Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 44, č. 1/2022


Guttová, A., Halda, J. P. & Palice, Z.
Lišajníky Muránskej planiny VI – Malá Stožka, Veľká Stožka, Poludnica a Šiance pdf
Lichens of the Muránska planina Mts VI – Malá Stožka, Veľká Stožka, Poludnica and Šiance
s. 11–24.

Abstract: We present occurrences of 58 lichen species recorded during our recent field work in four nature reserves of the National park Muránska planina – Malá Stožka, Veľká Stožka, Poludnica and Šiance. Three species are currently listed as extinct – 'Lecidea' huxariensis, Loxospora cismonica and Strigula affinis and nine species are evaluated as critically endangered – Arthonia leucopellaea, Collema fragrans, Gyalecta fagicola, G. truncigena, G. ulmi, Lecanora subcarpinea, Ochrolechia pallescens, Thelopsis rubella and T. flaveola. We also comment on the following noteworthy findings – Agonimia allobata, Buellia arborea, Candelariella subdeflexa, Lecanora allophana f. sorediata, L. mughicola, L. sarcopidoides, L. subcarpinea, L. substerilis, Lecidea strasseri, Lempholemma intricata, Leptogium teretiusculum, Micarea prasina and Rinodina albana.

Keywords: diversity, lichens, the Western Carpathians.

Guttová, A.
Fellhanera bouteillei – folikolný lišajník karpatských horských lesov pdf
Fellhanera bouteillei – foliicolous lichen in the Carpathian montane forests
s. 25–29.

Abstract: Fellhanera bouteillei (Pilocarpaceae), a foliicolous lichen longmissing and evaluated extinct in Slovakia has recently been recorded several times in the Western Carpathians. Published data on the occurrence of the species from past are summarized along with new records from Veľká Fatra Mts. Recent unpublished records are added. The data are the basis for reassessment of the Red List status of the species in Slovakia.

Keywords: diversity, lichens, red listed species, Western Carpathians.

Dudáš, M.
Komentovaný prehľad zaujímavejších floristických nálezov z východného Slovenska III. pdf
Commented overview of interesting floristic findings from eastern Slovakia III.
s. 31–44.

Abstract: The article summarizes findings of 34 vascular plants taxa, of which twenty-one are native species, ten alien (of those six naturalised neophytes and four casual neophytes) and three threatened species (Cephalanthera damasonium, Linum flavum, Veronica jacquinii) recorded in the territory of eastern Slovakia. First reports of Thymus glabrescens (in both varieties glabrescens and pilosus) in the Vihorlat Mts as well as Linum tenuifolium and Origanum vulgare subsp. prismaticum in the Slanské vrchy Mts were recorded. Findings of rarely reported alien species Tradescantia ×andersoniana and Verbena bonariensis var. conglomerata were recorded in Košice.

Keywords: alien, local flora, mapping, native species, occurrence, red list species.

Bryndzová, Š., Barlog, M. & Dražil, T.
Nové lokality zimoľubu okolíkatého (Chimaphila umbellata) na Slovensku pdf
New localities of Chimaphila umbellata in Slovakia
s. 45–50.

Abstract: Umbellate wintergreen (Chimaphila umbellata) was found in two new localities in the Spiš region in 2019 and 2020. This rare and endangered species is in decline in Slovakia. The population in the locality Na Bani near Vyšný Slavkov (Branisko Mountains) consists of approximately 130 individuals, in the locality Bor near Svit (Kozie chrbty Mountains) approximately 150 individuals grow. In both sites, umbellate wintergreen grows in dry and mossy secondary pine forests.

Keywords: Branisko, endangered species, flora of Slovakia, Kozie chrbty, Pyrolaceae, secondary pine forests.

Labovská, T. & Dudáš, M.
Rozšírenie kosatca bezlistého uhorského (Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica, Iridaceae) na Slovensku pdf
Distribution of steppe iris (Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica, Iridaceae) in Slovakia
s. 51–59.

Abstract: The present study provides a comprehensive view on the distribution of Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica in Slovakia based on herbarium specimens, published records and own field research. The species rarely occurs on limestone, andesite and basalt rocks and steppe slopes mostly in southern Slovakia. It is documented from 11 phytogeographical districts, both in the area of Pannonian and Carpathian flora. The distribution of the species in central-eastern parts of Slovakia shows, that this thermophilic species migrated from south through the limestone valley of the Hornád river to northern to the Slovenský raj Mts and further north-west to the melaphyre slopes of Kozie chrbty Mts. The species is listed as vulnerable in the current red-list of ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia, which is adequate. Map of distribution as well as full list localities are attached.

Keywords: central Europe, Iridaceae, occurrence, threates species, xerothermic flora.

Dítě, D., Jasík, M. & Šustr, I.
Druhy Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia, Dryopteris cristata, Juncus squarrosus, Rhynchospora alba a Thelypteris limbosperma v rašelinných komplexoch Hladovské bory a Sosnina v Oravskej kotline pdf
Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia, Dryopteris cristata, Juncus squarrosus, Rhynchospora alba and Thelypteris limbosperma in the peat complexes Hladovské bory and Sosnina in the Orava basin
s. 61–73.

