Bulletin SBS, ročník 37, č. 1/2015
Abstract: Microflora of cyanobacteria and algae of an alkaline fen Šujské rašelinisko, Rajecká valley (Central Slovakia) in 2012–2013 is presented. Altogether 26 genera of cyanobacteria with 23 species and 1 genus of prochlorophytes and 85 genera with 133 species and 5 infraspecific taxa of different groups of algae were identified in this alkaline swamp. Seven taxa of algae are first records for the territory of the Slovak Republic, i.e. 5 diatoms (Achnanthes laevis var. austriaca (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot, Chamaepinnularia hassiaca (Krasske) Cantonati et Lange-Bertalot, Cymbopleura minuta (Grunow) K. Krammer, C. hybrida (Grunow ex Cleve) Krammer, Eunotia arcubus Nörpel-Schempp et Lange-Bertalot), one xanthophycean alga [Ophiocythium gracilipes (A. Braun) Rabenhorst] and one desmid (Spirotaenia diplohelica Coesel).
Keywords: phototrophic microrganisms, alkaline fen swamps, Malá Fatra National park.
Abstract: We introduce the results of the survey of ruderal plant communities in the area of Bratislava. We focus on the comparison between two lists of plant communities, one of which was drafted out in 2011–2013 and the other one which was created in 1975–1982. Within thirty years ruderal vegetation has been significantly changed. The occurence of more unique and rarer communities such as Calcitrapasolstitialis community, Chenopodietum botryos, Chamerion dodonaei community has not been currently confirmed. Neither have we noticed several, once largely spread plant communities such as Conio-Chaerophylletum bulbosi, or Hyoscyamo-Conietum maculati. These communities used to occur in the habitats which ceased to exist or the conditions have significantly changed, usually the areas are already densely built-up. Plant communitieswith non-native species Iva xanthifolia and Panicum capillare, which were abundantly represented in Bratislava in the past, have not been currently recorded. It was probably caused by the fact that the species which are dominant in these communities spread for a short time
in the past but now are in remission. On the contrary, relatively many plant communities dominated by non-native species of which numerous are invasive for example Aster × salignus community, have been emerged.
Keywords: dynamic, phytosociology, synanthropic vegetation.
Abstract: Scree forest vegetation was studied in the Zoborské vrchy Mts using traditional Zürich-Montpellier approach in the years 2008 and 2011. TWINSPAN algorithm divided eleven phytosociological relevés belonging to the Aceri-Tilietum Faber 1936 association into two variants with occurrence of high and relatively low temperature demanding species, respectively. These two floristically and ecologically well delimited variants showed statistically significant differences between Ellenberg indicator values for light and temperature.
Keywords: Tilio platyphylli-Acerion, Aceri-Tilietum, Tribeč Mts, Slovakia, ecology, phyto-sociology.
Abstract: Although the National Park Malá Fatra covers an area of only 222.17 km2, it is verydiverse and miscellaneous. Many various vegetation types are spread on such a small area in mosaicsalong the altitudinal gradient and according to geological bedrock, orientation and topography.The species diversity and the uniqueness of the regional flora is a result of specific evolutionand migration of flora and vegetation during the postglacial era, as well as during the last centuries,conditioned by Walachian colonisation. These facts, together with the specific position within highmountain ranges of the Central Carpathians (Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts is the most north-westernmountain range and hence the first wind-breaking barrier to strong north-western winds), variedgeological bedrock and landscape heterogeneity contribute to an exceptional variability of naturalecosystems in the area.Our results show that the diversity hotspots are very often connected with steeper slopes whichdetermined occurrence of snow avalanches and the movement of disintegerated material in a gullies.Related disturbances form new niches as well as habitats for species. These findings are in accordancewith intermediate disturbance hypothesis which predicts that species diversity in bioticcommunities should peak at intermediate levels of disturbance.The number of habitats affects diversity of selected regions, as well; the more different habitatson the locality the higher total number of species on the site, just as higher β diversity.Similarly, spatial (horizontal) differences (variability, lengths and number of talwegs) affectedaverage Whittaker β diversity. Amount of precipitation as well as temperatures does not have anyimportant impact on diversity in studied region.
Keywords: high-altitude communities, phytosociological relevés, species richness, subalpine belt, vegetation, the Western Carpathians.
