Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 46, č. 1/2024


Jasík, M. & Dítě, D.
Aktuálne rozšírenie vrchovky alpínskej (Tozzia carpathica) na Orave (severné Slovensko) pdf
The current distribution of Tozzia carpathica in the Orava region (northern Slovakia)
s. 13–20.

Abstract: In Slovakia, Tozzia carpatica is a rare species endemic to the Oravské Beskydy, Malá Fatra, Chočské vrchy, Západné Tatry, Čergov and Bukovské vrchy Mts. As a species protected under the European Union’s Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), it is currently a subject of conservation in four special areas of conservation (SACs). This report brings new insights into the occurrence of Tozzia carpatica in the Oravské Beskydy Mts., part of the Protected Landscape Area Horná Orava (98 sites), and factors contributing to the endangerment of the species and its habitat. Considering the representative character and significance of these recently discovered sites, their addition to the Natura 2000 network has been proposed.

Key words: Central Europe, Natura 2000, Orobanchaceae, Tozzia carpathica.

Kostúr, P., Jasík, M. & Potocký, P.
Nové lokality modrušky pošvatej (Limodorum abortivum) na severozápadnom okraji Slovenského rudohoria pdf
New localities of Limodorum abortivum on the northwestern edge of the Slovenské rudohorie Mts
s. 21–26.

Abstract: Limodorum abortivum (Orchidaceae) is a species rarely found in Slovakia, particularly in the western and southern regions of the country. According to the classification by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Limodorum abortivum is categorized as ‘Near Threatened’ within Slovakia. This article provides information about new sites where it has been found, specifically at the northernmost boundary of its currently known distribution on the northwestern edge of the Slovenské Rudohorie mountains. The report also emphasizes the natural significance of some of these habitats, underscoring the need for their preservation, and invites further botanical exploration.

Key words: endangered species, recent occurrence.

Letz, D. R. & Mereďa, P. ml.
Prvé nálezy prehliadaného druhu Amaranthus bouchonii na Záhorí (západné Slovensko) pdf
The first data on the overlooked species Amaranthus bouchonii in the Záhorie region (western Slovakia)
s. 27–33.

Abstract: The occurrence of Amaranthus bouchonii (Amaranthaceae) has been confirmed in Slovakia only recently and remained as an overlooked alien species of the Slovak flora. Until now, its localities have been mainly known from the southern part of central and eastern Slovakia. In this paper, seven new localities of A. bouchonii and one locality of its hybrid found in western Slovakia in the years 2015 – 2023, are presented. The localities in the Morava river alluvium represent the first data of the species for the Záhorie region. Distinguishing characters of A. bouchonii from other naturalized species of the A. hybridus group in Slovakia are presented as well.

Key words: alien species, Amaranthaceae, distribution, identification, Pannonia.

Májeková, J., Letz, D. R., Mereďa, P. ml. & Hodálová, I.
Výsledky Floristického minikurzu konaného v roku 2023 v Bratislave, v mestských častiach Rača a Vrakuňa pdf
Results of the Floristic mini-course held in 2023 in Bratislava boroughs of Rača and Vrakuňa
s. 35–56.

Abstract: The fourth Floristic mini-course of the Slovak Botanical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences was held in Bratislava (western Slovakia) on 16–17 June 2023. During the course, we recorded 350 vascular plant taxa, out of them 12 with the Red list category (Convallaria majalis, Crepis pulchra, Galanthus nivalis, Hippuris vulgaris, Jasione montana, Lactuca quercina var. quercina, L. saligna, Petrorhagia saxifraga, Tordylium maximum, Torilis arvensis subsp. arvensis, Trifolium striatum, and Vicia incana). Five of the taxa are legally protected on a national level (Galanthus nivalis, Hippuris vulgaris, Tordylium maximum, Trifolium striatum, Vicia incana). Seven taxa are classified as invasive alien species of concern in the Slovak Republic or the European Union (Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Fallopia ×bohemica, Lycium barbarum, Solidago canadensis, and S. gigantea). The species Thuja occidentalis and Thymus vulgaris are neophytes escaped from cultivation new to the flora of Slovakia. Some other interesting findings are commented on in more detail.