Abstract: Our contribution provides new chorological data on rare and endangered species Andromeda polifolia and Rhynchospora alba. We discovered new localities during a survey of peat forest complexes Hladovské bory and Sosnina in the Orava basin in northern Slovakia. We recorded Andromeda polifolia in two sites in the vegetation of the alliance Sphagnion medii, the association Andromedo polifoliae-Sphagnetum magellanici. We recorded two micro-populations of Rhynchospora alba in a peat bog within the same large mire complex in the vegetation of the alliance Sphagno-Caricion canescentis, associations Carici echinatae-Sphagnetum and Sphagno recurvi-Caricetum rostratae. This locality is the second, recently known occurrence in Slovakia. In addition to the mentioned species, the article also deals in more detail with the distribution of Drosera rotundifolia, Juncus squarrosus and the rare ferns Dryopteris cristata and Thelypteris limbosperma in this unique area in northern Slovakia.

Keywords: endangered and rare species, glacial relics, peat vegetation, Slovakia, Western Carpathians.

Hrabovský, M.
Revízia morfologickej terminológie. 3. Termíny pre kvalitatívne vlastnosti rastlín vyjadrujúce ich krásu a výnimočnosť pdf
Revision of morphological terminology, 3. Terms for qualitative properties of plants expressing their beauty and uniqueness
s. 75–84.

Abstract: Terminology for plant beauty and uniqueness is not part of botanical terminology dictionaries. Its translation for the purrposes of creation and revision of the Slovak botanical nomenclature is spontaneous and has no specific rules. Therefore, 72 exact Slovak equivalents to Latin terms were proposed in order to avoid the homonymy among the Slovak equivalents for plant names.

Keywords: slovak botanical nomenclature, terms for beauty, terms for uniqueness.

Čahojová, L., Jurašiková, M., Jarolímek, I., Kothajová, H., Mikulová, K. & Šibíková, M.
Mapovanie biotopov ÚEV Biskupické luhy pomocou diaľkového prieskumu Zeme a návrh manažmentových opatrení pdf
Mapping of the biotopes of the AEI Biskupické luhy using remote sensing and proposal of management measures
s. 87–101.

Abstract: Most floodplain forests in Slovakia are disturbed by intensive management, the cultivation of non-native poplar hybrids, or lack of natural water regime – flooding and dry periods. Due to the abandonment of the original management, non-forest habitats (so-called forest-steppes) are affected by succession. These habitats are also disturbed by human influences (e.g., trampling, collection of protected and rare species, waste pollution) and invasive plant species. Special Area of Conservation Biskupické luhy (SKUEV0295) represents a mosaic of remnants of floodplain forests and dry forest-steppes in a relatively small area. Diverse habitat structure supports rich biodiversity. However, thorough knowledge of the current state of habitats as well as proper and regular monitoring is needed to ensure adequate protection. Our work aimed to create a map of the current vegetation in the area. We used a combination of field research with remote sensing techniques, new software NaturaSat, to identify and create a map of target habitats. These include mainly natural habitats that are the subject of protection of this area, namely 5 European natural habitat types, of which 3 are among the priority - * 40A0 / Kr6 Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub, * 6210 / Tr1 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia), * 91E0 / Ls1.1 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae). Stands of invasive and none-native species were also mapped in order to determine their extent for the preparation of measures. Additionally, a proposal for management measures, which could serve as a basis for elaboration of a management plan for the area included in the NATURA 2000 system

Keywords: habitats, Natura 2000, NaturaSat, nature conservation management, protected areas, remote sensing.

Mereďa, P., ml. pdf
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2021
s. 3–9
Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 100–113
Šibík, J. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy
s. 114–119
Nositelia ceny Holubyho pamätná medaila za rok 2018
s. 120
Jubileá pdf
s. 121: Lackovičová, A., Fačkovcová, Z., Paoli, L.: Mgr. Anna Bérešová (rod. Guttová), PhD. – 50 rokov činorodého života
s. 121
Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
s. 137: Hindáková, A.: Zomrel RNDr. Petr Marvan, CSc., nositeľ Holubyho pamätnej medaily SBS
s. 138: Eliáš, P. st.: Učila nás robiť roztlakové preparáty s celofánom a počítať chromozómy. Spomienka na RNDr. Annu Uhríkovú (1939–2021) a jej pracovisko
s. 141: Schwarzová, T., Bernátová, D. & Kliment, J.: Doc. RNDr. Jozef Májovský (10. 6. 1920 – 16. 4. 2012)
s. 144: Schwarzová, T.: RNDr. Terézia Krippelová CSc. (1. 5. 1922 – 10. 10. 2002)
s. 164: Eliáš, P., st.: Pracovná skupina synantropnej botaniky SBS pri SAV – k 50. výročiu založenia
s. 137, 138, 141, 144, 164
Recenzie pdf
Hindáková, A.: Arbeitsgruppe Characeen Deutschlands Hrsg., 2016: „Armleuchteralgen. Die Characeen Deutschlands“ [Chary Nemecka], Springer Spektrum, 618 pp., kniha, pevná väzba, cena od 74 eur
s. 10
s. 30, 60: Eliáš, P., st.: Heslo „geobotanika“ v encyklopédii Beliana
s. 146: Eliáš, P., st.: Korešpondencia K. Domina a J. Ľ. Holubyho (1916–1922). Čo prezrádzajú listy K. Domina zaslané J. Ľ. Holubymu do Pezinka? pdf pdf
s. 151: Otvorený list Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti pri SAV Rektorátu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave k plánovanej reorganizácii Botanickej záhrady UK, pracoviska v Blatnici pdf pdf
s. 30 a 60, 146, 151
Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 156–157