Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 41, č. 2/2019


M. Bathóová, B. Bokor, P. Mikušová & M. Martinka
Účinky kremíka na interakciu medzi cirokom a vybranými patogénnymi hubami pdf
The effects of silicon on the interaction between sorghum and selected pathogenic fungi
s. 117–125

Abstract: The aim of our study was to determine the effects of silicon application on the interaction between Sorghum bicolor and two necrotrophic fungal species Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata. Microscopic observations revealed a considerable retardation in fungal hyphae proliferation across root tissue layers in relation to silicon amendment. The impact of both root infection and silicon application was studied on selected shoot parameters. While silicon amendment enhanced the production of shoot biomass in infected plants, its effect on the concentration of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b) was evaluated as not significant. We conclude that silicon application could have an interesting potential as an agronomic control strategy for root fungal diseases in sorghum. <

Keywords: Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum, root, silicon, sorghum.

M. Hrabovský & Z. Randáková
Revízia morfologickej terminológie, 1. Výbežky pdf
Revision of morphological terminology, 1. Innovations
s. 127–139.

Abstract: Ambiguity in botanical terminology calls for review of morphological terms and for return to valid concepts. The article presents a revised terminology for metamorphosed stems and roots. Four new terms were proposed for suckers: surculus radicalis, surculus caulomatis basalis, surculus truncalis and surculus ramealis. Other new proposed terms are: surculus caulomatis, surculus rhizomatus, surculus foliaris and surculus phyllophoralis. A vernacular name in English, German and Slovak language has been added for all terms. Although few concepts vary by country, this article brings a compromise designated for terminological unity.

Keywords: creeping root, offset, rhizome, runner, sucker.

M. Hrabovský, E. Zahradníková & J. Kliment
Morfológia, taxonómia a menoslovie paliem (Arecaceae) pdf
Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of palms (Arecaceae)
s. 141–158.

Abstract: Palms are an attractive group of vascular plants and although they grow only in tropical regions, they are known worldwide. Therefore, in every language it should exist a descriptive terminology for their morphology and equivalent national names for the useful or popularized palm genera and species. This paper introduces a review of morphological terminology with new Slovak equivalents, an overview of current palm taxonomy and systematics and a list of Slovak names for all 181 currently accepted palm genera.

Keywords: New morphological terminology, Slovak nomenclature, Revision of botanical terminology.

A. Guttová, J. P. Halda & Z. Palice
Lišajníky Muránskej planiny V pdf
Lichens of the Muránska planina Mts V
s. 159–186.

Abstract: We present occurrences of 94 lichen species recorded during our field work in various sites of the National park Muránska planina and we comment on noteworthy findings. The following 25 species have not been reported from Muránska planina so far: Acrocordia conoidea, Anema decipiens, Arthonia leucopellaea, Bacidia laurocerasi, Biatorella hemisphaerica, Calicium viride, Cladonia norvegica, Farnoldia hypocrita, Hymenelia epulotica, Lecanactis abietina, Lecanora albella, Leptogium turgidum, Mycobilimbia hypnorum, Oxneria huculica, Parabagliettoa cyanea, Peltigera elisabethae, P. lepidophora, P. neopolydactyla, Pertusaria ophthalmiza, Polyblastia albida, Pycnora leucococca, Ramalina capitata, Rinodina conradii, Solorina spongiosa and Thelopsis flaveola. Several species are currently rarely recorded in Slovakia, due to their peculiar requirements for biotope and climatic forest conditions, e. g. the epiphytes Alectoria sarmentosa, Arthonia leucopellaea, Cladonia norvegica, Gyalecta truncigena, Lecanactis abietina, Leptogium saturninum, L. hildenbrandii, Menegazzia terebrata, Mycoblastus sanguinarius, Nephroma parile, Parmeliella triptophylla, Protopannaria pezizoides, Sclerophora pallida, Strigula stigmatella, Thelopsis flaveola, T. rubella and Thelotrema lepadinum. Suitable humidity as well as presence of wood in forests support the occurrence of species significantly linked to these kind of substrates, e. g. Cladonia botrytes, Icmadophila ericetorum, Multiclavula mucida or Xylographa parallela. Out of epipetric species, we recorded several phytogeographically interesting elements, such as Dirina stenhammari and Thelopsis lojkana. Interesting epibryophytic records are those of Biatorella hemisphaerica and Normandina acroglypta.

Keywords: lichens, diversity, the Western Carpathians.

P. Eliáš st.
K výskytu prvosienky „primula auricula aurea“ v Tribeči pdf
On the occurrence of the “primula auricula aurea” in Tribeč Mts.
s. 187–197.

