RNDr. Ján Kliment, CSc. jubiluje

Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf
s. 286: Pavlovkin, J.: Opustil nás Prof. RNDr. Anton Ján Novacký, CSc.

s. 64: Hindáková, A.: Houk, V., Klee, R. & Tanaka, H. 2014. Atlas of freshwater centric diatoms with a brief key and descriptions. Part IV. Stephanodiscaceae B: Stephanodiscus, Cyclostephanos, Pliocaenicus, Hemistephanos, Stephanocostis, Mesodictyon & Spicaticribra. In: Poulíčková, A. (ed.). Fottea 14 Supplement, 529 pp. Cena: 149 € plus poštovné a balné (14 €) zo zdroja Klee-Blatt (http://klee-blatt.eu/english/products). pdf

s. 154: Hindák, F..: Yamagishi T. 2013. Lepocinslis (Euglenophyta). Taxonomical Review. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh. Dehra Dun, India. 141 pp. ISBN 978-81-211-0871-3. Cena neudaná pdf

s. 158, 180, 186, 222: Kliment, J.: Chytrý M. (ed.): Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Academia, Praha, 2013, 552 p., ISBN 978-80-200-2299-8. pdf

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 288–289