Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 45, č. 2/2023


Ferus, P., Košútová, D., Oravec, A., Konôpková, J., Hoťka, Lin, H.-Y., Hung, T.-Y., Liao, M.-Ch., Fan, S.-W. & Tung, G.-S.
Spolupráca v ex situ konzervácii chránených druhov drevín medzi Slovenskom a Taiwanom: identifikácia najefektívnejšej cesty propagácie pdf
Cooperation between Slovakia and Taiwan in ex situ conservation of protected woody plant species: identification of the most efficient propagation way
s. 121–134.

Abstract: Efficiency of different propagation ways (seeds, stem cuttings, in vitro technique) in 6 protected woody plant species were tested in the framework of a bilateral project between Slovakia and Taiwan. Crataegus lindmanii, one of the species from the Slovak Red list (EN), exhibited deep seed dormancy (still no results). Germination of Rhododendron tomentosum (EN) seeds was ca. 60% and the highest cuttings rooting efficiency was found for autumnal harvest, in Klassman TS Steckmedium substrate, without rooting stimulator (Rhizopon AA) application (57%). In vitro propagation was less successful (the highest culture initiation rate was of 37%). Germination of Rosa arvensis (VU) achenes was also low (2%) and the best results in the rooting of cuttings were obtained for autumnal harvest, with addition of the stimulator (25%). The highest in vitro culture initiation success was around 60% (but the stem morphogenesis was slow). The Taiwanese species – Citrus taiwanica (CR), Erythrina variegata (EN) and Polyanthia liukiuensis (CR) showed extraordinary high seed germinability (90–100%) and Erythrina variegata also cuttings rooting efficiency (95%). These results are discussed with regard to propagation way duration/costs and regenerant fitness.

Key words: classical propagation methods, ex situ conservation, in vitro technology, protected woody plant species.

Guttová, A., Paoli, L. & Blanár, D.
K výskytu epifytického lišajníka kolémy černejúcej (Collema nigrescens ) v Národnom parku Muránska planina pdf
On the occurrence of epiphytic lichen Collema nigrescens in the Muránska planina National Park
s. 135–142.

Abstract: The critically endangered and legally protected epiphytic macrolichen Collema nigrescens is confined to close-to-nature woody habitats with specific air humidity conditions and it is characterized as an oceanic element from macroclimatic view point. The species has been reported from Slovakia from ten orographical units, most of the records date back to the period 1859–1938. This species is a very sensitive bioindicator of ecological continuity of stands. In this paper, we present the results of a survey of two localities in the Muránska planina National Park – Cigánka and Šiance with the aim to monitor current occurrence of the species.

Key words: ancient woodland, NATURA 2000 the Western Carpathians.

Eliáš, P., st.
Výskum zavlečených druhov rastlín na Slovensku – od adventívnej floristiky k inváznej biológii pdf
Alien plant species research in Slovakia – from adventive floristics to invasion biology
s. 143–164.

Abstract: Alien vascular plants have been traditional objects of the botanical research in (Central) Europe, including Slovakia. The introduced (adventive) species research, the development of adventive floristics, synanthropic botany and the invasion biology in Slovakia are shortly presented in the paper. Adventive plants were recorded in Slovakia and data published since second half of the 19th century by Slovak botanists. Synanthropic botany was supported by a working group of the Slovak Botanical Society in Bratislava established in 1969. Five international workshops/symposia were organized in Bratislava and Martin (1970 – 1988). The SCOPE programme on ecology of biological invasions was ongoing in Slovakia. Between 1996 – 2008, six scientific conferences were organized and proceedings and abstract books were published. Localities, spread and distribution (mapping) of the species were recorded and studied. The ecological-biological studies on invasive alien species have been focused on field and experimental studies on plant traits (growth, reproduction etc.), population dynamics, biomass production and allocation, eco-physiological processes (photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration), which could be responsible for invasion success (establishment, persistence by dominance and dispersal of local populations) and invasion potential of introduced species. Several ideas and concepts were developed, including biotic invasion as a process on global, regional, and local levels, the invasive species and potential invasive species criteria and definitions, including metapopulations, invasive behaviour of species, invasive species lists categorizations, integrative management with global, regional, and local levels measures.

Key words: adventive plants, bibliography, introduced species, invasion biology, history, research, synanthropic botany, Slovakia.

Dudáš, M.
Komentovaný prehľad zaujímavejších floristických nálezov z východného Slovenska IV. pdf
Commented overview of interesting floristic findings from eastern Slovakia IV.
s. 165–175.