Abstract: The occurrence of auricula or mountain cowslip (“primula auricula aurea”) was mentioned as a rarity in a manuscript of an unknown author on the prehistoric stony wall in the Tribeč Mt (“O prähistorickom pevnostnom vale na vrchu Tribči” in original Slovak language), stored now in Literature Archive of the Slovak National Library in Martin. The Veľký Tribeč Mt (altitude 829 m, Tribeč Mts, SW Slovakia) was identified as the locality of the plant species by P. Eliáš sen. and published in a local monography on Velčice village (district Zlaté Moravce) with a comment “errorneous”. Detailed analysis of the text of the manuscript shown that the site of the occurrence of the auricula is not on the top of the mountain but at the foot of the Tribeč Mts. in contact with the Danube Lawland (Nitrianska pahorkatina hill area). The unknown author recognized that the plant species is not native in the area, that it was introduced accidently or deliberately by a man (migrated trups) from the Alps, and that some auricula plants were still living there at the time of the manuscript origin (probably beginning of the 20th century). The locality evidently represents first record on the allochtonous occurrence of the taxon (Primula auricula L. and/or its hybrid P. ×pubescens) in Slovakia.

Keywords: allochtonous occurrence, anonymous author, auricula, manuscript, Nitrianska pahorkatina hill area, Slovakia, supposed introduction from Alps, Tribeč Mts.

J. Somogyi
Prvý nález Listera cordata v Oravskej Magure pdf
The first finding of Listera cordata in the Oravská Magura Mts.
s. 199–201.

Abstract: In 2018, Listera cordata (L.) R. Br. was discovered in the Oravská Magura Mts. The species was found on the western slopes of the Príslopec Mt. on two microlocalities.

Keywords: Orchidaceae, distribution, Orava region, Slovakia

R. Hrivnák, D. Blanár, P. Eliáš ml., J. Kochjarová, F. Máliš, M. Slezák, M. Hrivnák, J. Kliment, K. Ujházy, M. Ujházyová, M. Valachovič & K. Hegedüšová
Zaujímavé nálezy ruderálnych, segetálnych a zavlečených cievnatých rastlín z územia stredného Slovenska III pdf
Interesting findings of ruderal, weed and alien vascular plants in central Slovakia III
s. 203–219.

Abstract: Our article brings new occurrence data of 34 alien vascular plants in the territory of central Slovakia. Four of them, Caucalis platycarpos, Hibiscus trionum, Kickxia elatine and Xanthium strumarium are included in the recent Red list of vascular plants of Slovakia. Distribution data about Erechtites hieraciifolius shows its strong spreading in the Slovenské stredohorie Mts during the last twenty years.

Keywords: distribution, flora, non-native species, Western Carpathians

K. Mišíková, S. Kubalová, K. Godovičová & J. Dušička
Mokraďná vegetácia rybníkov pod Rakytovcom (Stupava, Malé Karpaty) pdf
Wetland vegetation of ponds under the Rakytovec hill (Stupava, Malé Karpaty Mts.)
s. 221–229.

Abstract: Aquatic biotopes with stagnant water are not typical for sloping terrain. Under the Rakytovec hill in the Malé Karpaty Mts. we found two ponds with interesting wetland vegetation of vascular plants and bryophytes. Ponds are situated in the forest dominated by Alnus glutinosa, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur. Water level periodically fluctuates which allows helophytes and therophytes to grow on the emergent waterbed. Natant hydrophytes Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza are dominant on the water surface. Totally, five phytocoenological relevés were made, four of them were possible to identify as associations: Lemno-Spirodeletum polyrhizae, Glycerio-Sparganietum erecti, Glycerietum fluitantis, Polygonetum hydropiperis. Among 32 determined bryophyte species, three are categorized as LR:nt (Orthotrichum lyellii, Riccia fluitans, Ulota crispa ) and one as DD (Dicranum tauricum) in the Red list of bryophytes of Slovakia.

Keywords: Bryophytes, hydrophytes, Malé Karpaty Mts, vascular plants

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 230–247
Jubileá: pdf
s. 248: M. Luxová & M. Čiamporová: Životné jubileum RNDr. Otílie Gašparíkovej, CSc.

s. 250: K. Erdelský: Prof. RNDr. Elena Masarovičová, DrSc. jubiluje

s. 254: A. Guttová: RNDr. Anna Lackovičová, CSc. jubiluje

s. 258: K. Goliašová & E. Michalková: Jubileum RNDr. Magdalény Peniaštekovej, CSc.

s. 263: J. Kochjarová: Prof. RNDr. Karol Marhold, PhD. jubiluje

s. 293: M. Vaculík: Fyziológia rastlín v premenách času

Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
s. 296: F. Hindák & A. Hindáková: Zomrela prof. dr. hab. Jadwiga Siemińska-Słupska, nositeľka Holubyho pamätnej medaily SBS
Recenzie pdf
s. 126: K. Bubíková: Janauer, G.A., Gaberščik, A., Květ, J., Germ, M. & Exler, N. (eds.) 2018. Macrophytes of the River Danube Basin. Academia, Praha. 408 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-2743-6.

s. 140: A. Hindáková & F. Hindák: Škaloud, P., Rindi, F., Boedecker, Ch., Leliaert, L., 2018: Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae, Freshwater flora of Central Europe, vol 13: (Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 13: Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae, Springer Spektrum), 288 pp, 182 figs, cena: 123 €.

P. Eliáš, st: Kto je autorom Kveteny nitrianskej stolice (Flora comitatus nitriensis) v uhorskej encyklopédii stolíc: V. Borbás alebo J. Pantoček ml.? pdf
s. 297–298


Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 297–298