Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 31, č. 2/2009


Valenta, V.
Floristické poznámky Karola Laubnera (18??–193?) z okolia Bratislavy pdf
Karl Laubner’s (18??–193?) floristic notes from surroundings of Bratislava
s. 3–6

Abstract: Hand-written notes by Karl Laubner, until 1937 a custodian of the Botanic Garden of the Verein für Heil- und Naturkunde in Bratislava, on the occurrence of vascular plants in the surroundings of Bratislava are published and commented.

Keywords: vascular plants, floristics, Western Slovakia.

Štrba, P. & Gogoláková, A.
Nezvyčajné výškové rozšírenie niektorých (prevažne synantropných) druhov rastlín v orografickom celku Oravská Magura pdf
Unusual altitudinal distribution of some (mostly synanthropic) plants species in orographic district Oravská Magura Mts
s. 7–15

Abstract: Abstract: New altitudinal maxima or interesting findings near upper limits of vertical distribution of the species Abutilon theophrasti, Acetosella vulgaris, Amaranthus retrofleus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Astragalus cicer, Atriplex patula, Cucubalus baccifer, Cynosurus cristatus, Datura stramonium, Echinochloa crus-galli, Echium vulgare, Erysimum cheiranthoides, Galium aparine, Helianthus annuus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lycopus europaeus, Menyanthes trifoliata, Odontites vulgaris, Papaver rhoeas, Persicaria maculosa, Phalaroides arundinacea, Sanguisorba officinalis, Scleranthus annuus, Senecio jacobaea, Sonchus oleraceus, Spergula arvensis, Syringa vulgaris, Thlaspi arvense, Tithymalus strictus, Trifolium flexuosum, Trifolium hybridum, Viola arvensis from Oravská Magura Mts are presented. Spreading of the species to the higher altitudes progresses under the human influence (habitat changes, pasture, tourism, transport development) and also under the influence of gradual global climate change.

Keywords: altitudinal limits, Central Slovakia, flora, habitat changes, phytogeography, plant distribution, synanthropisation.

Slezák, M. & Kukla, J.
Výskyt niektorých zriedkavejších cievnatých rastlín v severnej časti Štiavnických vrchov pdf
Occurrence of some rare vascular plants in north part of the Štiavnické vrchy Mts
s. 17-25

Abstract: The paper deals with first results of the floristic research carried out in the north part of the Štiavnické vrchy Mts during the vegetation period 2008. New localities of rare and threatened species were found and some sites of their occurrence discovered in the past have been confirmed. The overview comprises 26 species, one is new for this studied area (Fallopia sachalinensis), one belongs to endangered (Lychnis coronaria), eleven to vulnerable, and eleven to lower risk taxa in Slovakia.

Keywords: plant species occurrence, red-listed plants, floristics, Štiavnické vrchy Mts.

Bernátová, D. & Kučera, P.
Sedlové rašelinisko na Kubínskej holi: horúce miesto špecifickej druhovej diverzity pdf
A mire at col of Mt. Kubínska Hoľa: hotspot of a specific plant species diversity
s. 27–33

Abstract: Data on species of mires of Mt. Kubínska Hoľa (northern Slovakia) are available since the 19th century, either as floristic entries or detailed studies. Our recent field research did not confirm presence of Andromeda polifolia, Calluna vulgaris and problematic data on occurrence of Carex elata and Scheuchzeria palustris as well. We recorded some unknown species from this area: Viola palustris, Juncus alpino-articulatus, Agrostis canina, Carex davalliana, Epilobium palustre, Carex tumidicarpca, Viola biflora, Comarum palustre. Also vertical maximum of the occurence of Naumburgia thyrsiflora in Slovakia was found.

Keywords: mire vegetation, Naumburgia thyrsiflora, Oravská Magura Mts.

Malovcová-Staníková, M.
Spoločenstvá Scirpetum sylvatici a Epilobio palustri- Juncetum effusi na Borskej nížine pdf
Communities Scirpetum sylvatici and Epilobio palustri-Juncetum effusi in the Borská nížina Lowland
s. 35–39

Abstract: Abstract: Relevés of the associations Scirpetum sylvatici and Epilobio palustri-Juncetum effusi were recorded in 1999 and 2000. The communities occur on alluviums of brooks and in deeper terrain depressions of wet meadows in the studied area. At present the existing sites of the communities are endangered especially by draining of localities and absence of mowing .

