Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti

Bulletin SBS, ročník 46, č. 2/2024


Účastníci 12. zjazdu SBS na Donovaloch

12. zjazd Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti pri SAV

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12th Congress of the Slovak Botanical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences

s. 121–126


The 12th Congress of the Slovak Botanical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SBS) was held from September 2 to 5, 2024, at the Zornička Guesthouse in Donovaly. Organized by the Central Slovak Branch of SBS in collaboration with the SBS Main Committee, the event was co-hosted by the Plant Biology and Biodiversity Center of SAS, the Faculty of Forestry at the Technical University in Zvolen, the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Matej Bel University, and the Low Tatras National Park Administration. The congress, attended by 66 participants, focused on current botanical research in Slovakia and its future prospects. Key activities included plenary lectures, thematic presentations, poster discussions, and a botanical excursion. The congress emphasized the importance of botanical research in environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and addressing invasive species and climate change challenges.

Key words: Slovak Botanical Society, 12th Congress, Botanical Research, Biodiversity, Conservation

Mišúthová, A., Lukačová, Z. & Vaculík, M.

Vplyv arzénu a kremíka na vybrané enzýmy a metabolity fenylpropanoidnej dráhy v kukurici siatej (Zea mays)

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Effect of arsenic and silicon on selected enzymes and metabolites of phenylpropanoid pathway in maize (Zea mays)

s. 127–138

Abstract: Approximately 475 million years ago, one of the most fundamental evolutionary steps in the plant kingdom was the creation of the phenylpropanoid pathway and the formation of lignified cell walls. These brought them various benefits when they moved from the aquatic environment to the land where they withstand various unfavourable conditions. One of the biggest problems in the world today is environmental pollution caused by toxic elements that organisms encounter daily. The aim of our work was to monitor the processes associated with the lignification of the maize plants under stress induced by toxic metalloid arsenic (As) and to observe whether silicon (Si) helps the plant defend itself at the molecular and biochemical levels. On the basis of the results of monitored parameters, we found that As significantly enhances the activity of two important enzymes, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and guaiacol peroxidase (G-POX), primarily in the second leaf, where we also observed a significant increase in activity after the addition of Si to the media. The activity of the enzymes monitored in the roots varied depending on the category of roots, and the effect of Si was not observed. Subsequent monitoring of PAL gene expression showed that As significantly increases PAL expression in the second leaf, which is further enhanced by the addition of Si. In almost all of the root parts and categories monitored, gene expression was significantly down-regulated in all treatments. Finally, monitoring the concentration of anthocyanins in the second leaf revealed an increased concentration in the As treatments. We conclude that the above-ground part of the plant responded more intensively to As toxicity by increasing the activity of important enzymes, the expression of relevant genes, and important non-enzymatic antioxidant molecules, where the addition of Si amplified this defense response.

Key words: anthocyanins, arsenic, lignin, maize, PAL (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase), silicon.

Ďurišová, Ľ., Kšiňan, S., Eliáš, P. ml., Kolenčík, M., Tomovičová, L. & Kotlárová, N.

Vplyv vybraných typov nanočastíc titánu na vitalitu peľu slivky čerešňoplodej (Prunus cerasifera)

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Effect of selected types of titanium nanoparticles on cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) pollen viability

s. 139–145

Abstract: The cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) is an allochthonous species in Slovakia, characterized by abundant flowering and very good fruit set. It primarily grows along roads and in agricultural biocorridors, where it often replaces autochthonous species of the genus Prunus. It is also used as a rootstock and pollen donor for some species of the genus Prunus. Due to its consistent and abundant pollen production and its presence in biocorridors near cultivated crops, the cherry plum serves as a useful model for assessing the impact of agrochemicals on the natural vegetation of agricultural landscapes. In this study, we tested the impact of foliar application of titanium nanoparticles in the range 1–100 mg.L-1 on pollen germination of selected individuals. Our results showed that titanium nanoparticles have an inhibitory effect on pollen germination in this species. The lowest pollen germination rate, 22.99%, was observed at the highest concentration of titanium nanoparticles, while the control sample exhibited nearly double the germination rate at 43.40%.

Key words: cherry plum, pollen germination, titanium nanoparticles.

Bednár, F., Bučinová, K., Chrastinová, M., Gruska, J. & Guttová, A.

Príspevok k poznaniu lišajníkov Bystrej doliny a okolia (Nízke Tatry, Slovensko)

