Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 38, č. 1/2016


Hindáková, A. & Hindák, F.
Cyanobaktérie a rozsievky v studených minerálnych prameňoch NPP Mičinské travertíny na strednom Slovensku pdf
Cyanobacteria and diatoms of cold mineral springs in the National Natural Landmark of Mičiná (Central Slovakia)
s. 13–19

Abstract: Microflora of cyanobacteria and diatoms of cold mineral springs of the National Natural Landmark of Mičiná (Mičiná travertine, Central Slovakia) is presented. Cyanobacteria mostly occurred on stones or on surface of small travertine craters. Several interesting cyanobacteria were identified, i.e. the chroococccal species Chroococcidiopsis thermalis, Cyanosarcina thermalis or nostocalean species Anabaena subcylindrica, Nodularia sphaerocarpa and Trichormus thermalis. The most commom species were oscillatorian, such as Phormidium beggiatoiforme, Ph. tergestinum, Geitlerinema acutissimus, G. amphibium, G. cf. lemmermannii and G. splendidum. Of algae only diatoms were studied in more detail, as they represented the second dominant group. Rich populations were formed by Navicula wiesneri, Pinnularia ferrophila, P. brebissonii, P. appendiculata, Caloneis thermalis, C. fontinalis and Cymbella lange–bertalotii. Diatom species Epithemia argus, Eunotia paludosa, Rhopalodia operculata, Pinnularia appendiculata and P. brebissonii grew within mosses or on desiccated places close to mineral springs. Four diatoms are new for the Slovak flora: Caloneis thermalis (Grunow) Krammer, Chamaepinnularia krookiformis (Krammer) Lange–Bertalot & Krammer, Navicula wiesneri Lange–Bertalot and Pinnularia ferrophila Krammer.

Keywords: cold mineral springs, C Slovakia, phototrophic microorganisms, travertine piles.

Eliáš, P. ml., Dítě, D. & Melečková, Z.
Nová lokalita smldníka piesočného (Peucedanum arenarium Waldst. et Kit.) na Slovensku pdf
New locality of Peucedanum arenarium Waldst. et Kit. in Slovakia
s. 21–26.

Abstract: A new site of the critically endangered species Peucedanum arenarium (Apiaceae) was found in the surroundings of the village of Modrany (the Podunajská nížina Lowland) in 2013. The species was growing in xerothermic, relatively species-rich vegetation of Festucion valesiaceae alliance on loess. Phytosociological relevé includes 35 vascular plant species. Origin of Peucedanum arenarium at the new locality, as well as perspective management measures, are discussed.

Keywords: Apiaceae, Central Europe, Peucedanum arenarium, xerothermic vegetation, lowlands.

Dítě, D. & Melečková, Z., Eliáš, P. ml.
Opätovne potvrdený výskyt škripinca trojhranného (Schoenoplectus triqueter (L.) Palla) na Slovensku pdf
Interesting findings of synanthropic and alien vascular plants in the alluvium of Rimava River
s. 27–36.

Abstract: Schoenoplectus triqueter a critically endangered species of the Slovak flora was re-discovered after 25 years. We found the species on a hitherto unknown site on the left bank of the Danube River (Veľkolélske rameno river oxbow) near the settlement Veľký Lél. The species occurred separately in seven micropopulations along the river branch in narrow patches in transition habitat between the amphibious vegetation of denuded surfaces (Eleocharition ovatae alliance) and tall sedge communities (Magno-Caricion gracilis alliance). In this contribution we provide data on the vegetation composition with Schoenoplectus triqueter recorded on the new site. We summarize the available historical and recent data about the vegetation types in which the species was recorded in Slovakia and in Europe as well.

Keywords: Cyperaceae, Danube River rare species, wetland vegetation

Májeková, J. & Limánek, J.
Diverzita flóry železničných staníc na trati Poprad – Plaveč (východné Slovensko) pdf
Diversity of the flora of the railway stations on the Poprad – Plaveč line (Eastern Slovakia)
s. 37–45.

Abstract: A floristic survey of railway stations on the Poprad – Plaveč line in Eastern Slovakia compiled during the years 2012–2014 is presented. 318 vascular plants were recorded at 19 stations on yards and platforms as well. Native species prevailed over aliens and archaeophytes over neophytes. Invasive species were represented by 15 plants and 4 threatened species (Bromus arvensis, Crepis conyzifolia, Draba nemorosa and Papaver argemone) were recorded, too.

Keywords: alien species, distribution, Eastern Slovakia, floristic survey, railway, threatened species.

Bubíková, K., Hrivnák, R. & Slezák, M.
Zajímavé nálezy vodních a mokřadních rostlin z území Slovenska pdf
Interesting findings of aquatic and marsh plants from Slovakia
s. 47-62.