Abstract: The fourth part of the mini-series targeting the territory of eastern Slovakia summarizes findings of 29 vascular plant taxa, of which eighteen are native species and ten alien species (of those two naturalised neophytes, seven casual neophytes and one naturalised archaeophyte). The occurrence of rare species Oxytropis pilosa (EN) and Veronica jacquinii (CR) was confirmed on Mt. Sivec and on the small hill near the village Vinné, respectively. Hyacinthoides non-scripta is a new alien recorded for the flora of Slovakia and proposed to be included in the category casual neophyte.

Key words: alien, local flora, mapping, native species, new findings, red list species.

Havránek, P., Eliáš, P., ml. & Hrivnák, R.
Nová lokalita stavikrvu trávolistého (Polygonum graminifolium na Slovensku pdf
A new locality of Polygonum graminifolium in Slovakia
s. 177–180.

Abstract: A new site of the rare ephemeral Pannonian endemic species Polygonum graminifolium (Polygonaceae) was found on the gravel bank of the Dunaj River south of the village of Chľaba (the Burda Hills) in July 2023. The species was growing in species-poor vegetation close to stands of the Bidentetea class. The locality represents only the fourth record of P. graminifolium in Slovakia overall, likewise, it is only the second recently confirmed occurrence. Based on new knowledge about the occurrence of the species, we propose to reclassify it from the DD (data deficient) category to the CR (critically endangered) category in the Red List of Ferns and Flowering Plants of Slovakia.

Key words: Danube river, exposed banks, rare plant, southwestern Slovakia.

Valachovič, M.
Pistia rezavková aj na Borskej nížine pdf
Pistia stratiotes also in Borská nížina Lowland
s. 181–183.

Abstract: During the last decades, a potentially invasive aquatic plant species Pistia stratiotes has been registered on Podunajská nížína Lowland several times. The occurrence in Borská nížina Lowland extends its localities in the western part of Slovakia. The first two phytocoenological relevés are added.

Key words: aquatic vegetation, invasive plant, pleustophytes. s. 181–183.

Eliáš, P., ml. & Hrivnák, R.
Groenladnia densa v potoku Horná Blava v obci Kátlovce pdf
Groenladnia densa in Horná Blava stream in the Kátlovce village
s. 184–185.

Abstract: The endangered aquatic plant Groenlandia densa was found in the new locality in the Kátlovce village (Trnavská pahorkatina Mts, western Slovakia). The species grew in the canalised course of Horná Blava stream in relatively cold, shallow, fast flowing water, with coarse-grained substrate in the bottom, alkaline reaction and mid-values of conductivity. Population of the species created several dozens of individuals. In addition of the Groenladia densa, next aquatic plants such as Elodea canadensis, Potamogeton crispus and locally also Lemna minor grew in the locality.

Key words: endangered plant, macrophytes, western Slovakia.

Eliáš, P., st.
Holubyho nález Senecio paludosus na Javorine (Biele Karpaty) pdf

Holuby‘s finding of Senecio paludosus on Javorina (White Carpathian Mts)
s. 186–188.

Abstract: Ľ. Holuby´s record of Senecio paludosus occurrence in Veľká Javorina, NW Slovakia, in 1856 is discussed. The new locality was published three times: in 1856, 1858 and 1871. It was described by some Slovak botanists as “very interesting”, “unusual“ and “unlikely“ one from the species chorology and ecology poit of view. The Holuby´s herbarium specimen located in SLO was determined as S. paludosus subsp. angustifolius Holub. Later Holuby in his memorial paper wrote down that he only found one plant individuum found and never more in other surrounding localities. It is concluded that Holuby´s locality is historical one at the present time.

Key words: fen ragwort, Jacobaea paludosa, unconfirmed finding.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 189–204
Jubileá pdf
s. 205: Kelbel, P.: Doc. RNDr. Sergej Mochnacký, CSc. sedemdesiatnikom
Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
Valachovič, M., Hrouda, L., Kochjarová, J., Michalková, E., Goliašová, K. & Letz, D. R.: Doc. RNDr. Viera Feráková, CSc. (*22. 7. 1938 – †2. 6. 2023)
s. 213.
Recenzie pdf
s. 176, 222: Valachovič, M.: Vojtěch Holubec, David Horák (2018): The Tian Shan and its flowers. Arkadiusz Nowak & Marcin Nobis (eds.), Sylwia Nowak, Agnieszka Nobis, Anna Wróbel, Sebastian Świerszcz, Ewelina Klichowska, Iwona Dembicz & Grzegorz Kusza (2020): Illustrated flora of Tajikistan and adjacent areas.

s. 223: Turisová, I.: Janka Martincová, Wojciech Szewczyk, Peter Kováčik (eds) a kol. (2021): Opatrenia na zachovanie priaznivého stavu horských lúčnych biotopov / Działania na rzecz zachowania i rewitalizacji górskich biotopów łąkowych.

s. 225: Eliáš, P., st.: Chamovitz, Daniel (2020): Co rostlina ví: Průvodce smyslovým světem rostlin.
Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 228–229