Keywords: West Slovakia, wet meadows, vulnerable communities.

Hrivnák, R., Oťaheľová, H., Kochjarová, J. & Dúbravková, D.
Makrofytná vegetácia vodných nádrží Nízkych Tatier (Slovensko) pdf
Macrophyte vegetation of the water reservoirs in the Nízke Tatry Mts (Slovakia)
s. 41–51

Abstract: We studied the macrophyte species and their communities as well as ecology of 23 water reservoirs in the Nízke Tatry Mts and adjacent parts of basins and mountains in July 2008. Forty taxa, one group (Algae filamentosae) and fourteen aquatic and marsh plant communities (from the Potametea and the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea classes) were detected. We recognised some ecological (e.g. water temperature and conductivity) and vegetation (e.g. number of macrophyte species) differences between water reservoirs in the southern and the northern parts of study area.

Keywords: aquatic and marsh plant communities, ecology, phytosociology, species diversity.

Vykouková, I. & Hrubá, S. Fytocenologické a ekologické zmeny v spoločenstve Poo chaixii-Fagetum Šomšák 1979 v Slovenskom rudohorí (Volovské vrchy) pdf
Phytocoenological and ecological changes in the association Poo chaixii-Fagetum Šomšák 1979 in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts (the Volovské vrchy Mts)
s. 53–62

Abstract: This paper evaluates phytocoenological and ecological changes in the association Poo chaixii-Fagetum Šomšák 1979 in the Slovenské rudohorie Mts. Based on the comparison of the older phytosociological relevés of Šomšák with the recent ones of Hrubá it was evident that biodiversity in the association decreased, acidophilous and oligothropic species dominate in the changed specific spectrum. According to DCA analysis, the effect of soil acidity and content of soil nitrogen are the most important factors for differentiation of used sets of relevés.

Keywords: ecology, Poo chaixii-Fagetum, syntaxonomy.

Jarolímek, I., Kliment, J. & Medvecká, J.
Spoločenstvá zväzu Petasition officinalis v Krivánskej Malej Fatre pdf
Communities of the alliance Petasition officinalis in the Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts
s. 63–75

Abstract: The article brings the evaluation of phytocoenological data from the mountain tall herb communities of the alliance Petasition officinalis in the Krivánska Malá Fatra Mts (West Carpathians). Based on 37 relevés three communities were distinguished: 1. Agropyro caninae-Petasitetum kablikiani pulmonarietosum obscurae (var. typicum and var. with Chaerophyllum aromaticum), 2. Chrysosplenio alternifolii-Petasitetum hybridi (var. with Anthriscus nitidus and var. with Anthriscus sylvestris), 3. Aconito firmi-Rumicetum alpini. Floristic composition, structure of stands, habitats and distribution of communities in studied region are characterised.

Keywords: mountain riparian vegetation, Petasites hybridus, Petasites kablikianus, Rumex alpinus, syntaxonomy, West Carpathians.

David, S.
Stepní flóra a vegetace zemních valů hradiska v obci Bíňa (okr. Nové Zámky) pdf
The steppe flora and vegetation of the loess bulwarks in the Bíňa village (district Nové Zámky, SW Slovakia)
s. 77–85

Abstract: According to the historians the fortified settlement in Bíňa village was built during the years 997–998. The defensive bulwarks 2200 m long havebeen preserved until the present-day. In our study we compare the present floristic and vegetation composition with those published by K. Domin in the first half of the 20th century. The vegetation of the loess bulwarks has kept the character of the pannonic loess steppic grasslands until the present (the alliance Festucion valesiacae). There are species rich associations (182 taxa of vascular plants), particularly Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Sillinger 1930 with diagnostic and dominant species Stipa capillata, Festuca rupicola, Potentilla arenaria, Koeleria macrantha, Acosta rhenanaetc. Some of them (e. g. Agropyron pectinatum, Allium rotundum, Bromus arvensis, Nigella arvensis, Taraxacum sero-tinum, Tithymalus glareosussubsp. pannonicus) belong in Slovakia to the endangered and protected vascular plant species. The bulwarks have become the refugium of the steppe vegetation in the surrounding agricultural landscape. In the past, the main type of management of the study site were grazing of goats and sheep and the burning and cutting of grass as well. Recently the invasive and expansive species, such as Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima, Sambucus ebulusspread there.

