Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 44, č. 2/2022


Guttová, A.
Overený výskyt diskovky zakrivenej (Arctoparmelia incurva, Parmeliaceae) v prírodnej rezervácii Kamenné more (Štiavnické vrchy) pdf
Verified occurrence of Arctoparmelia incurva (Parmeliaceae) in Nature Reserve Kamenné more (Štiavnické vrchy Mts)
s. 161–165.

Abstract: The blockfield within the Nature Reserve Kamenné more above the village of Vyhne (Štiavnické vrchy Mts) extends on the slopes of Kamenná Mt (elevation 502 m) in an altitude gradient from 360–500 m. It represents an island with the occurrence of boreal species in the middle of an area with a strong representation of thermophilic species. In 1987, Ivan Pišút recorded several noteworthy lichens, including boreal elements Arctoparmelia incurva and Melanelia stygia. This contribution provides current information on the occurrence of Arctoparmelia incurva in the Nature Reserve Kamenné more.

Keywords: boreal element, lichens, the Western Carpathians.

Dúbravková, D. & Smatanová, J.
Herbár Gejzu Runkoviča v zbierkach Vlastivedného múzea v Považskej Bystrici pdf
Gejza Runkovič‘s herbarium collection in the Museum of Homeland Studies in Považská Bystrica
s. 167–192.

Abstract: The herbarium of the Museum of Homeland Studies in Považská Bystrica includes more than 5 200 herbarium specimens. It was systematically built since 1984 when the museum was established. The core plant collection represents a large herbarium compiled by Gejza Runkovič, the regional amateur botanist and naturalist (born 3. 9. 1911 in Prešov – died 8. 8. 2005 in Kalinovo). The herbarium contains a total of 646 well-preserved and accurately labelled specimens. It includes 348 taxa of vascular plants, one species of fungus and one lichen. The herbarium specimens were collected in the time period 1946 – 1983 in various habitats in the territory of north-western Slovakia (Strážovské vrchy Mts, Biele Karpaty Mts, Javorníky Mts, Považské podolie Basin and Žilinská kotlina Basin). Herbarium specimens cover mainly the native flora with 61 endangered and rare species and species protected by law. The occurrence and ecological preferences of some species (e.g. Aconitum firmum, Campanula tatrae, Crocus discolor and Taraxacum parnassicum) is discussed in greater detail.

Keywords: Biele Karpaty Mts, chorology, Javorníky Mts, Middle Váh River Basin, Strážovské vrchy Mts, vascular plants, Western Carpathians.

Malovcová-Staníková, M.
Herbár Vlastivedného múzea v Hlohovci pdf
The Museum of Homeland Studies in Hlohovec Herbarium
s. 193–198.

Abstract: The Museum of Homeland Studies in Hlohovec was established in Hlohovec in 1959. At the beginning, its botanical collection contained only purchased specimens, later the collection fund was gradually enlarged by the museum staff. As of December 2021, the total number of herbarium specimens was 12.990 and 363 mushrooms (Voneš´s collection, K. Voneš was pharmacist and amateur mycologist). The most important collector was museum employer R. Vavro. He collected 9.513 herbarium specimens during the period from 1974 to 2014. The largest number of specimens was collected in the vicinity of Hlohovec (W Slovakia). Others were sampled mainly in different parts of the western and central Slovakia, also minor number of specimens were collected in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Croatia. The collection include also non-vascular plants (mushrooms, lichens and bryophytes) as well as seeds and fruits.

Keywords: collection, Slovakia.

Dudáš, M., Širka, P. & Marcinčinová, M.
Diverzita cievnatých rastlín Zoologickej záhrady v Košiciach (východné Slovensko) pdf
Diversity of vascular plants of the Zoological garden Košice (eastern Slovakia)
s. 199–207.

Abstract: Zoological garden Košice is the largest one among the five present zoological gardens in Slovakia. In total, 400 species of vascular plants belonging to 67 families were recorded in the whole territory of the zoological garden. Sixteen species are included in The Red List in four categories. The number of alien species reached 52, among them 35 naturalized archaeophytes, 10 invasive neophytes, 4 naturalised neophytes and 3 casual neophytes. The most interesting taxa Anacamptis morio, Cephalanthera longifolia, Epipactis atrorubens subsp. atrorubens, E. microphylla, Lactuca saligna, Nigella damascena, Taraxacum bessarabicum, T. cristatum and T. parnassicum are more closely discussed. The list of all recorded species is given.

