Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 35, č. 2/2013


Kochjarová, J., Hrivnák, R., Oťaheľová H., Dúbravková D., Paľove-Balang P., Novikmec, M., Hamerlík, L. & Svitok, M.
Aktuálne údaje o výskyte niektorých vodných a močiarnych rastlín na Slovensku pdf
Actual data on occurrence of some aquatic and marsh plants on the territory of Slovakia
s. 107–118

Abstract: Data about occurrence of some insufficiently documented plant species, as one of results of the long-time research of aquatic and marsh flora and vegetation on the territory of Slovakia, gathered in 2007–2012 are presented in the paper. There were different aquatic habitats, mostly water reservoirs visited in the study area. Several rare and endangered plants of the flora of Slovakia have been observed: Berula erecta, Butomus umbellatus, Carex paniculata, Ceratophyllum submersum, Chara fragilis, C. hispida, C. vulgaris, Dichostylis micheliana, Hippochaete variegata, Leersia oryzoides, Limosella aquatica, Myriophyllum verticillatum, Najas minor, Nuphar lutea, Nymphaea alba, Potamogeton acutifolius, P. gramineus, P. trichoides, Ricciocarpos natans, Stellaria palustris, Stratiotes aloides, Trapa natans, Utricularia vulgaris and Wolffia arrhiza. Several new localities of rare or data deficient taxa of macrophytes (e.g. Bolboschoenus laticarpus, B. planiculmis, Callitriche cophocarpa, Stellaria palustris, Utricularia australis) were found. The occurrence of three neophyte species, Acorus calamus, Elodea nuttalii and Typha laxmannii was documented.

Keywords: aquatic flora and vegetation, endangered species, flora of Slovakia, macrophytes.

Figura, T.
Nové zaujímavé floristické nálezy z okolia Myjavy (západné Slovensko) pdf
New interesting floristical findings from the Myjava surroundings (western Slovakia)
s. 119–126

Abstract: New localities of 28 threatened and rare vascular plants, mostly of the Orchideaceae family, recorded in Myjava district (Malé Karpaty and Biele Karpaty Mountains, western Slovakia) are presented. Data were colected between 2004 – 2012. The most significant findings include those of Epipactis voethii (3rd finding in Slovakia), Epipactis placentina, Limodorum abortivum, and Orchis pallens.

Keywords: distribution, threatened and endargened species, Western Carpathians, Orchidaceae, Slovakia.

Letz, D. R. & Hrivnák, R.
Zaujímavé nálezy ruderálnych, segetálnych a zavlečených cievnatých rastlín z územia stredného Slovenska II. pdf
Interesting findings of ruderal, weed and alien vascular plants in centralSlovakia II.
s. 127–140

Abstract: The paper brings further new data on the occurrence of synanthropic vascular plants in central Slovakia. The annotated list includes altogether 37 taxa interesting from phytogeographical, floristic or ecological point of view. They were recorded on close to nature or disturbed sites during the vegetation periods in 2011–2012 (partly also 2013). The most interesting findings are those documenting distribution increase of the alien species Abutilon theophrasti, Asclepias syriaca, Datura inoxia, Sedum hispanicum and Geranium purpureum. The records of the escaped species Sorghum bicolor are the first for central Slovakia.Valuable data are given as well as for several threatened synanthropic species including Chenopodium murale, Hibiscus trionum, Kickxia elatine and Myosurus minimus.

Keywords: chorology, flora, synanthropic species, Western Carpathians.

Králik, T.
Nové nálezy ohrozených a vzácnejších taxónov cievnatých rastlín v Malých Karpatoch IV. pdf
New findings of threatened and rare taxa of vascular plants in the Malé Karpaty Mts. IV.
s. 141–160

Abstract: New localities of 50 threatened and rare vascular plants in the Malé Karpaty Mts are presented. Out of this number 2 taxa are of the category CR, 6 taxa of category EN, 21 taxon of the category VU, 12 of the category LR:nt and 9 with rare occurrence in the region concerned. Some population data are included too.

Keywords: threatened and rare species, vascular plants, new records, population data, Malé Karpaty Mts.