Abstract: We focus on the progress in regeneration of montane spruce forest after the bark beetle outbreak at three different sites in Západné Tatry Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). First site is situated in Jalovecká dolina Valley within a commercial forest with removed trees, second one is in Bobrovecká dolina Valley and represents a commercial forest with cut but not removed trees. The last site is located in National Nature Reserve Sokol that represents unmanaged forest. At each plot (5 plots per site, plot size of 100 square meters) we sampled several variables related to management regime (trees removed, cut but not removed, unmanaged) such as number or percentage cover of infested and fallen trees, number of seedlings, regeneration type (natural, managed) and others in the year 2013. Sampled data were analyzed using summary statistics and canonical correspondence analysis. Our results show that a higher number of fir, beech and spruce samplings as well as higher tree species diversity occur at commercial forest with cut but not removed trees and at the site with unmanaged forests left to natural regeneration. Though the differences in sapling numbers of all tree species between all sites were not so striking, it seems obvious that the disturbed habitats are able to regenerate successfully without any human intervention. The main difference between managed and unmanaged sites was that intense forest management, such as sanitary logging and tree planting, is very costly when comparing with no-intervention option. As in other recent studies, our findings suggest that the natural regeneration is the best management tool in no-take areas of national parks because it is a part of natural disturbance regimes to which our forests have been already adapted. An important driver in these regimes is Spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). We understand that its outbreaks in commercial forests are unacceptable because of economic interest, but in national parks we should be able to see, study and preserve the processes and dynamics of (semi)naturally evolving forest ecosystems including bark beetle outbreaks.
Keywords: management, natural regeneration, Spruce bark beetle outbreak, Tatry Mts.
Abstract: Research of the flora and vegetation developed on the bottom of four emptied artificial water ponds in the vicinity of the towns Banská Štiavnica and Zvolen (central Slovakia) was realized in September and October 2011 and 2014. Altogether 145 taxa of vascular plants were found. The most interesting floristic findings were endangered species Limosella aquatica, Veronica scutellata and other regionally rare taxa, as Cyperus fuscus, Filaginella uliginosa, Glyceria notata, Plantago uliginosa and Rumex palustris. Among interesting neophytes, Abutilon theophrasti, Amaranthus powelii, Bidens frondosa, Erechtites hieraciifolius, Galinsoga urticifolia, and Lindernia dubia were found. Vegetation of studied water bodies was classified into two classes, Bidentetea tripartitae (alliances Bidention tripartitae and Chenopodion rubri) and Isoëto-Nano-Juncetea (all. Eleocharition ovatae).
Keywords: alien species, Bidentetea tripartitae, endangered species, Isoëto-Nano-Juncetea, Slovakia, vascular plants, Western Carpathians, wetland vegetation.
Abstract: Species composition of the mat-grass swards on the east slopes of the Martinské hole massif in the Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts based on the phytosociological relevés is compared. Studied locality has been situated between Mt. Veľká lúka and Mt. Krížava, relevés from the years 1955 (Mráz 1956) and 2014 (author's relevés) are analyzed and confronted. Recently, diversity of vascular plants was reduced by half, sporadically to one third of the original number of species. These changes can be identified as a consequence of the progressive decline to cessation of grazing. Subsequently, the colourfully flowering species from the families Asteraceae and Orchidaceae and some low-stem graminoids have nearly disappeared. The area of the Nardus stricta communities sequentially declines and the montane spruce forests, dwarf pine shrubs andthe Vaccinium myrtillus heaths as well as tall-grass communities dominated by Calamagrostis villosa have increased due to secondary succession. Remaining mat-grass swards have developed into more monotonous and species poor pastures with higher cover of the dominant species.
Keywords: mat-grass swards, management, secondary succession, Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts.
Abstract: The paper deals with syntaxonomical classification of acidophilous beech-forest communities in the Bystričská and Prieslopská dolina Valley located in the southern part of Lúčanská Fatra Mts. Forests dominated by Common beech (Fagus sylvatica) with the admixture of Silver fir (Abies alba) or Norway spruce (Picea abies) were studied.During 2012–2014, total 47 phytosociological relevés in the submontane and montane belt were collected. Communities were classified using numerical divisive Twinspan classification into five clusters. Four of them were assigned to associations of the alliance Luzulo-Fagion (Calamagrostio villosae-Fagetum Mikyška 1972, Calamagrostio arundinaceae-Fagetum Sýkora 1972, Luzulo nemorosae-Fagetum Meusel 1937, Dryopterido dilatatae-Fagetum Kučera et Jirásek 1994 and one into association of the alliance Fagion sylvaticae. To elucidate environmental gradients that induce vegetation variability the ordination analysis was used. Detail description of species composition, environmental condition and syntaxonomical position is presented and discussed, as well.
Keywords: Lúčanské Veterné hole, Luzulo-Fagion, mountain beech forests, plant communities, vegetation classification, Western Carpathians.