Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 41, č. 1/2019


P. Mereďa ml. pdf
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2018
s. 3–11
M. Šlenker, J. Zozomová-Lihová & K. Marhold
Cardamine occulta – nenápadný neofyt Slovenska pdf
Cardamine occulta – inconspicuous neophyte in Slovakia
s. 13–23

Abstract:Cardamine occulta is an Asian weedy species rediscovered as a separate taxon only twelve years ago, but introduced to all continents including Europe. In Europe it usually occurs in two types of habitats, on lake shores and in greenings, flowerpots and flowerbeds. Few records are known so far from Slovakia, all from garden centers, greenhouses, flowerbeds and flowerpots, but we assume that this species is much more common, but overlooked or misidentified as C. flexuosa or C. hirsuta. In this paper, we review the current knowledge about this inconspicuous neophyte with regards to its origin and distribution in Europe and Slovakia. To the best of our knowledge, the first known occurrence of this species in Europe dates back to 1977, while the oldest known record from Slovakia is from 2002, which is currently the third oldest one from Europe. Particular attention is paid to summarize its cytological and morphological differences from C. flexuosa and C. hirsuta. These three species differ in ploidy levels and genome sizes, thus flow cytometry may be applied for identification of juvenile or phenotypically ambiguous individuals. Morphological differences among the species are presented, and detailed ink drawings and an identification key are provided.

Keywords: Brassicaceae, Cardamine occulta, Cardamine flexuosa, Cardamine hirsuta, identification key, neophyte, flow cytometry, weed.

T. Figura
Nové zaujímavé floristické nálezy z okolia Myjavy V (západné Slovensko) pdf
New interesting floristical findings from Myjava surroundings V (Western Slovakia)
s. 25–34.

Abstract: The article summarizes floristic findings of mostly threatened and endangered vascular plants from wider surroundings of the town of Myjava. The data were collected mostly during the years 2015 – 2018 with one older record. New localities of 30 plant taxa including Ophrys holubyana, Orchis purpurea, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum subsp. sphaerocarpum (2 new and one re-discovered localities), Epipactis futakii and Ficus carica; or locally rare plants such as Actaea spicata, Linum hirsutum and L. tenuifolium,are presented here. On the other hand, this article presents also spread of invasive species Abutilon theophrastii and Ambrosia artemisiifolia,spread usually by hunters with feed which is used to attract future prey. Unfortunately, previously published locality of Pulsatila grandis was destroyed by plant smugglers, so no GPS coordinates, neither exact locality description of “publicly” interesting species are presented here.

Keywords: Carpathians, distribution, threatened and endangered plants, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum subsp. sphaerocarpum, Orchidaceae.

J. Kliment
Rozšírenie Comastoma tenellum a Gentiana nivalis na Slovensku pdf
Distribution of Comastoma tenellum and Gentiana nivalis in Slovakia
s. 35–51.

Abstract: The article brings comprehensive information on distribution of two high mountain species of the family Gentianaceae in the Slovak part of the Western Carpathians. The first is Comastoma tenellum, found in Belianske Tatry Mts, infrequently in Západné Tatry Mts and rarely in Vysoké Tatry Mts. The second is Gentiana nivalis, reported from Belianske Tatry Mts, rarely from Západné Tatry Mts, Vysoké Tatry Mts and in isolated cases from Nízke Tatry Mts and Slovenský raj Mts. Basic facts about their geographic range, occurrence in Slovakia including the limits of vertical distribution, typical habitats, higher syntaxa and threats in Slovakia are provided.

Keywords: Dane’s Dwarf Gentian, glacial relicts, localities, Snow Gentian, the Western Carpathians.

R. Hrivnák, M. Jasík, D. Blanár, M. Slezák, P. Bagin, D. Dítě, K. Hegedüšová, J. Kliment, F. Máliš, M. Mokráň, D. Tomášiková & K. Ujházy
Zaujímavé nálezy ohrozených cievnatých rastlín z územia stredného Slovenska: komentovaný zoznam údajov z rokov 2017–2018 pdf
New information on distribution of vascular plants in the Veľká Fatra Mts – II Interesting findings of endangered vascular plants from the territory of central Slovakia; annotated list of data from 2017–2018
s. 53–67.

