Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 39, č. 1/2017


J. Kliment, D. Bernátová, D. Dítě, Z. Dítětová, K. Hegedüšová, R. Hrivnák, M. Jasík, P. Kučera, J. Nechaj, S. Očka, M. Slezák, H.Šípošová, K. Škovirová, J. Štěpánek, J. Topercer & K. Ujházy
Nové poznatky o rozšírení cievnatých rastlín vo Veľkej Fatre pdf
New information on distribution of vascular plants in the Veľká Fatra Mts
s. 13–53.

The article summarizes new information on the occurrence of 142 vascular plant taxa (including four hybrids) infrequent in the Veľká Fatra Mts. Among them 101 are autochthonous and 39 allochthonous to the flora of Slovakia, while origin of two taxa remains unclear. We recorded new sites of one endangered (EN: Utricularia minor) and three vulnerable taxa (VU) of the Slovakian flora: Carex umbrosa, Epilobium nutans and Gagea minima. 10 taxa are classified as least concern (LC), 21 as near threatened (NT) and one (Juncus ranarius) as data deficient (DD). Endemic taxa are represented by Aconitum moldavicum subsp. moldavicum, Koeleria tristis and Primula auricula subsp. hungarica. As regionally important we regard particularly the data on taxa reported for the first time from the Veľká Fatra Mts: Alopecurus aequalis, Barbarea arcuata, Festuca drymeja, Fumana procumbens, Juncus ranarius, Potentilla supina, Ranunculus sardous, Taraxacum brandeburgicum, Tsubdolum, Vicia angustifolia, allochthonous taxa include Aizopsis hybrida, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Aristolochia durior, Atriplex hortensis var. rubra, Campanula medium, Chenopodium ficifolium, Mahonia aquifolium, Narcissus poeticus, Phalaroides arundinacea var. picta, Physocarpus opulifolius, Prunus cerasifera, Ribes rubrum, Setaria pumila, Spiraea chamaedryfolia and Vicia sativa. After a lapse of 70 to 145 years we succeeded in confirming the occurrence of Cirsium ×kornhuberi, Draba nemorosa, Fumaria vaillantii subsp. vaillantii, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Myosotis sparsiflora, Potamogeton natans. 71 taxa were known only from 1–5 sites to date. Of particular phytogeographic importance are findings of three threatened species belonging to Taraxacum sect. Palustria (T. brandeburgicum, T. skalinskanum, T. subdolum) on Mt. Ploská (1 532 m a.s.l.) at an altitude of 1 460–1 465 m. The site towers at least 500 m over any known site within the species range. Available evidence indicates that Barbarea vulgaris, Carex pilosa, Cerinthe minor, Falcaria vulgaris, Hippochaete ×moorei and Valerianella locusta also reach upper limit of their Western Carpathian altitudinal range in the Veľká Fatra Mts. On the contrary, Cotoneaster integerrimus was found at a lower limit of its altitudinal range in the Western Carpathians.

Keywords: allochthonous taxa, autochthonous taxa, conservation importance, flowering plants, new findings, Veľká Fatra National Park.

J. Májeková, V. Jehlík & M. Zaliberová
Cievnaté rastliny obilného sila v Trebišove pdf
Vascular plants of the grain silo in Trebišov

Abstract: Plant propagules are transported by several forms. Seed dispersal by crop seed (speirochory) is a specific form of generative spreading. Therefore we focused on plant occurrence at one cereal silo. The paper brings results of floristic research at the cereal silo in Trebišov (Eastern Slovakia) conducted in 2012 and 2013. We recorded 176 vascular plant taxa with moderate dominance of alien species against native ones. Archaeophytes were more abundant than neophytes and naturalised species were the most frequent aliens. Invasive species were represented by 13 species (e. g. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Fallopia japonica, Rumex patientia). Only two threatened species were recorded: Dichodon viscidum (NT) and Lactuca saligna (VU).

– taxa confirmed in the territory of the NNR Devínska Kobyla: Q. pubescens, Q. robur,
Q. aurea, Q. cerris;

– taxa not confirmed within the NNR Devínska Kobyla up to present and of questionable occurrence within the Devínska Kobyla: Q. petraea, Q. polycarpa, Q. pedunculiflora, Q. virgiliana (native in Slovakia?),

– erroneously published for the Devínska Kobyla and not confirmed there up to present:
Q. rubra;

– erroneously published as native for the Devínske Karpaty Hills, occurring there only as planted trees in the town of Bratislava: Q. frainetto.

Keywords: alien species, cereal, Eastern Slovakia, flora, segetal plants.

D. Dítě, Z. Dítětová & P. Eliáš ml.
Hadomor maloúborový (Scorzonera parviflora) – takmer vymiznutý druh slovenskej flóry pdf
Scorzonera parviflora – nearly disappeared species of the Slovak flora
s. 61–72.