Abstract: The paper deals with occurrence of some aquatic and marsh vascular plants in Slovakia. Data were gathered during vegetation seasons in 2013–2015 in aquatic and marsh habitats, of both natural and anthropogenic origin. We found new localities of four endangered species (Alisma gramineum, Dichostylis micheliana, Hippuris vulgaris, Sparganium natans), seven vulnerable species (Heleochloa alopecuroides, Lindernia procumbens, Najas minor, Nuphar lutea, Nymphaea alba, Schoenoplectus supinus, Thalictrum flavum), eigth near threatened and thirteen least concern species. We also recorded data about occurrence of two invasive aquatic species (Elodea canadensis, E. nuttallii).

Keywords: aquatic flora, endangered species, invasive species, macrophytes.

Kučera, P.
Upozornenie na používanie termínov „prírodný“ a „prirodzený“ v slovenskej lesníckej literatúre: jazykový a obsahový rozpor a dopad na klasifikáciu lesných porastov pdf
A notice on the use of the terms “prírodný” and “prirodzený” in the Slovak forestry literature: a linguistic and semantic conflict and consequent impact on classification of forests
s. 63–78.

Abstract: In Slovak forestry terminology, separate terms “prírodný” (natural) and “prirodzený” (natural) are applied to describe two different though consecutive degrees on the scale of forest naturalness (see the review by Kučera 2014). The two terms under consideration are largely synonymous in Slovak language, with slight semantic differences. However, the approach of distinction between the terms “prírodný” and “prirodzený” as developed by A. Zlatník and adopted in Slovak forestry does not correspond to common language as well as to general scientific usage. Moreover, Slovak foresters have already partly abandoned misleading Zlatník’s usage of the term “prírodný” (see “potenciálna prirodzená vegetácia” = potential natural vegetation). Linguistically incorrect distinction between the terms “prírodný” and “prirodzený” and associated delimitation of degrees on the scale of forest naturalness have finally had a serious impact on data on the supposed abundance of so-called natural forests in Slovakia (in the current concept of “prirodzené lesy” in Slovak forestry). Definitions in Slovak forestry literature usually attributed to the forest naturalness degree “prirodzený les” do not match this term neither by their delimitation nor interpretation.

Keywords: Alois Zlatník, forestry, natural forest, naturalness, primeval forest, Slovak language, terminology.

Jarolímek, I. & Valachovič, M.
Dve zriedkavé ruderálne spoločenstvá z Bratislavy pdf
Two rare ruderal plant communities from Bratislava
s. 79–84.

Abstract: In the south outskirts of Bratislava two rare ruderal communities were found – Malvetum pusillae Morariu 1943 and community with Sisymbrium officinale. Despite two relatively comprehensive investigations of ruderal vegetation of the Bratislava in periods 1980–1983 and 2011–2013 these communities were not recorded.

Keywords: Malva pusilla, south-west Slovakia, synanthropic vegetation.

Mereďa, P. pdf
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2015
s. 3-12
Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 85-93
Šibík, J. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy
s. 94–98
Nositelia titulu Čestný člen SBS a ceny Holubyho pamätná medaila za rok 2015
s. 99-102
Jubileá: pdf
s. 103: Valachovič, M.: Profesor Dr. habil. Ladislav Mucina, PhD.

s. 104: Paľove-Balang, P.: Životné jubileum RNDr. Milady Čiamporovej CSc.

s. 105: Slováková, Ľ.: Okrúhle jubileum RNDr. Gabriely Vizárovej, Dr.Sc.

s. 107: Hrivnák, R.: Jubilujúca RNDr. Helena Oťaheľová, CSc.

s. 109: Jarolímek, I.: K životnému jubileu RNDr. Márie Zaliberovej, CSc.

Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf
s. 123: Bacigálová, K.: RNDr. Mária Stanová 21. 3. 1930–28. 1. 2016

s. 124: Eliáš, P. st.: Dvaja spolužiaci (k 110. výročiu narodenia Pavla Sillingera a Martina Červenku)

Recenzie: pdf
s. 20: Hindáková, A.: Kulikovskiy, M., Lange-Bertalot, H., Metzeltin, D., Witkowski, A., Gololobova, M. A., Skvortzow, B. V. 2012: Lake Baikal: Hotspot of Endemic Diatoms, I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.). Iconographia Diatomologica, Volume 23: 1–607. Pevná väzba, cena knihy 198–218 €. ISBN 978-3-905997-09-5.

s. 46: Valachovič, M.: Solomon J., Shulkina T., Schatz G.E. eds. 2013: Red List of the Endemic Plants of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia and Turkey. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (MSB) 125. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Saint Louis. 451 strán, ISBN: 978-0915279-82-1.
s. 129: Kolbek, J: Řepka, R. & Grulich, V. 2014. Eccarius W. 2009. Die Orchideengattung Cypripedium. EchinoMedia Verlag Dr. Kerstin Ramm, Bürgel, 384 str. + 667 obr. ISBN 978-3-937107-19-6. Cena: 79 €.
Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 132–133