Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 37, č. 2/2015


Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Cyanobaktérie a riasy minerálnych prameňov slatinného rašeliniska Močiar v Stankovanoch pdf
Cyanobacteria and algae of mineral springs of the fen Močiar at Stankovany, Central Slovakia
s. 161–197

Abstract: Microflora of cyanobacteria and algae of mineral springs of the fen Močiar at Stankovany, Central Slovakia, is presented. Cyanobacterial mats were mostly composed by filamentous species Phormidium beggiatoiforme and Ph. cf. carboniciphilum, Pseudanabaena galeata, Geitlerinema cf. gracile, Leptolyngbya sp., Calothrix cf. fusca and Nostoc sp. Chroococcal cyanobacteria of the genera Cyanobacterium, Aphanothece, Chroococcus, Cyanosarcina, Mantellum or Gloeocapsa occurred sporadically. Representatives of algae were rarely found, except of macroscopic Chara vulgaris growing in small depresions near the railway, and the diatoms forming yellowish to brownish colonies (mats) in/on travertine surface. Our record of a colonial red alga Chroothece mobilis Pascher & Petrová was the first in Slovakia, and the second in Europe.

Keywords: C Slovakia, chliaothermal springs, phototrophic microorganisms, travertine piles.

Dítě, D., Eliáš ml., P., Melečková, Z. & Šimková, A.
Ostrica česká (Carex bohemica Schrad.), známy-neznámy druh slovenskej flóry pdf
Bohemian Sedge (Carex bohemica Schrad.), known-unknown species of the Slovak flora
s. 169–179.

Abstract: We present new locality of Carex bohemica in Slovakia. After revision of the material in 11 herbaria we found out that the species is recorded in a total of eight locations in W and SE Slovakia, exclusively on the Borská and Východoslovenská nížina Lowlands. Currently we confirmed only three of these locations. Two of them are situated on the Borská nížina Lowland. The third one is situated on the Východoslovenská nížina Lowland where it has not been recorded for over 60 years. We found the species near Véč settlement on the bare surface of a stagnant pool of the Bodrog river oxbow system in the vegetation of the Bidentetum tripartitae association. Our findings confirm the listing of C. bohemica in the current version of the Slovak Red List of fern and flowering plants as critically endangered (CR). Since C. bohemica in Slovakia is highly threatened due to the lack of appropriate habitats, we also bring information on the occurrence and coenology of the species in the neighboring countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary).

Keywords: dBorská and Východoslovenská nížina lowlands, Central Europe, Cyperaceae, pioneer vegetation..

Májeková, J., Blanár, D. & Zaliberová, M.
Zaujímavejšie nálezy synantropných a zavlečených cievnatých rastlín v alúviu Rimavy pdf
Interesting findings of synanthropic and alien vascular plants in the alluvium of Rimava River
s. 181–189.

Abstract: The paper brings new data about the occurrence of some synanthropic vascular plant species in the south part of Central Slovakia. They were gathered in the alluvium of Rimava River in the vicinity of the river flow or along the motorway II/72 mainly during the years 2011–2014. Two species belong to threatened species in Slovakia – Cyanus segetum and Hibiscus trionum. The most interesting findings are Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Impatiens balsamina, Physocarpus opulifolius and Sorghum bicolor which are mostly cultivated plants in Slovakia and only occasionally escape into the wild.

Keywords: Tilio platyphylli-Acerion, Aceri-Tilietum, Tribeč Mts, Slovakia, ecology, phyto-sociology.

Bittnerová S. & Šibík, J.
Variabilita, rozšírenie a porovnanie spoločenstiev s dominantným druhom Vaccinium myrtillus v Malej Fatre pdf
Variability, distribution and comparision of plant communities dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus in the Malá Fatra Mts
s. 191–208.

Abstract: The paper deals with the variability and distribution of acidophilous dwarf shrub communities dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus (the association Avenastro versicoloris-Vaccinietum myrtilli Krajina 1933 nom. invers. propos.) in the Malá Fatra Mts. Ninety three recent phytosociological relevés were analysed by numerical classification and ordination methods. We also focused on the micro- and mesoclimatic ecological factors influence on the species diversity of communities spread out due to anthropogenic interventions in the past. We evaluated the differences and variability of the communities using Ellenberg´s indicator values. Following our results, the communities of abandoned pastures and ecotones had higher abundance of species typical for grassland habitats and they were more species rich. Communities recorded in the gaps of the supramontane vegetation belt had specific microclimatic properties similar to those recorded on the north-facing slopes in higher altitudes. Higher moisture in these localities was reflected in higher abundance of bryophytes. Natural communities are mainly situated on the ridges and in windswept sites and are typical by higher frequency of lichens.

Keywords: gap dynamics, Lúčanská and Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts., phytosociology, subalpine heathlands, successional stages, Western Carpathians.

Slezák, M., Hrivnák, R. & Petrášová, A.
Vegetácia jelšových lesov v regióne Turiec (stredné Slovensko) pdf
Vegetation of alder forests in the Turiec region (Central Slovakia)
s. 209–225.

Abstract: Ecological study of alder-dominated forests (classes Querco-Fagetea Braun-Blanquet et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 and Alnetea glutinosae Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen ex Westhoff et al. 1946) in Turiec region (Central Slovakia) was performed on the basis of 22 original phytosociological relevés. Species composition of forest stands was recorded using standard Zürich-Montpellier approach in vegetation period of 2011. Numerical classification divided data set into floristically well-defined relevé groups corresponding to the streamside alder forests on mesic to humid sites (Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae Lohmeyer 1957), submontane and montane grey alder forests (Alnetum incanae Lüdi 1921) and eutrophic black alder carr forests (Carici acutiformis-Alnetum glutinosae Scamoni 1935). Major environmental gradients responsible for variation in species composition were analysed using redundancy analysis with forward selection procedure. The most important environmental drivers were soil reaction, altitude and content of soil sand, which explained for 28.9% of data variation.

Keywords: Alnion glutinosae, Alnion incanae, soil physical and chemical factors, syntaxonomy, vegetation-environmental relationships.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 226–238
Jubileá: pdf
s. 150: Šoltés, R: Životné jubileum Ing. Jozefa Školeka, CSc.

s. 245: Školek, J: Doc. RNDr. Rudolf Šoltés, CSc. sedemdesiatnik

s. 249: Kochjarová, J: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Hrouda, CSc. jubiluje

Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf
s. 251 Hindák, F: Spomienka na dve veľké postavy európskej algológie: prof. J.W.G. Lunda a prof. N.V. Kondratevu

s. 253 Kliment, J.: Desať rokov po…

s. 255 Valachovič, M.: Opustil nás doc. RNDr. Kamil Rybníček, CSc.

Recenzie: pdf
s. 256 Kolbek, J.: Hegedüšová Vantarová K., Škodová I. (eds): Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska 5. Travinno-bylinná vegetácia. Veda, Bratislava, 2014, 580 s. incl. 23 tab., 8 foto, 1 mapa. ISBN: 978-80-224-1355-8.

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 262–263