Key words: alien taxa, Malé Karpaty Mts, Slovakia, Podunajská nížina Lowland, threatened species, vascular plants.

Letz, D. R.
Heracleum sosnowskyi (Apiaceae) – prehliadaný invázny druh rastie aj na Slovensku pdf
Heracleum sosnowskyi (Apiaceae) – an overlooked invasive species grows in Slovakia as well
s. 57–68.

Abstract: Heracleum mantegazzianum has been a well-known invasive species of the flora of Slovakia already for several decades. However, a revision of its available photographic documentation revealed that there are actually two related species in Slovakia: H. mantegazzianum and the hitherto overlooked H. sosnowsky i. The latter has not yet been recorded in Slovakia, although it is also an important invasive species in many regions of Europe and has been spreading in recent decades, also to areas where it was not previously recorded. This paper provides information about the distribution and some ecological requirements of the invasive H. sosnowskyi, as well as a key to distinguish it from the closely related H. mantegazzianum.

Key words: alien species, Heracleum, invasive species, Slovakia.

Letz, D. R.
Iris sanguinea – nový nepôvodný druh flóry Slovenska a Maďarska pdf
Iris sanguinea – a new alien species of the flora of Slovakia and Hungary
s. 69–74.

Abstract: Iris sanguinea is one of the cultivated species, which was found escaped in several countries of central Europe in last decades. Our report brings results of the revision of photographically documented records from Slovakia, originally misidentified as I. sibirica (one of the native species of the flora of Slovakia). First records of alien I. sanguinea in Slovakia from 6 localities are presented. The first one of them is from the year 2012. The record of I. sanguinea (escaped plant photographed as I. sibirica in 2021) at Csömör near Budapest is probably the first one for Hungary. The main morphological characters distinguishing I. sanguinea and I. sibirica are discussed as well.

Key words: alien, adventive, invasion, Iris sibirica.

Kerbčárová, D. & Dudáš, M.
Naturalizácia, cenologická afinita a nové lokality cimbalka múrového (Cymbalaria muralis, Plantaginaceae) na východnom Slovensku pdf
Naturalization, coenological affinity and new localities of Kenilworth Ivy (Cymbalaria muralis, Plantaginaceae) in eastern Slovakia
s. 75–83.

Abstract: Cymbalaria muralis is a striking adventive species in Slovakia, growing on various types of walls and historical city fortifications. This paper presents the results of mapping of C. muralis in the territory of eastern Slovakia and summarizes all 15 so-far known localities. The species grows on vertical wall surfaces and on horizontal surfaces, such as cracks and spaces between paving stones on paths, open-air stairs and old tombstones, forming the association Cymbalarietum muralis, which is documented by eleven phytosociological relevés. The species is fully naturalized in historical city centers of Levoča and Bardejov, where it has colonized historical city fortifications. The diversity of species composition of this association is predominantly poor, locally it creates monodominant vegetation. Noteworthy findings include the populations on the walls of the abandoned travertine quarry in Hrhov village, where C. muralis colonized more than 30% of the entire quarry area.

Key words: alien species, colonization, historical fortifications, regional flora, walls.

Uherčíková, E. & Pišút, P.
Vegetačné pomery PR Hetméň pri Lehniciach na Podunajskej nížine (JZ Slovensko) pdf
The vegetation conditions of Nature reserve Hetméň near the village of Lehnice (the Danube Lowlands, SW Slovakia)
s. 85–96.