Abstract: New data on the occurrence of synanthropic vascular plant species in the National park Muránska planina (Central Slovakia) are given. The attention is particularly paid to findings of several neophytes in forest ecosystems (Abutilon theophrasti, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Bidens frondosa, Datura stramonium, Erechtites hieracifolius, Helianthus annuus, H. tuberosus, Iva xanthiifolia, Lupinus polyphyllus). These species have been found mostly close to hunter hides, feed-through and similar stands. Feeding of game animals and crop decoy application in the natural forests in the higher elevations and strictly protected areas seem to be inadvertent and undesirable. New data on the spontaneous occurrence of several alien cultivated ornamental plants in the study area (Aster laevis, A. novae-angliae, A. novii-belgii, A. versicolor, Calendula officinalis, Cerastium tomentosum, Cosmos bipinnatus, Euphorbia marginata, Hylotelephium spectabile, Mentha spicata, Miscanthus sinensis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Petunia × atkinsiana, Pharbitis purpurea, Phlox paniculata, P. subulata, Rudbeckia bicolor, Sedum lydium, Tagetes patula) are given as well. One locality of the critically endangered species Silene gallica has been found.

Keywords: phytosociological affinity, Slovak flora, species distribution, Western Carpathians.

D. Dítě & Z. Dítě
Ďalší nový výskyt lindernie pochybnej Lindernia dubia na Slovensku pdf
Another new occurrence of Lindernia dubia in Slovakia
s. 69–76.

Abstract: During the exceptionally low water level of the Danube River in the 2018 vegetation season the third locality of Lindernia dubia was found in Slovakia. This alien species, native to North America, grew east of the Štúrovo town, in the confluence area of the rivers Danube and Hron. Its population counted ca. 50 plants which grew sporadically on the exposed, muddy shores in the vegetation of the association Cyperetum micheliani, class Isoëto-Nanojuncetea. Except the characteristic taxa of this class, the stands were enriched with several nitrophilous species of the class Bidentetea. Lindernia dubia was most frequently found in the same vegetation type in the surrounding countries of Central Europe.

Keywords: alien annual species, exposed river banks, Lindernia dubia, pioneer vegetation, Scrophulariaceae.

P. Eliáš st.
Spoločenstvá s Euphorbia maculata a E. prostrata na Slovensku a poznámky k ich syntaxonomickej klasifikácii v strednej Európe pdf
Communities with the Eurphorbia maculata and E. prostrata in Slovakia and comments to their syntaxonomical classification in Central Europe
s. 77–88.

Abstract: In last decade new localities of Euphorbia maculata and E. prostrata were recorded in western Slovakia. The thermophilous plants have occurred in two different habitats: (a) as ruderals in trampled habitats of town squares, etc., and (b) as weeds in ornamental plants cultures. Phytocoenological research was done and communities with Euphorbia species were recorded in both type of habitats. The Euphorbia/Chamaesyce maculata plants formed ruderal stands with Eragrostis minor, Digitaria sanguinalis (and D. ischaemum), Medicago lupulina, Polygonum arenastrum and Portulaca oleracea. Most of the trampled communities can be classified within the association Eragrostio-Polygonetum avicularis and/or Polygono-Euphorbietum maculatae. Weed communities in spring are formed by Microrrhinum minus and Erophila verna, in summer by Portulaca oleracea, Setaria viridis and Digitaria sanguinalis. The community with Euphorbia prostrata in Nitra did not belong to the thermophilous alliance Euphorbion prostratae described from Spain.

Keywords: Central Europe, Euphorbia maculata, E. prostrata, Slovakia, syntaxonomy, thermophilous trampled communities, weed communities

Šibík, J.
Veda v 21. storočí – využitie databáz ako nevyhnutná súčasť výskumu v botanike a ekológii pdf

s. 110–111.
Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 89–98
Šibík, J. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy
s. 99–102
Nositelia ceny Holubyho pamätná medaila za rok 2018 pdf

s. 103
Jubileá: pdf
s. 104: Jančovičová, S.: Jubilantka Katka

s. 105: Eliáš, P. st.: 90 rokov od vydania prvého Kľúča k úplnej kvetene Československej republiky

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 112–113