Keywords: Bíňa defensive bulwark, steppe flora and vegetation, Slovakia.

Kučera, P.
O kontinentalite na Slovensku a v geobotanike pdf
On continentality in Slovakia and within geobotany
s. 87–109

Abstract: Continentality as a factor determining the distribution of flora and vegetation is used often within geobotany. Continentality is frequently used also in Slovakia – its effects are applied in interpretation of differences in forest vegetation of some regions (e. g. the Popradská kotlina Basin, southern slopes of the Vysoké Tatry Mts) in comparison to other regions (i. e. absence of Fagus sylvatica, distribution of Pinus cembra etc.). But continentality is much more complex and its using at small scale areas with various mesoclimatic conditions is inappropriate as continentality works on “continental” scale. More suitable is to draw attention to climatic features with impact on vegetation in regional and local scale (within mesoclimate), and with stress on vegetation period. In addition, also recent field research did not confirm some older opinions on natural beechless areas induced by “continentality”.

Keywords: beechless area, climate, continentality, forest vegetation, Popradská kotlina Basin, Tatry Mountains.

Eliáš, P., st.
Terminologická poznámka: zdomácnenie a udomácnenie pdf
Terminological notes on the Slovak terms for „domestication“ and “naturalization”
s. 111–115

Abstract: The report discusses Slovak and Czech terms for domestication and naturalization in scientific botanical and ecological literature. The author suggests to distinguish between two Slovak terms: the term „zdomácnenie“ for domestication of wild by artificial selection and the term „udomácnenie“ for naturalization of introduced (alien) plant species in a new territory.

Keywords: aliens, changes in new environment, cultivated plants, terminology, wild plants and animals.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.)
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy pdf

s. 117–121

Šibík, J. & Šibíková, I.
Vegetačná databáza – možnosti a využitie pdf
Vegetation database – facilities and utilities, 122-125

Abstract: The paper discusses the facilities and utilities of the database program Turboveg for Windows, a software package for the input, storage and handling of vegetation and floristic data. The authors point out the possibilities of Turboveg not only in phytosociology, but also in ecology, taxonomy and in nature conservation, mainly for inventory research, red list set-ups etc. The possibility to fill in a biotope type (where the relevé or a taxon was sampled) for input phytosociological relevés opens up the program usage (and hence the data stored in it) also for general public, particularly for nature conservation institutions.

Keywords: Databases, ecology, habitats, plant communities, relevés, Turboveg.

Hrabovec, I.
Výročia osobností v r. 2009, ktoré sa zaslúžili o poznanie flóry Slovenska pdf

s. 126–128

Životné jubileá:

s. 129–132: Erdelský, K. Životné jubileum prof. RNDr. Eleny Masarovičovej, DrSc.
Kmeťová, E. & Goliašová, K. Zdravica Dr. Kamile Zahradníkovej, CSc.

Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf

s. 133–135: M. Repčák: Za Ing. Andrejom Vojtuňom
A. Lackovičová: Zomrel RNDr. Ing. Antonín Vězda, CSc.


pdf s. 16: Greguss, L. Businský, R. The Genus Pinus L., Pines: contribution to knowledge. A monograph with cone drawings of all species of the world by Ludmila Businská. Acta Pruhoniciana. 2008, 88, 126 p., prílohy. Náklad 500 ks.

pdf s. 34: Lackovičová, A. & Goliašová, K. Nová botanická monografia: Kliment, J. (ed.) et al., 2008. Príroda Veľkej Fatry. Lišajníky, machorasty, cievnaté rastliny. Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava. ISBN 978-80-223-2410-6.

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