Abstract: This paper aims to describe a vegetative cover of the Nature Reserve Hetméň (located near the village of Lehnice, the Žitný Ostrov Island, Danube Lowlands, SW Slovakia) covering an area of 14.7 hectares. During the field study we have recorded 16 phytosociological relevés and the presence of 104 species of vascular plants. In terms of species composition and structure, this isolated woodland amidst intensively managed cropland areas represents a hardwood floodplain forest of the subassociation Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum convallarietosum Jurko 1958 and Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum populetosum (Jurko 1958) Džatko 1972. The woodland is of secondary origin since it was established by an artificial planting on and around a previously isolated eolian dune. Despite its partially altered tree-species composition (mainly due to abundant Robinia pseudoacacia and Celtis occidentalis) and the common occurrence of additional non-native and invasive species, we find the studied territory very valuable regarding vegetation. In addition, rich occurrence of Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum demonstrates the character of former association Ulmeto-Quercetum lithospermetosum Jurko 1958.

Key words: hardwood floodplain forest, Žitný ostrov Island.

Dítě, D., Hájková, P., Hájek, M., Plesková, Z. & Jasík, M.
Krátky príspevok k poznaniu flóry a vegetácie nelesných mokradí v horskom stupni masívu Pilska (Orava, severné Slovensko) pdf
A short contribution to the flora and vegetation of non-forest wetlands in the mountain belt of the Pilsko Massif (Orava, northern Slovakia)
s. 97–112.

Abstract: We describe the vegetation of small-sized non-forest wetlands in the forests of Bystrá dolina, located in the western part of the Pilsko massif in the Orava region of northern Slovakia. The sites are situated between 1126 and 1293 meters a.s.l. In the vicinity of active springs or streams, a spring habitat of national interest has been inhabited by the vegetation of the class Montio-Cardaminetea, alliance Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae and Calthetum laeate association. Alkaline fens, a habitat of European interest, are formed on elevated plateaus or depressions created by landslides. They are occupied by the vegetation of the Valeriano-Caricetum flavae association (class Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae, alliance Caricion davallianae). The occurrence of this vegetation in the Pilsko Massif is at its elevational limit in Slovakia. We also recorded transitional mires (= poor fens) inhabited by the alliance Sphagno recurvi-Caricion canescentis and Carici echinatae-Sphagnetum association, but only sporadically and represented by just one relevé. In the drier parts or places with unstable water regime, the vegetation of the Calthion palustris alliance was recorded in smaller areas. At the same time, we confirmed the presence of Tofieldia calyculata and Trollius europaeus (syn. T. altissimus, NT), two species that are exceedingly rare in the Orava region.

Key words: alkaline spring fens, glacial relics, Orava region, mountain wetlands, soft-water bryophyte-dominated springs, vegetation classification.

Mereďa, P., ml. pdf
Správa o činnosti Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti v roku 2023
s. 3–11
Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 113–133
Nositelia titulu Čestný člen SBS a ceny Holubyho pamätná medaila za rok 2023 pdf

s. 134–135
Cena Jána Futáka za najlepšiu diplomovú prácu pdf

s. 136-137
Jubileá pdf
Dudáš, M.: Pavol Mártonfi jubiluje
s. 138
Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
s. 156: Kicková, K. & Zaliberová, M.: Slovenskú botanickú komunitu navždy opustila významná múzejníčka RNDr. Viktória Urbanová, CSc. (*3. 12. 1946 – †14. 1. 2024)
s. 165: Mereďa, P. & Balážová, Z.: Mgr. Marián Perný, PhD. (*17. 12. 1975 – † 5. 12. 2023)
s. 174: Čiamporová, M.: Spomienka na RNDr. Máriu Luxovú, DrSc.
s. 156, 165, 174
Recenzie pdf
s. 12, 34: Hájek, M.: Ján Kliment, Katarína Hegedüšová Vantarová (eds), 2023: Lišajníky, machorasty a cievnaté rastliny Národného parku Veľká Fatra.
s. 177: Koníček, V.: Rudolf Šoltés, Katarína Mišíková, Ján Kliment, Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Homolová, Marta Mútňanová (2021): Atlas machorastov Slovenska.
s. 12+34, 177
Iné pdf Kantor, A.: Projekt Slovenská flóra na portáli iNaturalist.


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