Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 39, č. 2/2017


M. Goga; D. Ručová & M. Bačkor
Biologický a ekologický význam sekundárnych metabolitov lišajníkov pdf
Biological and ecological role of lichen secondary metabolites
s. 139–146

Abstract: Lichens produce many unique chemical compounds, known also as secondary metabolites. They play an important role in photobiont as well as mycoboint defense of, e. g. photoprotection, antiherbivoral, antiviral, antibacterial, cytotoxic, antitumor activities. They can be used also as allelochemicals, antipyretics or analgetics. Secondary metabolites participate in chelating process because they can immobilize xenobiotics – such as metals. This review summarizes basic applications, where secondary metabolites can be used.

Keywords: anticancer activity, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant, antiviral, allelopathy, biomonitoring, cosmetic industry, cytotoxic activity, heavy metal sensitivity, photoprotection.

P. Kučera
Druhy dubov v NPR Devínska Kobyla pdf
Oak species in the NNR Devínska Kobyla
s. 147–159.

Abstract: National Nature Reserve Devínska Kobyla is a renowned protected area lying on the western and southern slopes of the Devínska Kobyla, which forms the westernmost part of the Devínske Karpaty Hills. Published data on oaks of this territory vary in their spatial and taxonomical accuracy, and, the name Devínska Kobyla was misapplied repeatedly when referring to the Devínske Karpaty Hills actually. One non-indigenous oak species (Quercus rubra) and each of nine oak species considered native in Slovakia are reported for the terrritory of the “Devínska Kobyla”. Based on the current field research in the investigated territory of NNR Devínska Kobyla and study of literature sources, presence of oak taxa in this area and within the Devínske Karpaty Hills is categorized as follows:

– taxa confirmed in the territory of the NNR Devínska Kobyla: Q. pubescens, Q. robur,
Q. aurea, Q. cerris;

– taxa not confirmed within the NNR Devínska Kobyla up to present and of questionable occurrence within the Devínska Kobyla: Q. petraea, Q. polycarpa, Q. pedunculiflora, Q. virgiliana (native in Slovakia?),

– erroneously published for the Devínska Kobyla and not confirmed there up to present:
Q. rubra;

– erroneously published as native for the Devínske Karpaty Hills, occurring there only as planted trees in the town of Bratislava: Q. frainetto.

Keywords: dendroflora, Malé Karpaty Mts, Quercus, Quercus frainetto.

P. Eliáš ml., G. Király, J. Košťál & Ľ. Vadel
Zaujímavé nálezy vzácnych a ohrozených druhov kvitnúcich rastlín na južnom Slovensku pdf
Interesting findings of rare and endangered species of flowering plants in southern Slovakia
s. 161–171.

Abstract: Results of chorological study and the distribution map of Pilosella aurantiaca (L.) F.W. Schultz et Schultz-Bip. in Slovakia are presented. The most of localities are situated in the Vysoké Tatry Mts., Západné Tatry Mts., Belianske Tatry Mts., Nízke Tatry Mts., Veľká Fatra Mts., Muránska planina Plateau, Slovenské rudohorie Mts. and Bukovské vrchy Mts. Scattered occurrence is known from many other phytogeographical districts of Western Carpathians. If we exclude the likely non-native sites (the plants escaped from cultivation), the species occurrence reached the minimum altitude in the Slanské vrchy Mts. at 352 m a.s.l., and maximum in ca. 2140 m (Mt. Havran, the Belianske Tatry Mts.).

Keywords: central Europe, distribution, rare species.

J. Kliment; D. Bernátová; S. Očka & H. Šípošová
Nové poznatky o rozšírení cievnatých rastlín vo Veľkej Fatre – II pdf
New information on distribution of vascular plants in the Veľká Fatra Mts – II
s. 173–185.