Abstract: Our contribution provides information on historical and recent occurrence of Scorzonera parviflora in Slovakia. The species was documented or published from 23 localities; most of them were found in the Podunajská nížina lowland, less frequently in the Záhorská nížina lowland. Isolated sites are situated in the Turčianska kotlina and Hornádska kotlina basins. Concerning coenological relations, only a few phytosociological relevés with Scorzonera parviflora are available, occurring in the vegetation of the association Scorzonero parviflorae-Juncetum gerardii. Nowadays the species grows only in two neighbouring sites in the Hornádska kotlina basin (Spiš region, north Slovakia), where it is restricted to halophytic vegetation developed around mineral springs emerging from the deep ground. In the site Sivá brada it grows within a relic association Glauco-Trichophoretum pumili (alliance Caricion davallianae), which was reported exclusively from the basins of the Western Carpathians.

Keywords: halophytic vegetation, rare species, salt marshes.

M. Jasík & D. Dítě
Nová lokalita Thesium ebracteatum (ľanolistník bezlistencový) na Slovensku pdf
New locality of Thesium ebracteatum in Slovakia
s. 73–78.

Abstract: We report on a new record of Thesium ebracteatum Hayne in Slovakia. This species has been known from a single record published more than 90 years ago from the site Abrod (Borská nížina Lowland). Recently we have discovered a new site in the Zvolenská kotlina Basin, Central Slovakia. This site harbors a strong population of several thousands of plants, distributed over nine separate populations on the wet meadows of Molinion caeruleae association. T. ebracteatum is listed ias Regionally Extinct (RE) in the Slovak red list. Based on the current data we suggest the reconsideration of its current status and the assignment of the Critically Endangered (CR) threat category.

Keywords: Central Europe, critically endangered species, Santalaceae.

T. Figura & F. Bača
Nové zaujímavé floristické nálezy z okolia Myjavy IV (západné Slovensko) pdf
New interesting floristical findings from Myjava surroundings IV (Western Slovakia)
s. 79–83.

Abstract: The paper summarizes floristic findings of threatened and endangered vascular plants from wide surroundings of the town of Myjava. The data were collected mostly during the years 2015 and 2016 with a few older records. New localities of 27 plant taxa including flagship species Ophrys holubyana, critically endangered Hippocrepis emerus or by Bern convention protected Pulsatilla grandis, are presented. Unfortunately, locality of Pulsatilla grandis presented in previous paper of the series was destroyed by plant smugglers, so nor GPS coordinates, neither exact locality description of “publicly” interesting species will be presented here. Records of locally rare plants such as Actaea spicata, Botrychium lunaria, Monotropa hypophagea and many orchids (e.g. Epipactis tallosii) are presented as well, together with new locality of recently spreading invasive Abutilon theophrastii and two non-native species Inula helenium and Laburnum album.

Keywords: distribution, the Carpathians, threatened and endangered plants.

J. Kochjarová & R. Hrivnák
Rastlinné spoločenstvá tatranských ľadovcových plies a antropogénnych vodných nádrží v priľahlých pohoriach a kotlinách pdf
Plant communities of the Tatry Mountain glacial lakes and man-made ponds at the foothills
s. 85–98.

Abstract: We focused on poorly documented macrophyte vegetation of both natural and artificial water-bodies (natural lakes of glacial origin, water reservoirs, gravel pits, fishponds) in the Tatry Mts and adjacent basins and foothills. Altogether 17 plant communities from the classes Potametea (5 associations), Littorelletea uniflorae (1 plant community), and Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea (11 associations) have been recorded during field survey in 2012–2014 in the studied territory. The most often occurring associations were Equiseto fluviatilis-Caricetum rostratae, Potamo pectinati-Myriophylletum spicati and Equisetetum fluviatilis. In contrary, all other aquatic plant communities were relatively rare. From the biodiversity point of view, altogether 69 taxa were found, including some rare or vulnerable/endangered ones: Hippuris vulgaris, Potamogeton gramineus (EN); Centaurium pulchellum, Epipactis palustris, Potamogeton nodosus, P. trichoides (NT); Carex paniculata, Limosella aquatica, Utricularia australis (LC); Carex pseudocyperus (rare species in the study area) and one neophyte species (Typha laxmannii). The occurrence of endangered species Hippuris vulgaris (locality Vlková), seems to be of anthropogenic origin.

Keywords: aquatic and wetlands vegetation, ecology, Lemnetea, Littorelletea uniflorae, mountain region, Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea, phytosociology, Potametea.

Mereďa, P. pdf
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2016
s. 3–11.
Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 99–106.
Šibík, J. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy
s. 107–116.
Nositelia titulu Čestný člen SBS a ceny Holubyho pamätná medaila za rok 2015
s. 117–118.
Jubileá pdf
s. 119: Peťko, B.: Prof. RNDr. František Hindák, DrSc. osemdesiatnik

s. 121: Michalková, E.: RNDr. Kornélia Goliašová, CSc. znovu jubilantkou

s. 128: Randáková, Z. & Kováčik, Ľ..: Sladké Drievko – jubileum 20 rokov

Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf
s. 131: Zaliberová, M.: Krátka spomienka na prof. dr. hab. Karola Latowského z Univerzity Adama Mickiewicza v Poznani (1939–2017)

Iné: pdf
s. 12, 54: Šibík, J.: Európsky červený zoznam biotopov

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 133–134.