Bulletin SBS, ročník 42, č. 2/2020
Abstract: In 2019, Sempervivum carpathicum subsp. heterophyllum (Hazsl.) Letz – an endemic taxon of the Western Carpathians – was discovered in the Kysucká vrchovina Mts. The subspecies was found on the Havranský vrch Mt. on a limestone rock face. It is the northernmost occurrence of this taxon and the only one known on limestone. Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature are given.
Keywords: Crassulaceae, distribution, ecology, nomenclature, taxonomy, Orava region, Slovakia, Western Carpathians.
Abstract: This paper presents the historical and recent distribution of Galatella cana in Slovakia. Revising herbarium specimens we have confirmed 7 localities of the species, five in Pannonian region (districts of Devínska Kobyla hills and Podunajská nížina lowland) and two of them the adjacent area of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Since the vast majority of sites have been destroyed and only relatively small population of G. cana survives in only one locality (the Šúr Nature Reserve), our research confirmed the Red list status of the species in Slovakia – it is critically endangered (CR). A site map as well as proposals for appropriate management of the last existing population is provided.
Keywords: Nízke Beskydy Mts., Slanské vrchy Mts., Východoslovenská nížina lowland, neophytes, archaeophytes, Slovak flora, new findings.
The paper reports on new records of three populations of Southern adderstongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum, Ophioglossaceae) in the eastern parts of Vihorlat Mts., one in the Ublianska pahorkatina hill area and two in border massif of Mt. Popriečny. We also confirmed two previously published findings in the Slovenský raj Mts. and the Stredné Pohornádie valley. Based on published data and revised voucher specimens deposited in public central-European herbaria we shortly comment on the known distribution of O. vulgatum in phytogeographical districts of Eastern Slovakia. We conclude, that the species is most probably overlooked there. O. vulgatum grows most frequently in fens, wet meadows, meadow spring areas but also in lowland alluvial forests, small forest clearings and abandoned forest roads.
Keywords: fern, chorology, rare species, Slovakia.
Abstract: A rare plant community Piceo abietis-Sorbetum aucupariae was recognized in Kremnické vrchy Mts (Central Slovakia). This association known from Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic represents succession stages typical for forest windthrow and forest clearings which lead to the acidophilous spruce and/or beech forests. The criteria based on the Oberdorfer’s original definition were used for relevés selection from national database of relevés, nevertheless no similar relevés were found. The relations to the related vegetation types are discussed.
Keywords: clubmosses, distribution, diversity, Huperziaceae, Lycopodiaceae.
Abstract: We provide new or amended information on the occurrence of 77 vascular plant and 8 bryophyte taxa recorded in Veľká Fatra Mts and surroundings, most often in adjacent part of Turčianska kotlina Basin. Among vascular plants, 18 taxa are considered archaeophytes, 11 neophytes and 4 of uncertain residence status. Sixteen taxa belong to Near Threatened (NT), 5 to Least Concern (LC), 4 to Vulnerable (VU), 1 to Endangered (EN) and 1 to Data Deficient category in the Slovakian Red List. Additional data on the taxa of conservation importance and/or infrequent occurrence is included. Of the most interesting results we name the first findings of Abutilon theophrasti, Asparagus officinalis, Avena fatua, Carex riparia, Cucurbita pepo, Secale cereale, Tragopogon dubius and Trifolium incarnatum in the study area. The first available evidence of Cota tinctoria, dating back to 1814 from the neighborhood of Ľubochňa, was complemented by our recent finding northwest of Háj. We confirmed the occurrence of Chenopodium urbicum in Turčianska kotlina Basin after nearly 100 years. The bryophyte Leptodictyum riparium, documented in a spring fen at Mt. Ploská, is the first finding in Veľká Fatra Mts.
Keywords: allochthonous taxa, autochthonous taxa, bryophytes, Central Slovakia, conservation importance, new findings, vascular plants.
The neophyte of the South-Asian origin, Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke, an ornamental stoloniferous perennial herb, found in Slovakia in last decades only, have been planted and escaped from cultures. Currently it is naturalized and behaves as the invasive species. In the period 2012 – 2019, 30 new localities of the species were found and recorded in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic. Most of the sites is located in central part of the city (Staré Mesto, predominantly in lowland areas). Local populations were growing in shaded short grass „meadows“ (moved lawns), in shade of high blocks of flats and crowns of tall trees and shrubs. At the same period the Duchesnea indica communities were documented by 17 phytocenological relevés. The number of species per relevé varied from 9 to 24. The dominant species, Duchesnea indica was recognized as the most frequent species in the community. Few other taxa were found as subdominant: Bellis perennis, Glechoma hederacea, Lolium perenne, Poa annua, Taraxacum officinale agg., Trifolium repens, and Viola odorata. Many of them (cca 78 %) occurred in less than 3 relevés (weeds, invasive alien species, ornamental plants escaped from cultures, juvenile woody plants, forest herbs). Young plants of Hedera helix were growing on the soil surface and sometimes dominated. Rare archaeophyte Polycarpon tetraphylum was recorded in few sites. The syntaxonomical classifications of the communities with Duchesnea indica are discussed on the level of association and higher syntaxonomical units (alliances Plantagini-Prunellion Eliáš 1980 and Lolio-Plantaginion R.Tx. 1947 within the class of trampled communities Plantaginetea majoris R. Tüxen et Preising 1950 and the alliance Cynosurion within the class of grassland communities Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. (1937) 1970,respectively). In future, increasing of number of localities and spread of this invasive plant species can be expected in Bratislava as well as in Slovakia.
Keywords: floristic records, invasive species, plant communities, relevés.
Abstract: The author of the manuscript on the prehistoric stony wall on the Mount Tribeč (“O prähistorickom pevnostnom vale na vrchu Tribči“ original in Slovak), stored now in the Literature Archive of the Slovak National Library in Martin, was un-known. It was found out that the manuscript is a Slovak version (translation) of the report by Livio Odescalchi, a landowner (aristocrat) who was living in Solčany village (district Topoľčany, SW Slovakia). He prepared the report written in German for a monthly meeting of the Anthropological Society in Wien, dated on 14th June 1922, and published it in the Society Reports in the same year. Five figures, which were missing in the Slovak version of the manuscript, were published in the original German version. In the Slovak version, prepared probably to be published in a Matica slovenská journal, last text block was added with interresting informations on the alien occurrence of auricula or mountain cowslip (“primula auricula aurea”) at the Ossiccí jarek locality.
Keywords: anonymous author, Slovakia, stony wall.