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Contribution to the knowledge on lichens of the valley Bystrá dolina and the adjacent area (Nízke Tatry Mts, Slovakia)

s. 147–161

Abstract: The primeval forest stands in the Bystrá dolina valley, located on the south-facing slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mountains, are valuable biotopes. In 20th century, valuable data on the occurrence of lichen species rare in Slovakia were collected here by Antonín Vězda, Ivan Pišút, Jiří Liška and others. The most notable finding is that of Lobaria amplissima, a suboceanic macrolichen requiring high air humidity. In this contribution, we present findings from two excursions conducted to verify the presence of rare epiphytic lichens, with a focus on species such as Lobaria amplissima, L. pulmonaria, Leptogium saturninum, Menegazzia terebrata, Parmeliella triptophylla, Ramonia luteola, Thelopsis flaveola and Thelotrema lepadinum. We present a list of 138 species reported from the studied area during the past and recent research. During our excursions, we recorded 65 of them. Absconditonia sublignicola is reported from Slovakia for the first time based on morphological characters. Of these, 9 are legally protected, 24 are critically endangered (CR), 8 are endangered (EN), 10 are vulnerable (VU), and 7 species fall into the category of LR:nt. We have not confirmed the occurrence of Lobaria amplissima. Of the rare epiphytic macrolichens – epiphytes we recorded five occurrences of Lobaria pulmonaria and one occurrence of Leptogium saturninum. Gyalecta herculina thrives well on bases and exposed roots of beech trees. The list of records includes also several epiphytes commonly present throughout the country. This study is the result of collaboration among researchers, nature conservation professionals, and citizen scientists.

Key words: citizen science, diversity, iNaturalist, the Western Carpathians.

Hrivnák, R., Slezák, M. & Širka, P.

Symphytum cordatum je zriedkavou súčasťou bylinného poschodia lužných lesov Oravy (severné Slovensko)

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Symphytum cordatum rarely grows in herb-layer of riparian forests in the Orava region (north Slovakia)

s. 163–168

Abstract: Symphytum cordatum is a Carpathian subendemic vascular plant species with numerous occurrences reported mainly from the north-eastern Slovakia. Its presence in the northern Slovakia is relatively rare, consisting primarily of historical records. In recent years, we discovered two new localities in the riparian forests of the Orava region—along the Polhoranka and Vonžovec streams near the villages of Oravská Polhora and Rabča, respectively. This study provides a short summary of the species distribution in the Orava region and describes the species composition pattern of riparian forests using two phytosociological relevés with the species presence.

Key words: Babia hora Mts, Carpathian subendemic species, phytosociology, vascular plant.

Hrivnák, R., Širka, P. & Hrivnák, M.

Cievnaté rastliny, machorasty a rastlinné spoločenstvá Prírodnej rezervácie Gajdošovo (Štiavnické vrchy)

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Vascular plants, bryophytes and plant communities of the Nature Reserve Gajdošovo (Štiavnické vrchy Mts)

s. 169–192

Abstract: This study focuses on the bryophytes and vascular plants, as well as plant communities of the Gajdošovo Nature Reserve located in the Štiavnické vrchy Mts. In total, 94 taxa of bryophytes (86 mosses and 8 liverworts; ~7.4% classified as threatened) were recorded. Totally, 372 taxa of vascular plants were mentioned in all available unpublished sources (~9 % threatened and ~3 % alien plant taxa), while 301 taxa in our study from 2022–2023. Majority of threatened species were associated with springs, fens and wet grasslands. In addition, plant communities from the classes Bidentetea tripartitae, Crataego-Prunetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae, and transitional syntaxa between Carpinion betuli and Melico-Tilion platyphylli alliances (both Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae) as well as Arrhenatherion elatioris (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) and Violion caninae (Nardetea strictae) alliances were identified and documented through 18 relevés. The results provide comprehensive information about the plant diversity of the area, which can be used for its protection and management. The study also highlights the lack of thorough surveys conducted so far and emphasizes the need for a more detailed inventory to confirm the presence of some species.

Key words: checklists, grasslands, Slovakia, wetland vegetation.

Valachovič, M.

Očakávané spoločenstvo zväzu Armerion elongatae

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Expected association of Armerion elongatae alliance

s. 193–196

Abstract: The Armerion elongatae alliance was recognized recently also in Slovakia. One of the associations known from the Czech Republic should also potentially occur in Slovakia in the sandy areas of Záhorie. The article provides three relevés that suggest this assumption, but new findings are needed for a definitive result.

Key words: psammophyte vegetation, sandy steppes, vegetation dynamics.

Eliáš, P., ml. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie floristické nálezy
s. 197–212
Šibík, J. (ed.) pdf
Zaujímavejšie flofytocenologické zápisy
s. 213–215
Jubileá pdf
Ujházy, K.: Doc. Ing. Eva Križová, PhD. sa dožila 80 rokov
s. 216
Ďurišová, Ľ. & Eliáš, P., ml. pdf
RNDr. František Mercel, CSc. osemdesiatročný
s. 218
Bernátová, D. pdf
RNDr. Ján Kliment, CSc. – pozdrav k významnému životnému jubileu
s. 222
Mereďa, P., ml. pdf
RNDr. Iva Hodálová, CSc. oslávila 60. narodeniny
s. 223
Nekrológy a spomienky pdf
Halada, Ľ.: Zomrel prof. RNDr. Milan Ružička, DrSc.
s. 238
Halada, Ľ. pdf
K nedožitému stému výročiu narodenia doc. Antona Jurka, DrSc.
s. 242
Recenzie pdf
Valachovič, M.: Pavel Rotter, Luboš Purchart (eds): Ekologie lesa. Jak se les mění a funguje.
s. 1746
Pokyny pre autorov pdf
s. 245–246