Keywords: alien, autochthonous taxa, local flora, monitoring, rare taxa.

Valachovič, M.
Zväz Armerion elongatae sa nachádza aj na Slovensku pdf
The Armerion elongatae alliance is also present in Slovakia
s. 209–217.

Abstract: The distribution of xerophytic vegetation belonging to the Armerion elongatae alliance is documented for the first time from the territory of Slovakia. Based on 12 phytocenological relevés from the northern part of the Borská nížina Lowland, the floristic composition was reviewed and position of some important taxa, such as Armeria elongata and Festuca trachyphylla was commented. The paper also brings proposal for an inclusion of this alliance in the list of biotope units of Slovakia.

Keywords: habitat mapping, psammophyte vegetation.

Eliáš, P., st.
Votrelci medzi nami“ – nesprávny preklad a neprijateľná vulgarizácia pdf
Aliens among us“ – an uncorrect translation into Slovak and unacceptable presentation to public
s. 219–234.

Abstract: The invasion terminology associated with Elton‘s classic book on the ecology of invasions of animals and plants, e.g. “invaders”, “ecological explosions” and “battle”, an analogy with military actions used, was criticized by scientists in the past. It did not correspond with the more value-neutral terminology which has been used in (Central) Europe before 1990, especially in synanthropic botany. The SCOPE programme on ecology of biological invasions accepted the military terminology (with some features of xenophobia) and initiated the biotic invasion research in the world. In the paper, Elton‘s military terminology of the invasion and the invasion species is critically analysed. In the current terminology of invasion biology the terms “alien” and “invasive species” are distinguished in scientific papers. Three conclusions and recommendations were done: (a) The term/word Aliens was translated into the Slovak language incorrectly as Invaders. An only a small percentage of introduced and naturalized alien species behave invasively in new regions, and those are usually named invasive alien species. (b) The word Invaders is emotive one evocated military activities and it is unacceptable to be used in invasive biology context as well as in presentation the topic to the public. It represents an extreme simplification of the problem of introductions of species in new territories. For that reason, it is recommended (i) to return to the more value-neutral European terminology, preferring species introductions theory and terms “introduced species”, “new species”, “adventive plants”, “problem species”. And (ii) in scientific and popular papers as well as in communication with the public to avoid/eliminate the emotive terms such as invaders, killers, environmental weeds etc. (c) The invasive behaviour is related only to local invasive populations of naturalized introduced species which is/was native one to/in territories. It is recommended, therefore, to use the term „invasive“ in the short sense (sensu stricto) by ecological context only to the part of species (meta-)populations invading native communities and ecosystems.

Keywords: critique, introduced species, invasion biology, invasion terminology, xenophobia.

Hrabovský, M.
Súkvetia v slovenskej botanickej terminológii pdf
Inflorescences in Slovak botanical terminology
s. 235–241.

Abstract: Terminological concepts are continuously evolving. But when definitions are suddenly changed and not applied, confusion arises. This was the problem of 20th century, when racemose and cymose inflorescences were defined contrary to established usage. Many racemes, corymbs or panicles are cymes indeed. Therefore, the optimal solution is the return to the oldest correct concept of inflorescences dividing determinate and indeterminate inflorescences.

Keywords: determinate and indeterminate, racemose and cymose inflorescences.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 242–256
Jubileá pdf
s. 257: Michalková, E.: RNDr. František Činčura CSc., deväťdesiatročný
s. 259: Mičieta, K.: K životnému jubileu RNDr. Duňaši Javorčíkovej, CSc.
s. 260: Ujházy, K.: Eva Uhliarová – mladá sedemdesiatnička
s. 263: Mišíková, K.: Doc. Mgr. Soňa Jančovičová, PhD. (*23. 11. 1972)
s. 257, 259, 260, 263
Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
s. 265: Eliáš, P., st.: Za RNDr. Vladimírom Kozinkom, DrSc. (1927 – 2021)
s. 270: Eliáš, P. st.: Spomienka na profesora Jana Jeníka
s. 265, 270
Iné pdf
s. 166, 208: Eliáš, P., st.: Kto je autorom Terminológie botanickej morfológie?
s. 166, 208
Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 275–276