Ujházyová, M., Ujházy, K. & Máliš, F.
Bukové lesy juhozápadnej časti Veľkej Fatry pdf
Beech forests of the southwestern part of the Veľká Fatra Mts
s. 161–198

Abstract: A syntaxonomical classification of beech forest plant communities in the southwestern part of the Veľká Fatra Mts. is presented. Using numerical classification Twinspan 7 associations within 5 alliances and suballiances were distinguished. Calcicolous beech forest communities typical for the area are represented by Carici albae-Fagetum, Clematido alpinae-Fagetum and Cortuso-Fagetum associations. New subassociation Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum caricetosum albae was described as montane fir-beech forest on carbonate bedrock and differentiated from the other communities of the suballiance Eu-Fagenion. All of these communities reach high species richness which makes this area one of the hotspots of forest plant diversity within Western Carpathians.

Keywords: Acerenion, Cephalanthero-Fagenion, Eu-Fagenion, forest communities, syntaxonomy.

Rydzyková, Z. & Šibík, J.
Syntaxonómia rastlinných spoločenstiev Doliny Siedmich prameňov (Belianske Tatry) – ujasnenie náplne syntaxonóv uvádzaných v súčasnosti a minulosti a možné príčiny vedúce k zmenám v klasifikácii pdf
The syntaxonomy of the plant communities of the Valley of Seven Springs (Belianske Tatry Mts) – clarifying the syntaxons content reported in the past and present and possible reasons of classification changes
s. 199–213

Abstract: The Valley of Seven Springs attracts people for centuries because of its rich flora differ from mostly acidophilous High Tatras' vegetation. This valley with surroundings summits has charmed not only shepherds and hunters but also tourists, hikers and botanists. Since differences in local floras have given rise to many trends in phytosociology, these have been reflected in heterogeneity of syntaxonomical nomenclature. The vegetation research in studied area has been affected by these trends as well. First scientific papers focusing on flora and vegetation of this locality revealed spectacular diversity already in 20's of 20th century. Later in the end of sixties the most entire book about vegetation, ecology, soil and snow conditions was compiled by Hadač et al. (1969). This monograph has become one of the most important source of vegetation data, as well as conception of many vegetation units not only in the Tatras, but in the whole Carpathians. As time runs, and methodologies have been improved, the vegetation from many mountain ranges have been compared, the syntaxonomical concepts and content of individual syntaxa have been changed or even emended. The aim of this paper is to clarify syntaxa's content from the past (by means of Hadač et al., 1969) and the present. The 41 non-forest associations after revision have been reduced to number 30, and 5 recorded classes has been expanded to number 10. Ten original associations have not been changed, the rest of the association (or even their names) were corrected, reclassified, put into the synonyms or had vaguely syntaxonomical position.

Keywords: alpine vegetation, phytosociology, plant communities, nomenclature, syntaxonomy, Western Carpathians.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 214–224
Jubileá: pdf
s. 225: Schwarzová, T.: Jubileum RNDr. Viery Michalkovej

s. 226: Mártonfiová, L. & Mártonfi, P.: Životné jubileum Ing. Vlastimila Mikoláša.

s. 230: Oťaheľová, H. & Hindák, F.: Zaslúžilý člen SBS RNDr. Jan Květ, CSc. jubiluje
Nekrológy a spomienky: pdf
s. 232: Erdelský, K.: Opustila nás RNDr. Svatava Klenovská, CSc.

s. 233: Mistrík, I.: Ing. Jozef Kolek, DrSc.

s. 236: Erdelská, O.: Spomienky k nedožitej 90-tke RNDr. Andreja Luxa, CSc.

s. 241: Schwarzová, T., Mercel, F., Baranec, T., Kothajová, H. & Šípošová, H.: Doc. RNDr. Jozef Májovský (10. 6. 1920–16. 4. 2012)

s. 247: Kliment, J.: Za RNDr. Jánom Medovičom, CSc. (12. 10. 1932–12. 1. 2013)

s. 253: Goliašová, K.: Spomienka na Prof. dr. hab. Halinu Piękoś-Mirkowu
Recenzie: pdf
s. 140: Uherčíková, E.: Seitz, B., Ristow, M., Prasse, R., Machatzi, B., Klemm, G., Böcker, R. & Sukopp, H. Der Berliner Florenatlas. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg, Beiheft 7, 2012, 533 strán. Cena 27,00 €. ISBN 978-3-942062-08-4.

s. 160: Guttová, A.: Wilk, K. Calcicolous species of the genus Caloplaca in the Polish Western Carpathians. Polish Botanical Studies 29: 1–91. 2012. ISBN 978-83-62975-13-6.

s. 255: Feráková, V. & Zaliberová, M.: Jehlík, V. Die Vegetation und Flora der Flusshäfen Mitteleuropas. Praha : Academia 2013. 542 s. ISBN 978-80-200-2099, 595 Kč.

Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 258–259