Abstract: New data on the occurrence of synanthropic vascular plant species in the National park Muránska planina (Central Slovakia) are given. The attention is particularly paid to findings of several neophytes in forest ecosystems (Abutilon theophrasti, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Bidens frondosa, Datura stramonium, Erechtites hieracifolius, Helianthus annuus, H. tuberosus, Iva xanthiifolia, Lupinus polyphyllus). These species have been found mostly close to hunter hides, feed-through and similar stands. Feeding of game animals and crop decoy application in the natural forests in the higher elevations and strictly protected areas seem to be inadvertent and undesirable. New data on the spontaneous occurrence of several alien cultivated ornamental plants in the study area (Aster laevis, A. novae-angliae, A. novii-belgii, A. versicolor, Calendula officinalis, Cerastium tomentosum, Cosmos bipinnatus, Euphorbia marginata, Hylotelephium spectabile, Mentha spicata, Miscanthus sinensis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Petunia × atkinsiana, Pharbitis purpurea, Phlox paniculata, P. subulata, Rudbeckia bicolor, Sedum lydium, Tagetes patula) are given as well. One locality of the critically endangered species Silene gallica has been found.

Keywords: allochthonous taxa, autochthonous taxa, flowering plants, new findings, conservation importance, Veľká Fatra National Park, Western Carpathians.

P. Mereďa ml.; V. Feráková; J. Májeková; M. Zaliberová & I. Hodálová
Výsledky Floristického minikurzu konaného v roku 2016 v Bratislave pdf
Results of the Floristic mini-course held in 2016 in the Bratislava city
s. 187–194.

Abstract: In 2016, a tradition of floristic courses called “Floristic mini-course” [Floristický minikurz] was established. The courses will be organised once a year by Slovak Botanical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Target group represents students, amateur and professional botanists. Duration of the course is 2 days and it is focused on identification of wild plants (native as well as non-native). The first event (conducted on 17th and 18th June 2016) was held in two municipal parts of Bratislava: Petržalka and Devín. In this contribution we summarize the results. Altogether 331 vascular plant taxa were recorded at 5 visited sites; 16 of them are listed threatened and 5 protected by law. The most interesting findings represent a neophyte Amaranthus emarginatus subsp. pseudogracilis and newly recognized xerothermophilous subspecies Jacobaea vulgaris subsp. pannonica.

Keywords: Flora of Slovakia, species distribution, Western Carpathians.

Keywords: Devínska Kobyla Hills, Pannonicum, Podunajská nížina Lowland, Slovakia, vascular plants.

J. Kolbek & M. Valachovič
Společenstva zdí Spišského hradu a jeho nejbližšího okolí pdf
Wall communities of the Spišský hrad Castle and its nearest surroundings
s. 195–203.

Abstract: A total of 18 phytocoenological relevés were recorded in 2016 on the walls of the Spišský hrad Castle and its surroundings, using the Braun-Blanquet approach. The association Asplenio rutae-murariae-Gymnocarpietum robertiani was identified as a new on the territory of Slovakia. The association Asplenietum rutae-murariae-trichomanis was abundantly distributed at the studied locations. Within it, two variants – typicum and Campanula carpatica-Libanotis pyrenaica were distinguished. The latter, rich in species variant is primarily distributed in the shaded sites of the limestone walls. This is a generally rather heterogeneous community with frequent participation of accessory species. One relevé documents the most hemerobic community dominated by Chelidonium majus. All relevés belong to the communities of rock crevices and walls rich in calcium carbonate.

Keywords: Asplenietea trichomanis, Eastern Slovakia, phytocoenology, synanthropic vegetation.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 204–217
Jubileá pdf
s. 218: Gašparíková, O.: Deväťdesiatka RNDr. Vladimíra Kozinku, DrSc.

s. 227: Gašparíková, O.: doc. RNDr. Timotej Ješko, PhD. Octagenarian

s. 236: Paľove-Balang, P.: K životnému jubileu prof. RNDr. Miroslava Repčáka, DrSc.

s. 237: Kliment, J.: Ako ten čas beží … (k životnému jubileu RNDr. Dany Bernátovej, CSc.)

Recenzie: pdf
s. 12, 54: Pelechová Drongová, Z.: Všeobecná a aplikovaná palynológia (Sčevková, J. & Mičieta, K., 2016).

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 240–241